Source code for pykeen.triples.instances

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Implementation of basic instance factory which creates just instances based on standard KG triples."""

import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import torch
from class_resolver import HintOrType, OptionalKwargs
from torch.utils import data

from .utils import compute_compressed_adjacency_list
from ..sampling import NegativeSampler, negative_sampler_resolver
from ..typing import MappedTriples

__all__ = [

# TODO: the same
SampleType = TypeVar("SampleType")
BatchType = TypeVar("BatchType")
LCWASampleType = Tuple[MappedTriples, torch.FloatTensor]
LCWABatchType = Tuple[MappedTriples, torch.FloatTensor]
SLCWASampleType = Tuple[MappedTriples, MappedTriples, Optional[torch.BoolTensor]]

class SLCWABatch(NamedTuple):
    """A batch for sLCWA training."""

    #: the positive triples, shape: (batch_size, 3)
    positives: torch.LongTensor

    #: the negative triples, shape: (batch_size, num_negatives_per_positive, 3)
    negatives: torch.LongTensor

    #: filtering masks for negative triples, shape: (batch_size, num_negatives_per_positive)
    masks: Optional[torch.BoolTensor]

[docs]class Instances(data.Dataset[BatchType], Generic[SampleType, BatchType], ABC): """Base class for training instances.""" def __len__(self): # noqa:D401 """The number of instances.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_collator(self) -> Optional[Callable[[List[SampleType]], BatchType]]: """Get a collator.""" return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_triples( cls, mapped_triples: MappedTriples, *, num_entities: int, num_relations: int, **kwargs, ) -> "Instances": """Create instances from mapped triples. :param mapped_triples: shape: (num_triples, 3) The ID-based triples. :param num_entities: >0 The number of entities. :param num_relations: >0 The number of relations. :param kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters. :return: The instances. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SLCWAInstances(Instances[SLCWASampleType, SLCWABatch]): """Training instances for the sLCWA.""" def __init__( self, *, mapped_triples: MappedTriples, num_entities: Optional[int] = None, num_relations: Optional[int] = None, negative_sampler: HintOrType[NegativeSampler] = None, negative_sampler_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, ): """Initialize the sLCWA instances. :param mapped_triples: shape: (num_triples, 3) the ID-based triples, passed to the negative sampler :param num_entities: >0 the number of entities, passed to the negative sampler :param num_relations: >0 the number of relations, passed to the negative sampler :param negative_sampler: the negative sampler, or a hint thereof :param negative_sampler_kwargs: additional keyword-based arguments passed to the negative sampler """ self.mapped_triples = mapped_triples self.sampler = negative_sampler_resolver.make( negative_sampler, pos_kwargs=negative_sampler_kwargs, mapped_triples=mapped_triples, num_entities=num_entities, num_relations=num_relations, ) def __len__(self) -> int: # noqa: D105 return self.mapped_triples.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> SLCWASampleType: # noqa: D105 positive = self.mapped_triples[item].unsqueeze(dim=0) # TODO: some negative samplers require batches negative, mask = self.sampler.sample(positive_batch=positive) # shape: (1, 3), (1, k, 3), (1, k, 3)? return positive, negative, mask
[docs] @staticmethod def collate(samples: Iterable[SLCWASampleType]) -> SLCWABatch: """Collate samples.""" # each shape: (1, 3), (1, k, 3), (1, k, 3)? positives, negatives, masks = zip(*samples) positives =, dim=0) negatives =, dim=0) if masks[0] is None: assert all(m is None for m in masks) masks = None else: masks =, dim=0) return SLCWABatch(positives, negatives, masks)
# docstr-coverage: inherited
[docs] def get_collator(self) -> Optional[Callable[[List[SLCWASampleType]], SLCWABatch]]: # noqa: D102 return self.collate
# docstr-coverage: inherited
[docs] @classmethod def from_triples( cls, mapped_triples: MappedTriples, *, num_entities: int, num_relations: int, **kwargs, ) -> Instances: # noqa: D102 return cls(mapped_triples=mapped_triples, num_entities=num_entities, num_relations=num_relations, **kwargs)
class BaseBatchedSLCWAInstances(data.IterableDataset[SLCWABatch]): """ Pre-batched training instances for the sLCWA training loop. .. note :: this class is intended to be used with automatic batching disabled, i.e., both parameters `batch_size` and `batch_sampler` of` are set to `None`. """ def __init__( self, mapped_triples: MappedTriples, batch_size: int = 1, drop_last: bool = True, num_entities: Optional[int] = None, num_relations: Optional[int] = None, negative_sampler: HintOrType[NegativeSampler] = None, negative_sampler_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, ): """ Initialize the dataset. :param mapped_triples: shape: (num_triples, 3) the mapped triples :param batch_size: the batch size :param drop_last: whether to drop the last (incomplete) batch :param num_entities: >0 the number of entities, passed to the negative sampler :param num_relations: >0 the number of relations, passed to the negative sampler :param negative_sampler: the negative sampler, or a hint thereof :param negative_sampler_kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters used to instantiate the negative sampler """ self.mapped_triples = mapped_triples self.batch_size = batch_size self.drop_last = drop_last self.negative_sampler = negative_sampler_resolver.make( negative_sampler, pos_kwargs=negative_sampler_kwargs, mapped_triples=self.mapped_triples, num_entities=num_entities, num_relations=num_relations, ) def __getitem__(self, item: List[int]) -> SLCWABatch: """Get a batch from the given list of positive triple IDs.""" positive_batch = self.mapped_triples[item] negative_batch, masks = self.negative_sampler.sample(positive_batch=positive_batch) return SLCWABatch(positives=positive_batch, negatives=negative_batch, masks=masks) def split_workload(self, n: int) -> range: """Split workload for multi-processing.""" # cf. worker_info = if worker_info is None: # single-process data loading, return the full iterator workload = range(n) else: num_workers = worker_info.num_workers worker_id = # 1-based start = math.ceil(n / num_workers * worker_id) stop = math.ceil(n / num_workers * (worker_id + 1)) workload = range(start, stop) return workload @abstractmethod def iter_triple_ids(self) -> Iterable[List[int]]: """Iterate over batches of IDs of positive triples.""" raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[SLCWABatch]: """Iterate over batches.""" for triple_ids in self.iter_triple_ids(): yield self[triple_ids] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of batches.""" num_batches, remainder = divmod(len(self.mapped_triples), self.batch_size) if remainder and not self.drop_last: num_batches += 1 return num_batches class BatchedSLCWAInstances(BaseBatchedSLCWAInstances): """Random pre-batched training instances for the sLCWA training loop.""" # docstr-coverage: inherited def iter_triple_ids(self) -> Iterable[List[int]]: # noqa: D102 yield from data.BatchSampler( sampler=data.RandomSampler(data_source=self.split_workload(len(self.mapped_triples))), batch_size=self.batch_size, drop_last=self.drop_last, ) class SubGraphSLCWAInstances(BaseBatchedSLCWAInstances): """Pre-batched training instances for SLCWA of coherent subgraphs.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize the instances. :param kwargs: keyword-based parameters passed to :meth:`BaseBatchedSLCWAInstances.__init__` """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # indexing self.degrees, self.offset, self.neighbors = compute_compressed_adjacency_list( mapped_triples=self.mapped_triples ) def subgraph_sample(self) -> List[int]: """Sample one subgraph.""" # initialize node_weights = self.degrees.detach().clone() edge_picked = torch.zeros(self.mapped_triples.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) node_picked = torch.zeros(self.degrees.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) # sample iteratively result = [] for _ in range(self.batch_size): # determine weights weights = node_weights * node_picked if torch.sum(weights) == 0: # randomly choose a vertex which has not been chosen yet pool = (~node_picked).nonzero() chosen_vertex = pool[torch.randint(pool.numel(), size=tuple())] else: # normalize to probabilities probabilities = weights.float() / weights.sum().float() chosen_vertex = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1)[0] # sample a start node node_picked[chosen_vertex] = True # get list of neighbors start = self.offset[chosen_vertex] chosen_node_degree = self.degrees[chosen_vertex].item() stop = start + chosen_node_degree adj_list = self.neighbors[start:stop, :] # sample an outgoing edge at random which has not been chosen yet using rejection sampling chosen_edge_index = torch.randint(chosen_node_degree, size=(1,))[0] chosen_edge = adj_list[chosen_edge_index] edge_number = chosen_edge[0] while edge_picked[edge_number]: chosen_edge_index = torch.randint(chosen_node_degree, size=(1,))[0] chosen_edge = adj_list[chosen_edge_index] edge_number = chosen_edge[0] result.append(edge_number.item()) edge_picked[edge_number] = True # visit target node other_vertex = chosen_edge[1] node_picked[other_vertex] = True # decrease sample counts node_weights[chosen_vertex] -= 1 node_weights[other_vertex] -= 1 return result # docstr-coverage: inherited def iter_triple_ids(self) -> Iterable[List[int]]: # noqa: D102 yield from (self.subgraph_sample() for _ in self.split_workload(n=len(self)))
[docs]class LCWAInstances(Instances[LCWASampleType, LCWABatchType]): """Triples and mappings to their indices for LCWA.""" def __init__(self, *, pairs: np.ndarray, compressed: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): """Initialize the LCWA instances. :param pairs: The unique pairs :param compressed: The compressed triples in CSR format """ self.pairs = pairs self.compressed = compressed
[docs] @classmethod def from_triples( cls, mapped_triples: MappedTriples, *, num_entities: int, num_relations: int, target: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Instances: """ Create LCWA instances from triples. :param mapped_triples: shape: (num_triples, 3) The ID-based triples. :param num_entities: The number of entities. :param num_relations: The number of relations. :param target: The column to predict :return: The instances. """ if target is None: target = 2 mapped_triples = mapped_triples.numpy() other_columns = sorted(set(range(3)).difference({target})) unique_pairs, pair_idx_to_triple_idx = np.unique(mapped_triples[:, other_columns], return_inverse=True, axis=0) num_pairs = unique_pairs.shape[0] tails = mapped_triples[:, target] target_size = num_relations if target == 1 else num_entities compressed = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( (np.ones(mapped_triples.shape[0], dtype=np.float32), (pair_idx_to_triple_idx, tails)), shape=(num_pairs, target_size), ) # convert to csr for fast row slicing compressed = compressed.tocsr() return cls(pairs=unique_pairs, compressed=compressed)
def __len__(self) -> int: # noqa: D105 return self.pairs.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> LCWABatchType: # noqa: D105 return self.pairs[item], np.asarray(self.compressed[item, :].todense())[0, :]