Source code for pykeen.pipeline.plot_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Plotting utilities for the pipeline results."""

import logging
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Set

from ..losses import loss_resolver
from ..nn.representation import Embedding
from ..stoppers import EarlyStopper

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def plot_losses(pipeline_result, *, ax=None): """Plot the losses per epoch.""" import seaborn as sns sns.set_style("darkgrid") ax = _ensure_ax(ax) rv = sns.lineplot(x=range(len(pipeline_result.losses)), y=pipeline_result.losses, ax=ax) loss_name = loss_resolver.normalize_inst(pipeline_result.model.loss) ax.set_ylabel(f"{loss_name} Loss") ax.set_xlabel("Epoch") ax.set_title(pipeline_result.title if pipeline_result.title is not None else "Losses Plot") return rv
[docs]def plot_early_stopping(pipeline_result, *, ax=None, lineplot_kwargs=None): """Plot the evaluations during early stopping.""" import seaborn as sns if not isinstance(pipeline_result.stopper, EarlyStopper) or not pipeline_result.stopper.results: raise ValueError ax = _ensure_ax(ax) x = [(1 + e) * pipeline_result.stopper.frequency for e in range(len(pipeline_result.stopper.results))] rv = sns.lineplot(x=x, y=pipeline_result.stopper.results, ax=ax, marker="o", **(lineplot_kwargs or {})) ax.set_ylabel(pipeline_result.stopper.metric) ax.set_xlabel("Epoch") ax.set_title(pipeline_result.title if pipeline_result.title is not None else "Early Stopper Evaluation Plot") return rv
def _default_entity_embedding_getter(m) -> Embedding: x = m.entity_embeddings assert isinstance(x, Embedding) return x def _default_relation_embedding_getter(m) -> Embedding: x = m.relation_embeddings assert isinstance(x, Embedding) return x
[docs]def plot_er( # noqa: C901 pipeline_result, *, model: Optional[str] = None, entities: Optional[Set[str]] = None, relations: Optional[Set[str]] = None, apply_limits: bool = True, margin: float = 0.4, plot_entities: bool = True, plot_relations: Optional[bool] = None, annotation_x_offset: float = 0.02, annotation_y_offset: float = 0.03, entity_embedding_getter=None, relation_embedding_getter=None, ax=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot the reduced entities and relation vectors in 2D. :param pipeline_result: The result returned by :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline`. :param model: The dimensionality reduction model from :mod:`sklearn`. Defaults to PCA. Can also use KPCA, GRP, SRP, TSNE, LLE, ISOMAP, MDS, or SE. :param entities: A subset of entities to plot :param relations: A subset of relations to plot :param apply_limits: Should the x and y limits be applied? :param margin: The margin size around the minimum/maximum x and y values :param plot_entities: If true, plot the entities based on their reduced embeddings :param plot_relations: By default, this is only enabled on translational distance models like :class:`pykeen.models.TransE`. :param annotation_x_offset: X offset of label from entity position :param annotation_y_offset: Y offset of label from entity position :param entity_embedding_getter: A function that takes a model and returns its entity embeddings. If none, defaults to :func:`_default_entity_embedding_getter`, which just gets ``model.entity_embeddings``. Note, the default only works with old-style PyKEEN models. :param relation_embedding_getter: A function that takes a model and returns its relation embeddings. If none, defaults to :func:`_default_relation_embedding_getter`, which just gets ``model.relation_embeddings``. Note, the default only works with old-style PyKEEN models. :param ax: The matplotlib axis, if pre-defined :param kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to `__init__()` of the reducer class (e.g., PCA, TSNE) :returns: The axis :raises ValueError: if entity plotting and relation plotting are both turned off .. warning:: Plotting relations and entities on the same plot is only meaningful for translational distance models like TransE. """ import seaborn as sns if not plot_entities and not plot_relations: raise ValueError if plot_relations is None: # automatically set to true for translational models, false otherwise plot_relations = pipeline_result.model.__class__.__name__.lower().startswith("trans") if model is None: model = "PCA" reducer_cls, reducer_kwargs = _get_reducer_cls(model, **kwargs) if plot_relations and reducer_cls.__name__ not in REDUCER_RELATION_WHITELIST: raise ValueError(f"Can not use reducer {reducer_cls} when projecting relations. Will result in nonsense") reducer = reducer_cls(n_components=2, **reducer_kwargs) ax = _ensure_ax(ax) sns.set_style("whitegrid") if entity_embedding_getter is None: entity_embedding_getter = _default_entity_embedding_getter if relation_embedding_getter is None: relation_embedding_getter = _default_relation_embedding_getter if plot_relations and plot_entities: e_embeddings, e_reduced = _reduce_embeddings(entity_embedding_getter(pipeline_result.model), reducer, fit=True) r_embeddings, r_reduced = _reduce_embeddings( relation_embedding_getter(pipeline_result.model), reducer, fit=False, ) xmax = max(r_embeddings[:, 0].max(), e_embeddings[:, 0].max()) + margin xmin = min(r_embeddings[:, 0].min(), e_embeddings[:, 0].min()) - margin ymax = max(r_embeddings[:, 1].max(), e_embeddings[:, 1].max()) + margin ymin = min(r_embeddings[:, 1].min(), e_embeddings[:, 1].min()) - margin elif plot_relations: e_embeddings, e_reduced = None, False r_embeddings, r_reduced = _reduce_embeddings( relation_embedding_getter(pipeline_result.model), reducer, fit=True, ) xmax = r_embeddings[:, 0].max() + margin xmin = r_embeddings[:, 0].min() - margin ymax = r_embeddings[:, 1].max() + margin ymin = r_embeddings[:, 1].min() - margin elif plot_entities: e_embeddings, e_reduced = _reduce_embeddings(entity_embedding_getter(pipeline_result.model), reducer, fit=True) r_embeddings, r_reduced = None, False xmax = e_embeddings[:, 0].max() + margin xmin = e_embeddings[:, 0].min() - margin ymax = e_embeddings[:, 1].max() + margin ymin = e_embeddings[:, 1].min() - margin else: raise ValueError # not even possible if not e_reduced and not r_reduced: subtitle = "" elif reducer_kwargs: subtitle = ", ".join("=".join(item) for item in reducer_kwargs.items()) subtitle = f" using {reducer_cls.__name__} ({subtitle})" else: subtitle = f" using {reducer_cls.__name__}" if plot_entities: entity_id_to_label = for entity_id, entity_reduced_embedding in enumerate(e_embeddings): entity_label = entity_id_to_label[entity_id] if entities and entity_label not in entities: continue x, y = entity_reduced_embedding ax.scatter(x, y, color="black") ax.annotate(entity_label, (x + annotation_x_offset, y + annotation_y_offset)) if plot_relations: relation_id_to_label = for relation_id, relation_reduced_embedding in enumerate(r_embeddings): relation_label = relation_id_to_label[relation_id] if relations and relation_label not in relations: continue x, y = relation_reduced_embedding ax.arrow(0, 0, x, y, color="black") ax.annotate(relation_label, (x + annotation_x_offset, y + annotation_y_offset)) if plot_entities and plot_relations: ax.set_title(f"Entity/Relation Plot{subtitle}") elif plot_entities: ax.set_title(f"Entity Plot{subtitle}") elif plot_relations: ax.set_title(f"Relation Plot{subtitle}") if apply_limits: ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) return ax
def _ensure_ax(ax): if ax is not None: return ax import matplotlib.pyplot as plt return plt.gca() def _reduce_embeddings(embedding: Embedding, reducer, fit: bool = False): embeddings_numpy = embedding(indices=None).detach().cpu().numpy() if embeddings_numpy.shape[1] == 2: logger.debug("not reducing entity embeddings, already dim=2") return embeddings_numpy, False elif fit: return reducer.fit_transform(embeddings_numpy), True else: return reducer.transform(embeddings_numpy), True def _get_reducer_cls(model: str, **kwargs): """Get the model class by name and default kwargs. :param model: The name of the model. Can choose from: PCA, KPCA, GRP, SRP, TSNE, LLE, ISOMAP, MDS, or SE. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments that will get passed through and modified based on the chosen model. :return: A pair of a reducer class from :mod:`sklearn` and the modified kwargs. :raises ValueError: if invalid model name is passed """ if model.upper() == "PCA": from sklearn.decomposition import PCA as Reducer # noqa:N811 elif model.upper() == "KPCA": kwargs.setdefault("kernel", "rbf") from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA as Reducer elif model.upper() == "GRP": from sklearn.random_projection import GaussianRandomProjection as Reducer elif model.upper() == "SRP": from sklearn.random_projection import SparseRandomProjection as Reducer elif model.upper() in {"T-SNE", "TSNE"}: from sklearn.manifold import TSNE as Reducer # noqa:N811 elif model.upper() in {"LLE", "LOCALLYLINEAREMBEDDING"}: from sklearn.manifold import LocallyLinearEmbedding as Reducer elif model.upper() == "ISOMAP": from sklearn.manifold import Isomap as Reducer elif model.upper() in {"MDS", "MULTIDIMENSIONALSCALING"}: from sklearn.manifold import MDS as Reducer # noqa:N811 elif model.upper() in {"SE", "SPECTRAL", "SPECTRALEMBEDDING"}: from sklearn.manifold import SpectralEmbedding as Reducer else: raise ValueError(f"invalid dimensionality reduction model: {model}") return Reducer, kwargs
[docs]def plot(pipeline_result, er_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, figsize=(10, 4)): """Plot all plots.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize) pipeline_result.plot_losses(ax=axes[0]) pipeline_result.plot_er(ax=axes[1], **(er_kwargs or {})) plt.tight_layout() return fig, axes