
Classes for creating and storing training data from triples.

class pykeen.triples.Instances(mapped_triples, entity_to_id, relation_to_id)[source]

Triples and mappings to their indices.

property num_entities

The number of entities.

Return type


property num_instances

The number of instances.

Return type


class pykeen.triples.LCWAInstances(mapped_triples, entity_to_id, relation_to_id, labels)[source]

Triples and mappings to their indices for LCWA.

class pykeen.triples.MultimodalInstances(mapped_triples, entity_to_id, relation_to_id, numeric_literals, literals_to_id)[source]

Triples and mappings to their indices as well as multimodal data.

class pykeen.triples.MultimodalLCWAInstances(mapped_triples, entity_to_id, relation_to_id, numeric_literals, literals_to_id, labels)[source]

Triples and mappings to their indices as well as multimodal data for LCWA.

class pykeen.triples.MultimodalSLCWAInstances(mapped_triples, entity_to_id, relation_to_id, numeric_literals, literals_to_id)[source]

Triples and mappings to their indices as well as multimodal data for sLCWA.

class pykeen.triples.SLCWAInstances(mapped_triples, entity_to_id, relation_to_id)[source]

Triples and mappings to their indices for sLCWA.

class pykeen.triples.TriplesFactory(*, path=None, triples=None, create_inverse_triples=False, entity_to_id=None, relation_to_id=None, compact_id=True)[source]

Create instances given the path to triples.

Initialize the triples factory.

  • path (Union[None, str, TextIO]) – The path to a 3-column TSV file with triples in it. If not specified, you should specify triples.

  • triples (Optional[ndarray]) – A 3-column numpy array with triples in it. If not specified, you should specify path

  • create_inverse_triples (bool) – Should inverse triples be created? Defaults to False.

  • compact_id (bool) – Whether to compact the IDs such that they range from 0 to (num_entities or num_relations)-1


Create LCWA instances for this factory’s triples.

Return type



Create sLCWA instances for this factory’s triples.

Return type


entity_to_id: Mapping[str, int]

The mapping from entities’ labels to their indexes

get_idx_for_relations(relations, invert=False)[source]

Get an np.array index for triples with the given relations.


Get the inverse relation identifier for the given relation.

Return type



Get the n most frequent relations.


n (Union[int, float]) – Either the (integer) number of top relations to keep or the (float) percentage of top relationships to keep

Return type


get_triples_for_relations(relations, invert=False)[source]

Get the labeled triples containing the given relations.

Return type



Load triples and map to ids based on the existing id mappings of the triples factory.

Works from either the path to a file containing triples given as string or a numpy array containing triples.

Return type


mapped_triples: torch.LongTensor

A three-column matrix where each row are the head identifier, relation identifier, then tail identifier


Make a new triples factory only keeping the given relations.

Return type



Make a new triples factory without the given relations.

Return type


property num_entities

The number of unique entities.

Return type


property num_relations

The number of unique relations.

Return type


property num_triples

The number of triples.

Return type


relation_to_id: Mapping[str, int]

The mapping from relations’ labels to their indexes

relation_to_inverse: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]

A dictionary mapping each relation to its inverse, if inverse triples were created

split(ratios=0.8, *, random_state=None)[source]

Split a triples factory into a train/test.

  • ratios (Union[float, Sequence[float]]) – There are three options for this argument. First, a float can be given between 0 and 1.0, non-inclusive. The first triples factory will get this ratio and the second will get the rest. Second, a list of ratios can be given for which factory in which order should get what ratios as in [0.8, 0.1]. The final ratio can be omitted because that can be calculated. Third, all ratios can be explicitly set in order such as in [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] where the sum of all ratios is 1.0.

  • random_state (Union[None, int, RandomState]) – The random state used to shuffle and split the triples in this factory.

ratio = 0.8  # makes a [0.8, 0.2] split
training_factory, testing_factory = factory.split(ratio)

ratios = [0.8, 0.1]  # makes a [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] split
training_factory, testing_factory, validation_factory = factory.split(ratios)

ratios = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]  # also makes a [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] split
training_factory, testing_factory, validation_factory = factory.split(ratios)
Return type


triples: numpy.ndarray

A three-column matrix where each row are the head label, relation label, then tail label

class pykeen.triples.TriplesNumericLiteralsFactory(*, path=None, triples=None, path_to_numeric_triples=None, numeric_triples=None)[source]

Create multi-modal instances given the path to triples.

Initialize the multi-modal triples factory.

  • path (Union[None, str, TextIO]) – The path to a 3-column TSV file with triples in it. If not specified, you should specify triples.

  • triples (Optional[ndarray]) – A 3-column numpy array with triples in it. If not specified, you should specify path

  • path_to_numeric_triples (Union[None, str, TextIO]) – The path to a 3-column TSV file with triples and numeric. If not specified, you should specify numeric_triples.

  • numeric_triples (Optional[ndarray]) – A 3-column numpy array with numeric triples in it. If not specified, you should specify path_to_numeric_triples.


Create multi-modal LCWA instances for this factory’s triples.

Return type



Create multi-modal sLCWA instances for this factory’s triples.

Return type


Instance creation utilities.

pykeen.triples.utils.load_triples(path, delimiter='\\t')[source]

Load triples saved as tab separated values.

Besides TSV handling, PyKEEN does not come with any importers pre-installed. A few can be found at:

Return type
