
class ProjE(*, embedding_dim=50, inner_non_linearity=None, entity_initializer=<function xavier_uniform_>, relation_initializer=<function xavier_uniform_>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pykeen.models.base.EntityRelationEmbeddingModel

An implementation of ProjE from [shi2017].

ProjE is a neural network-based approach with a combination and a projection layer. The interaction model first combines \(h\) and \(r\) by following combination operator:

\[\textbf{h} \otimes \textbf{r} = \textbf{D}_e \textbf{h} + \textbf{D}_r \textbf{r} + \textbf{b}_c\]

where \(\textbf{D}_e, \textbf{D}_r \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times k}\) are diagonal matrices which are used as shared parameters among all entities and relations, and \(\textbf{b}_c \in \mathbb{R}^{k}\) represents the candidate bias vector shared across all entities. Next, the score for the triple \((h,r,t) \in \mathbb{K}\) is computed:

\[f(h, r, t) = g(\textbf{t} \ z(\textbf{h} \otimes \textbf{r}) + \textbf{b}_p)\]

where \(g\) and \(z\) are activation functions, and \(\textbf{b}_p\) represents the shared projection bias vector.

See also

Initialize the entity embedding model.

See also

Constructor of the base class pykeen.models.Model

Attributes Summary


The default strategy for optimizing the model's hyper-parameters


The default parameters for the default loss function class

Methods Summary

score_h(rt_batch, **kwargs)

Forward pass using left side (head) prediction.

score_hrt(hrt_batch, **kwargs)

Forward pass.

score_t(hr_batch, **kwargs)

Forward pass using right side (tail) prediction.

Attributes Documentation

hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = {'embedding_dim': {'high': 256, 'low': 16, 'q': 16, 'type': <class 'int'>}}

The default strategy for optimizing the model’s hyper-parameters

loss_default_kwargs: ClassVar[Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]] = {'reduction': 'mean'}

The default parameters for the default loss function class

Methods Documentation

score_h(rt_batch, **kwargs)[source]

Forward pass using left side (head) prediction.

This method calculates the score for all possible heads for each (relation, tail) pair.

  • rt_batch (LongTensor) – shape: (batch_size, 2), dtype: long The indices of (relation, tail) pairs.

  • slice_size – >0 The divisor for the scoring function when using slicing.

  • mode – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.

Return type



shape: (batch_size, num_entities), dtype: float For each r-t pair, the scores for all possible heads.

score_hrt(hrt_batch, **kwargs)[source]

Forward pass.

This method takes head, relation and tail of each triple and calculates the corresponding score.

  • hrt_batch (LongTensor) – shape: (batch_size, 3), dtype: long The indices of (head, relation, tail) triples.

  • mode – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.

Return type



shape: (batch_size, 1), dtype: float The score for each triple.

score_t(hr_batch, **kwargs)[source]

Forward pass using right side (tail) prediction.

This method calculates the score for all possible tails for each (head, relation) pair.

  • hr_batch (LongTensor) – shape: (batch_size, 2), dtype: long The indices of (head, relation) pairs.

  • slice_size – >0 The divisor for the scoring function when using slicing.

  • mode – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.

Return type



shape: (batch_size, num_entities), dtype: float For each h-r pair, the scores for all possible tails.