Source code for pykeen.datasets.analysis

"""Dataset analysis utilities."""

import logging
from import Collection
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import torch

from .base import Dataset
from ..constants import PYKEEN_DATASETS
from ..triples import analysis as triple_analysis
from ..typing import MappedTriples

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [
    # relation typing

# constants

def _get_mapped_triples(dataset: Dataset, parts: Collection[str]) -> Collection[tuple[int, int, int]]:
    return[dataset.factory_dict[part].mapped_triples for part in parts], dim=0).tolist()

def _normalize_parts(dataset: Dataset, parts: Union[None, str, Collection[str]]) -> Collection[str]:
    if parts is None:
        parts = dataset.factory_dict.keys()
    elif isinstance(parts, str):
        parts = [parts]
    # unique
    return list(set(parts))

def _common(
    dataset: Dataset,
    triple_func: Callable[[MappedTriples], pd.DataFrame],
    merge_sides: bool = True,
    merge_subsets: bool = True,
    add_labels: bool = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Execute triple analysis over a dataset.

    :param dataset:
        The dataset.
    :param triple_func:
        The analysis function on the triples.
    :param merge_sides:
        Whether to merge sides, i.e., entity positions: head vs. tail.
    :param merge_subsets:
        Whether to merge subsets, i.e., train/validation/test.
    :param add_labels:
        Whether to add entity / relation labels.

        An aggregated dataframe.
    # compute over all triples
    data = []
    for subset_name, triples_factory in dataset.factory_dict.items():
        df = triple_func(triples_factory.mapped_triples)
        df[SUBSET_COLUMN_NAME] = subset_name
    df = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True)

    # Determine group key
    group_key = []
    for key, condition in (
        (triple_analysis.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN_NAME, True),
        (triple_analysis.RELATION_ID_COLUMN_NAME, True),
        (triple_analysis.ENTITY_POSITION_COLUMN_NAME, not merge_sides),
        (SUBSET_COLUMN_NAME, not merge_subsets),
        if condition and key in df.columns:
    df = df.groupby(by=group_key)[triple_analysis.COUNT_COLUMN_NAME].sum().reset_index()

    # Add labels if requested
    if add_labels and triple_analysis.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN_NAME in df.columns:
        df = triple_analysis.add_entity_labels(
    if add_labels and triple_analysis.RELATION_ID_COLUMN_NAME in df.columns:
        df = triple_analysis.add_relation_labels(
    return df

[docs] def get_relation_count_df( dataset: Dataset, merge_subsets: bool = True, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create a dataframe with relation counts. :param dataset: The dataset. :param add_labels: Whether to add relation labels to the dataframe. :param merge_subsets: Whether to merge subsets, i.e., train/validation/test. :param add_labels: Whether to add entity / relation labels. :return: A dataframe with columns (relation_id, count, relation_label?, subset?) """ return _common( dataset=dataset, triple_func=triple_analysis.get_relation_counts, merge_subsets=merge_subsets, add_labels=add_labels, )
[docs] def get_entity_count_df( dataset: Dataset, merge_sides: bool = True, merge_subsets: bool = True, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create a dataframe with entity counts. :param dataset: The dataset. :param merge_sides: Whether to merge sides, i.e., entity positions: head vs. tail. :param merge_subsets: Whether to merge subsets, i.e., train/validation/test. :param add_labels: Whether to add entity / relation labels. :return: A dataframe with one row per entity. """ return _common( dataset=dataset, triple_func=triple_analysis.get_entity_counts, merge_sides=merge_sides, merge_subsets=merge_subsets, add_labels=add_labels, )
[docs] def get_entity_relation_co_occurrence_df( dataset: Dataset, merge_sides: bool = True, merge_subsets: bool = True, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create a dataframe of entity/relation co-occurrence. This information can be seen as a form of pseudo-typing, e.g. entity A is something which can be a head of `born_in`. :param dataset: The dataset. :param merge_sides: Whether to merge sides, i.e., entity positions: head vs. tail. :param merge_subsets: Whether to merge subsets, i.e., train/validation/test. :param add_labels: Whether to add entity / relation labels. :return: A dataframe of entity-relation pairs with their occurrence count. """ return _common( dataset=dataset, triple_func=triple_analysis.entity_relation_co_occurrence, merge_sides=merge_sides, merge_subsets=merge_subsets, add_labels=add_labels, )
[docs] def get_relation_pattern_types_df( dataset: Dataset, *, min_support: int = 0, min_confidence: float = 0.95, drop_confidence: bool = False, parts: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, force: bool = False, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Categorize relations based on patterns from RotatE [sun2019]_. The relation classifications are based upon checking whether the corresponding rules hold with sufficient support and confidence. By default, we do not require a minimum support, however, a relatively high confidence. The following four non-exclusive classes for relations are considered: - symmetry - anti-symmetry - inversion - composition This method generally follows the terminology of association rule mining. The patterns are expressed as .. math :: X_1 \land \cdot \land X_k \implies Y where $X_i$ is of the form $r_i(h_i, t_i)$, and some of the $h_i / t_i$ might re-occur in other atoms. The *support* of a pattern is the number of distinct instantiations of all variables for the left hand side. The *confidence* is the proportion of these instantiations where the right-hand side is also true. :param dataset: The dataset to investigate. :param min_support: A minimum support for patterns. :param min_confidence: A minimum confidence for the tested patterns. :param drop_confidence: Whether to drop the support/confidence information from the result frame, and also drop duplicates. :param parts: Only use certain parts of the dataset, e.g., train triples. Defaults to using all triples, i.e. {"training", "validation", "testing}. :param force: Whether to enforce re-calculation even if a cached version is available. :param add_labels: Whether to add relation labels (if available). .. warning :: If you intend to use the relation categorization as input to your model, or hyper-parameter selection, do *not* include testing triples to avoid leakage! :return: A dataframe with columns {"relation_id", "pattern", "support"?, "confidence"?}. """ # TODO: Merge with _common? parts = _normalize_parts(dataset, parts) mapped_triples = _get_mapped_triples(dataset, parts) # include hash over triples into cache-file name ph = triple_analysis.triple_set_hash(mapped_triples=mapped_triples)[:16] # include part hash into cache-file name cache_path = PYKEEN_DATASETS.joinpath(dataset.__class__.__name__.lower(), f"relation_patterns_{ph}.tsv.xz") # re-use cached file if possible if not cache_path.is_file() or force: # select triples mapped_triples =[dataset.factory_dict[part].mapped_triples for part in parts], dim=0).tolist() df = triple_analysis.relation_pattern_types(mapped_triples=mapped_triples) # save to file cache_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) df.to_csv(cache_path, sep="\t", index=False)"Cached {len(df)} relational pattern entries to {cache_path.as_uri()}") else: df = pd.read_csv(cache_path, sep="\t")"Loaded {len(df)} precomputed relational patterns from {cache_path.as_uri()}") # Prune by support and confidence sufficient_support = df[triple_analysis.SUPPORT_COLUMN_NAME] >= min_support sufficient_confidence = df[triple_analysis.CONFIDENCE_COLUMN_NAME] >= min_confidence df = df[sufficient_support & sufficient_confidence] if drop_confidence: df = df[[triple_analysis.RELATION_ID_COLUMN_NAME, triple_analysis.PATTERN_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME]].drop_duplicates() return triple_analysis.add_relation_labels( df=df, add_labels=add_labels, label_to_id=dataset.relation_to_id, )
[docs] def get_relation_cardinality_types_df( *, dataset: Dataset, parts: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Determine the relation cardinality types. The possible types are given in relation_cardinality_types. .. note :: In the current implementation, we have by definition .. math :: 1 = \sum_{type} conf(relation, type) .. note :: These relation types are also mentioned in [wang2014]_. However, the paper does not provide any details on their definition, nor is any code provided. Thus, their exact procedure is unknown and may not coincide with this implementation. :param dataset: The dataset to investigate. :param parts: Only use certain parts of the dataset, e.g., train triples. Defaults to using all triples, i.e. {"training", "validation", "testing}. :param add_labels: Whether to add relation labels (if available). :return: A dataframe with columns ( relation_id | relation_type ) """ # TODO: Consider merging with other analysis methods parts = _normalize_parts(dataset=dataset, parts=parts) mapped_triples = _get_mapped_triples(dataset=dataset, parts=parts) return triple_analysis.relation_cardinality_types( mapped_triples=mapped_triples, add_labels=add_labels, label_to_id=dataset.relation_to_id, )
def get_relation_injectivity_df( *, dataset: Dataset, parts: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate "soft" injectivity scores for each relation. :param dataset: The dataset to investigate. :param parts: Only use certain parts of the dataset, e.g., train triples. Defaults to using all triples, i.e. {"training", "validation", "testing}. :param add_labels: Whether to add relation labels (if available). :return: A dataframe with one row per relation, its number of occurrences and head / tail injectivity scores. """ # TODO: Consider merging with other analysis methods parts = _normalize_parts(dataset=dataset, parts=parts) mapped_triples = _get_mapped_triples(dataset=dataset, parts=parts) return triple_analysis.relation_injectivity( mapped_triples=mapped_triples, add_labels=add_labels, label_to_id=dataset.relation_to_id, )
[docs] def get_relation_functionality_df( *, dataset: Dataset, parts: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, add_labels: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate the functionality and inverse functionality score per relation. The (inverse) functionality was proposed in [wang2018]_. It is defined as the number of unique head (tail) entities divided by the of triples in which the relation occurs. Thus, its value range is [0, 1]. Smaller values indicate that entities usually have more than one outgoing (incoming) triple with the corresponding relation type. Hence, the score is related to the relation cardinality types. :param dataset: The dataset to investigate. :param parts: Only use certain parts of the dataset, e.g., train triples. Defaults to using all triples, i.e. {"training", "validation", "testing}. :param add_labels: Whether to add relation labels (if available). :return: A dataframe with columns (relation_id | functionality | inverse functionality) .. [wang2018] Wang, Z., *et al.* (2018). `Cross-lingual Knowledge Graph Alignment via Graph Convolutional Networks <>`_. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 349–357. """ # TODO: Consider merging with other analysis methods parts = _normalize_parts(dataset=dataset, parts=parts) mapped_triples = _get_mapped_triples(dataset=dataset, parts=parts) return triple_analysis.get_relation_functionality( mapped_triples, add_labels=add_labels, label_to_id=dataset.relation_to_id, )