Source code for pykeen.nn.node_piece.anchor_search

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Anchor search for NodePiece."""

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable

import numpy
import scipy.sparse
import torch
from class_resolver import ClassResolver

from .utils import edge_index_to_sparse_matrix
from ...utils import format_relative_comparison

__all__ = [
    # Resolver
    # Base classes
    # Concrete classes

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AnchorSearcher(ABC): """A method for finding the closest anchors."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, edge_index: numpy.ndarray, anchors: numpy.ndarray, k: int) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Find the $k$ closest anchor nodes for each entity. :param edge_index: shape: (2, m) the edge index :param anchors: shape: (a,) the selected anchor entity Ids :param k: the number of closest anchors to return :return: shape: (n, k), -1 <= res < a the Ids of the closest anchors """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Extra components for __repr__.""" return []
def __repr__(self) -> str: # noqa: D105 return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(self.extra_repr())})"
[docs]class CSGraphAnchorSearcher(AnchorSearcher): """Find closest anchors using :class:`scipy.sparse.csgraph`."""
[docs] def __call__(self, edge_index: numpy.ndarray, anchors: numpy.ndarray, k: int) -> numpy.ndarray: # noqa: D102 # convert to adjacency matrix adjacency = edge_index_to_sparse_matrix(edge_index=edge_index).tocsr() # compute distances between anchors and all nodes, shape: (num_anchors, num_entities) distances = scipy.sparse.csgraph.shortest_path( csgraph=adjacency, directed=False, return_predecessors=False, unweighted=True, indices=anchors, ) # select anchor IDs with smallest distance return torch.as_tensor( numpy.argpartition(distances, kth=min(k, distances.shape[0]), axis=0)[:k, :].T, dtype=torch.long, )
[docs]class ScipySparseAnchorSearcher(AnchorSearcher): """Find closest anchors using :mod:`scipy.sparse`.""" def __init__(self, max_iter: int = 5) -> None: """ Initialize the searcher. :param max_iter: the maximum number of hops to consider """ self.max_iter = max_iter
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> Iterable[str]: # noqa: D102 yield from super().extra_repr() yield f"max_iter={self.max_iter}"
[docs] @staticmethod def create_adjacency( edge_index: numpy.ndarray, ) -> scipy.sparse.spmatrix: """ Create a sparse adjacency matrix from a given edge index. :param edge_index: shape: (2, m) the edge index :return: shape: (n, n) a square sparse adjacency matrix """ # infer shape num_entities = edge_index.max().item() + 1 # create adjacency matrix adjacency = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( ( numpy.ones_like(edge_index[0], dtype=bool), tuple(edge_index), ), shape=(num_entities, num_entities), dtype=bool, ) # symmetric + self-loops adjacency = adjacency + adjacency.transpose() + scipy.sparse.eye(num_entities, dtype=bool, format="coo") adjacency = adjacency.tocsr() logger.debug( f"Created sparse adjacency matrix of shape {adjacency.shape} where " f"{format_relative_comparison(part=adjacency.nnz,} " f"are non-zero entries.", ) return adjacency
[docs] @staticmethod def bfs( anchors: numpy.ndarray, adjacency: scipy.sparse.spmatrix, max_iter: int, k: int, ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Determine the candidate pool using breadth-first search. :param anchors: shape: (a,) the anchor node IDs :param adjacency: shape: (n, n) the adjacency matrix :param max_iter: the maximum number of hops to consider :param k: the minimum number of anchor nodes to reach :return: shape: (n, a) a boolean array indicating whether anchor $j$ is in the set of $k$ closest anchors for node $i$ """ num_entities = adjacency.shape[0] # for each entity, determine anchor pool by BFS num_anchors = len(anchors) # an array storing whether node i is reachable by anchor j reachable = numpy.zeros(shape=(num_entities, num_anchors), dtype=bool) reachable[anchors] = numpy.eye(num_anchors, dtype=bool) # an array indicating whether a node is closed, i.e., has found at least $k$ anchors final = numpy.zeros(shape=(num_entities,), dtype=bool) # the output pool = numpy.zeros(shape=(num_entities, num_anchors), dtype=bool) # TODO: take all (q-1) hop neighbors before selecting from q-hop old_reachable = reachable for i in range(max_iter): # propagate one hop reachable = # convergence check if (reachable == old_reachable).all(): logger.warning(f"Search converged after iteration {i} without all nodes being reachable.") break old_reachable = reachable # copy pool if we have seen enough anchors and have not yet stopped num_reachable = reachable.sum(axis=1) enough = num_reachable >= k mask = enough & ~final logger.debug( f"Iteration {i}: {format_relative_comparison(enough.sum(), total=num_entities)} closed nodes.", ) pool[mask] = reachable[mask] # stop once we have enough final |= enough if final.all(): break return pool
[docs] @staticmethod def select( pool: numpy.ndarray, k: int, ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Select $k$ anchors from the given pools. :param pool: shape: (n, a) the anchor candidates for each node (a binary array) :param k: the number of candidates to select :return: shape: (n, k) the selected anchors. May contain -1 if there is an insufficient number of candidates """ tokens = numpy.full(shape=(pool.shape[0], k), fill_value=-1, dtype=int) generator = numpy.random.default_rng() # TODO: can we replace this loop with something vectorized? for i, row in enumerate(pool): (this_pool,) = row.nonzero() chosen = generator.choice(a=this_pool, size=min(k, this_pool.size), replace=False, shuffle=False) tokens[i, : len(chosen)] = chosen return tokens
[docs] def __call__(self, edge_index: numpy.ndarray, anchors: numpy.ndarray, k: int) -> numpy.ndarray: # noqa: D102 adjacency = self.create_adjacency(edge_index=edge_index) pool = self.bfs(anchors=anchors, adjacency=adjacency, max_iter=self.max_iter, k=k) return, k=k)
anchor_searcher_resolver: ClassResolver[AnchorSearcher] = ClassResolver.from_subclasses( base=AnchorSearcher, default=CSGraphAnchorSearcher, )