Source code for pykeen.sampling.basic_negative_sampler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Negative sampling algorithm based on the work of of Bordes *et al.*."""

from typing import Collection, Optional, Tuple

import torch

from .negative_sampler import NegativeSampler
from ..triples import TriplesFactory

__all__ = [

LOOKUP = {'h': 0, 'r': 1, 't': 2}

[docs]class BasicNegativeSampler(NegativeSampler): r"""A basic negative sampler. This negative sampler that corrupts positive triples $(h,r,t) \in \mathcal{K}$ by replacing either $h$, $r$ or $t$ based on the chosen corruption scheme. The corruption scheme can contain $h$, $r$ and $t$ or any subset of these. Steps: 1. Randomly (uniformly) determine whether $h$, $r$ or $t$ shall be corrupted for a positive triple $(h,r,t) \in \mathcal{K}$. 2. Randomly (uniformly) sample an entity $e \in \mathcal{E}$ or relation $r' \in \mathcal{R}$ for selection to corrupt the triple. - If $h$ was selected before, the corrupted triple is $(e,r,t)$ - If $r$ was selected before, the corrupted triple is $(h,r',t)$ - If $t$ was selected before, the corrupted triple is $(h,r,e)$ 3. If ``filtered`` is set to ``True``, all proposed corrupted triples that also exist as actual positive triples $(h,r,t) \in \mathcal{K}$ will be removed. """ #: The default strategy for optimizing the negative sampler's hyper-parameters hpo_default = dict( num_negs_per_pos=dict(type=int, low=1, high=100, q=10), ) def __init__( self, triples_factory: TriplesFactory, num_negs_per_pos: Optional[int] = None, filtered: bool = False, corruption_scheme: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the negative sampler with the given entities. :param triples_factory: The factory holding the triples to sample from :param num_negs_per_pos: Number of negative samples to make per positive triple. Defaults to 1. :param filtered: Whether proposed corrupted triples that are in the training data should be filtered. Defaults to False. See explanation in :func:`filter_negative_triples` for why this is a reasonable default. :param corruption_scheme: What sides ('h', 'r', 't') should be corrupted. Defaults to head and tail ('h', 't'). """ super().__init__( triples_factory=triples_factory, num_negs_per_pos=num_negs_per_pos, filtered=filtered, ) self.corruption_scheme = corruption_scheme or ('h', 't') # Set the indices self._corruption_indices = [LOOKUP[side] for side in self.corruption_scheme]
[docs] def sample(self, positive_batch: torch.LongTensor) -> Tuple[torch.LongTensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: """Generate negative samples from the positive batch.""" if self.num_negs_per_pos > 1: positive_batch = positive_batch.repeat(self.num_negs_per_pos, 1) # Bind number of negatives to sample num_negs = positive_batch.shape[0] # Equally corrupt all sides split_idx = num_negs // len(self._corruption_indices) # Copy positive batch for corruption. # Do not detach, as no gradients should flow into the indices. negative_batch = positive_batch.clone() for index, start in zip(self._corruption_indices, range(0, num_negs, split_idx)): stop = min(start + split_idx, num_negs) # Relations have a different index maximum than entities index_max = self.num_relations - 1 if index == 1 else self.num_entities - 1 negative_batch[start:stop, index] = torch.randint( high=index_max, size=(stop - start,), device=positive_batch.device, ) # To make sure we don't replace the {head, relation, tail} by the # original value we shift all values greater or equal than the original value by one up # for that reason we choose the random value from [0, num_{heads, relations, tails} -1] if not self.filtered: negative_batch[start:stop, index] += ( negative_batch[start:stop, index] >= positive_batch[start:stop, index] ).long() # If filtering is activated, all negative triples that are positive in the training dataset will be removed if self.filtered: negative_batch, batch_filter = self.filter_negative_triples(negative_batch=negative_batch) else: batch_filter = None return negative_batch, batch_filter