class RGCN(*, triples_factory, embedding_dim=500, num_layers=2, base_entity_initializer=<function xavier_uniform_>, base_entity_initializer_kwargs=None, relation_representations=None, relation_initializer=<function xavier_uniform_>, relation_initializer_kwargs=None, interaction='DistMult', interaction_kwargs=None, use_bias=True, activation=None, activation_kwargs=None, edge_dropout=0.4, self_loop_dropout=0.2, edge_weighting=None, decomposition=None, decomposition_kwargs=None, regularizer=None, regularizer_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pykeen.models.nbase.ERModel[torch.FloatTensor, pykeen.typing.RelationRepresentation, torch.FloatTensor]

An implementation of R-GCN from [schlichtkrull2018].

The Relational Graph Convolutional Network (R-GCN) comprises three parts:

  1. A GCN-based entity encoder that computes enriched representations for entities, cf. pykeen.nn.message_passing.RGCNRepresentations. The representation for entity \(i\) at level \(l \in (1,\dots,L)\) is denoted as \(\textbf{e}_i^l\). The GCN is modified to use different weights depending on the type of the relation.

  2. Relation representations \(\textbf{R}_{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}\) is a diagonal matrix that are learned independently from the GCN-based encoder.

  3. An arbitrary interaction model which computes the plausibility of facts given the enriched representations, cf. pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction.

Scores for each triple \((h,r,t) \in \mathcal{K}\) are calculated by using the representations in the final level of the GCN-based encoder \(\textbf{e}_h^L\) and \(\textbf{e}_t^L\) along with relation representation \(\textbf{R}_{r}\). While the original implementation of R-GCN used the DistMult model and we use it as a default, this implementation allows the specification of an arbitrary interaction model.

\[f(h,r,t) = \textbf{e}_h^L \textbf{R}_{r} \textbf{e}_t^L\]

Initialize the model.

  • triples_factory (CoreTriplesFactory) – the (training) triples factory

  • embedding_dim (int) – the embedding dimension

  • num_layers (int) – >0 the number of layers

  • base_entity_initializer (Union[str, Callable[[FloatTensor], FloatTensor], None]) – the entity base representation initializer

  • base_entity_initializer_kwargs (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – the entity base representation initializer’s keyword-based parameters

  • relation_representations (Union[str, Representation, Type[Representation], None]) – the relation representations, or a hint thereof

  • relation_initializer (Union[str, Callable[[FloatTensor], FloatTensor], None]) – the entity base representation initializer

  • relation_initializer_kwargs (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – the entity base representation initializer’s keyword-based parameters

  • interaction (Union[str, Interaction[FloatTensor, ~RelationRepresentation, FloatTensor], Type[Interaction[FloatTensor, ~RelationRepresentation, FloatTensor]], None]) – the interaction function, or a hint thereof

  • interaction_kwargs (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – additional keyword-based parameters passed to the interaction function

  • use_bias (bool) – whether to use a bias on the message passing layers

  • activation (Union[str, Module, None]) – the activation function, or a hint thereof

  • activation_kwargs (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – additional keyword-based parameters passed to the activation function

  • edge_dropout (float) – the edge dropout, except for self-loops

  • self_loop_dropout (float) – the self-loop dropout

  • edge_weighting (Union[str, EdgeWeighting, None]) – the edge weighting

  • decomposition (Union[str, Decomposition, None]) – the convolution weight decomposition

  • decomposition_kwargs (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – additional keyword-based parameters passed to the weight decomposition

  • regularizer (Union[str, Regularizer, None]) – the regularizer applied to the base representations

  • regularizer_kwargs (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – additional keyword-based parameters passed to the regularizer

  • kwargs – additional keyword-based parameters passed to ERModel.__init__()

Attributes Summary


The default strategy for optimizing the model"s hyper-parameters

Attributes Documentation

hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = {'activation_cls': {'choices': [<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.LeakyReLU'>], 'type': 'categorical'}, 'decomposition': {'choices': ['bases', 'blocks'], 'type': 'categorical'}, 'edge_dropout': {'high': 0.9, 'low': 0.0, 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'edge_weighting': {'choices': ['inverse_in_degree', 'inverse_out_degree', 'symmetric'], 'type': 'categorical'}, 'embedding_dim': {'high': 512, 'low': 32, 'q': 32, 'type': <class 'int'>}, 'interaction': {'choices': ['distmult', 'complex', 'ermlp'], 'type': 'categorical'}, 'num_layers': {'high': 5, 'low': 1, 'q': 1, 'type': <class 'int'>}, 'self_loop_dropout': {'high': 0.9, 'low': 0.0, 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'use_batch_norm': {'type': 'bool'}, 'use_bias': {'type': 'bool'}}

The default strategy for optimizing the model”s hyper-parameters