r"""Loss functions integrated in PyKEEN.
Rather than re-using the built-in loss functions in PyTorch, we have elected to re-implement
some of the code from :mod:`pytorch.nn.modules.loss` in order to encode the three different
links of loss functions accepted by PyKEEN in a class hierarchy. This allows for PyKEEN to more
dynamically handle different kinds of loss functions as well as share code. Further, it gives
more insight to potential users.
Throughout the following explanations of pointwise loss functions, pairwise loss functions, and setwise
loss functions, we will assume the set of entities $\mathcal{E}$, set of relations $\mathcal{R}$, set of possible
triples $\mathcal{T} = \mathcal{E} \times \mathcal{R} \times \mathcal{E}$, set of possible subsets of possible triples
$2^{\mathcal{T}}$ (i.e., the power set of $\mathcal{T}$), set of positive triples $\mathcal{K}$, set of negative
triples $\mathcal{\bar{K}}$, scoring function (e.g., TransE) $f: \mathcal{T} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and labeling
function $l:\mathcal{T} \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ where a value of 1 denotes the triple is positive (i.e., $(h,r,t) \in
\mathcal{K}$) and a value of 0 denotes the triple is negative (i.e., $(h,r,t) \notin \mathcal{K}$).
.. note::
In most realistic use cases of knowledge graph embedding models, you will have observed a subset of positive
triples $\mathcal{T_{obs}} \subset \mathcal{K}$ and no observations over negative triples. Depending on the training
assumption (sLCWA or LCWA), this will mean negative triples are generated in a variety of patterns.
.. note::
Following the open world assumption (OWA), triples $\mathcal{\bar{K}}$ are better named "not positive" rather
than negative. This is most relevant for pointwise loss functions. For pairwise and setwise loss functions,
triples are compared as being more/less positive and the binary classification is not relevant.
Pointwise Loss Functions
A pointwise loss is applied to a single triple. It takes the form of $L: \mathcal{T} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and
computes a real-value for the triple given its labeling. Typically, a pointwise loss function takes the form of
$g: \mathbb{R} \times \{0,1\} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ based on the scoring function and labeling function.
.. math::
L(k) = g(f(k), l(k))
.. table::
:align: center
:widths: auto
============================= ============================================================
Pointwise Loss Formulation
============================= ============================================================
Square Error $g(s, l) = \frac{1}{2}(s - l)^2$
Binary Cross Entropy $g(s, l) = -(l*\log (\sigma(s))+(1-l)*(\log (1-\sigma(s))))$
Pointwise Hinge $g(s, l) = \max(0, \lambda -\hat{l}*s)$
Soft Pointwise Hinge $g(s, l) = \log(1+\exp(\lambda-\hat{l}*s))$
Pointwise Logistic (softplus) $g(s, l) = \log(1+\exp(-\hat{l}*s))$
============================= ============================================================
For the pointwise logistic and pointwise hinge losses, $\hat{l}$ has been rescaled from $\{0,1\}$ to $\{-1,1\}$.
The sigmoid logistic loss function is defined as $\sigma(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$.
.. note::
The pointwise logistic loss can be considered as a special case of the pointwise soft hinge loss
where $\lambda = 0$.
The pointwise loss of a set of triples (i.e., a batch) $\mathcal{L}_L: 2^{\mathcal{T}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is
defined as the arithmetic mean of the pointwise losses over each triple in the subset $\mathcal{B} \in 2^{\mathcal{T}}$:
.. math::
\mathcal{L}_L(\mathcal{B}) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{B}|} \sum \limits_{k \in \mathcal{B}} L(k)
Pairwise Loss Functions
A pairwise loss is applied to a pair of triples - a positive and a negative one. It is defined as $L: \mathcal{K}
\times \mathcal{\bar{K}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and computes a real value for the pair.
All loss functions implemented in PyKEEN induce an auxillary loss function based on the chosen interaction
function $L{*}: \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that simply passes the scores through.
Note that $L$ is often used interchangbly with $L^{*}$.
.. math::
L(k, \bar{k}) = L^{*}(f(k), f(\bar{k}))
Delta Pairwise Loss Functions
Delta pairwise losses are computed on the differences between the scores of the negative and positive
triples (e.g., $\Delta := f(\bar{k}) - f(k)$) with transfer function $g: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that take
the form of:
.. math::
L^{*}(f(k), f(\bar{k})) = g(f(\bar{k}) - f(k)) := g(\Delta)
The following table shows delta pairwise loss functions:
.. table::
:align: center
:widths: auto
========================================= =========== ====================== ==============================================
Pairwise Loss Activation Margin Formulation
========================================= =========== ====================== ==============================================
Pairwise Hinge (margin ranking) ReLU $\lambda \neq 0$ $g(\Delta) = \max(0, \Delta + \lambda)$
Soft Pairwise Hinge (soft margin ranking) softplus $\lambda \neq 0$ $g(\Delta) = \log(1 + \exp(\Delta + \lambda))$
Pairwise Logistic softplus $\lambda=0$ $g(\Delta) = \log(1 + \exp(\Delta))$
========================================= =========== ====================== ==============================================
.. note::
The pairwise logistic loss can be considered as a special case of the pairwise soft hinge loss
where $\lambda = 0$.
Inseparable Pairwise Loss Functions
The following pairwise loss function use the full generalized form of $L(k, \bar{k}) = \dots$
for their definitions:
.. table::
:align: center
:widths: auto
============== ===================================================
Pairwise Loss Formulation
============== ===================================================
Double Loss $h(\bar{\lambda} + f(\bar{k})) + h(\lambda - f(k))$
============== ===================================================
The pairwise loss for a set of pairs of positive/negative triples $\mathcal{L}_L: 2^{\mathcal{K} \times
\mathcal{\bar{K}}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is defined as the arithmetic mean of the pairwise losses for each pair of
positive and negative triples in the subset $\mathcal{B} \in 2^{\mathcal{K} \times \mathcal{\bar{K}}}$.
.. math::
\mathcal{L}_L(\mathcal{B}) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{B}|} \sum \limits_{(k, \bar{k}) \in \mathcal{B}} L(k, \bar{k})
Setwise Loss Functions
A setwise loss is applied to a set of triples which can be either positive or negative. It is defined as
$L: 2^{\mathcal{T}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. The two setwise loss functions implemented in PyKEEN,
:class:`pykeen.losses.NSSALoss` and :class:`pykeen.losses.CrossEntropyLoss` are both widely different
in their paradigms, but both share the notion that triples are not strictly positive or negative.
.. math::
L(k_1, ... k_n) = g(f(k_1), ..., f(k_n))
The pairwise loss for a set of sets of triples triples $\mathcal{L}_L: 2^{2^{\mathcal{T}}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
is defined as the arithmetic mean of the setwise losses for each set of
triples $\mathcal{b}$ in the subset $\mathcal{B} \in 2^{2^{\mathcal{T}}}$.
.. math::
\mathcal{L}_L(\mathcal{B}) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{B}|} \sum \limits_{\mathcal{b} \in \mathcal{B}} L(\mathcal{b})
""" # noqa: E501
import logging
import math
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Mapping
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Optional
import torch
from class_resolver import ClassResolver, Hint
from class_resolver.contrib.torch import margin_activation_resolver
from docdata import parse_docdata
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss
from .typing import BoolTensor, FloatTensor, LongTensor
__all__ = [
# Base Classes
# Concrete Classes
# Utils
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_MARGIN_HPO_STRATEGY = dict(type=float, low=0, high=3)
def apply_label_smoothing(
labels: FloatTensor,
epsilon: Optional[float] = None,
num_classes: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
"""Apply label smoothing to a target tensor.
Redistributes epsilon probability mass from the true target uniformly to the remaining classes by replacing
* a hard one by (1 - epsilon)
* a hard zero by epsilon / (num_classes - 1)
:param labels:
The one-hot label tensor.
:param epsilon:
The smoothing parameter. Determines how much probability should be transferred from the true class to the
other classes.
:param num_classes:
The number of classes.
:returns: A smoothed label tensor
:raises ValueError: if epsilon is negative or if num_classes is None
https://www.deeplearningbook.org/contents/regularization.html, chapter 7.5.1
if not epsilon: # either none or zero
return labels
if epsilon < 0.0:
raise ValueError(f"epsilon must be positive, but is {epsilon}")
if num_classes is None:
raise ValueError("must pass num_classes to perform label smoothing")
new_label_true = 1.0 - epsilon
new_label_false = epsilon / (num_classes - 1)
return new_label_true * labels + new_label_false * (1.0 - labels)
class UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(RuntimeError):
"""Raised if a loss does not support label smoothing."""
def __init__(self, instance: object):
"""Initialize the error."""
self.instance = instance
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.instance.__class__.__name__} does not support label smoothing."
class Loss(_Loss):
"""A loss function."""
#: synonyms of this loss
synonyms: ClassVar[Optional[set[str]]] = None
#: The default strategy for optimizing the loss's hyper-parameters
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = {}
def __init__(self, reduction: str = "mean"):
Initialize the loss.
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :mod:`pykeen.nn.modules._Loss`
self._reduction_method = _REDUCTION_METHODS[reduction]
def process_slcwa_scores(
positive_scores: FloatTensor,
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
batch_filter: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
Process scores from sLCWA training loop.
:param positive_scores: shape: (batch_size, 1)
The scores for positive triples.
:param negative_scores: shape: (batch_size, num_neg_per_pos) or (num_unfiltered_negatives,)
The scores for the negative triples, either in dense 2D shape, or in case they are already filtered, in
sparse shape. If they are given in sparse shape, batch_filter needs to be provided, too.
:param label_smoothing:
An optional label smoothing parameter.
:param batch_filter: shape: (batch_size, num_neg_per_pos)
An optional filter of negative scores which were kept. Given if and only if negative_scores have been
:param num_entities:
The number of entities. Only required if label smoothing is enabled.
A scalar loss term.
# flatten and stack
positive_scores = positive_scores.view(-1)
negative_scores = negative_scores.view(-1)
predictions = torch.cat([positive_scores, negative_scores], dim=0)
labels = torch.cat([torch.ones_like(positive_scores), torch.zeros_like(negative_scores)])
# apply label smoothing if necessary.
labels = apply_label_smoothing(
return self(predictions, labels)
def process_lcwa_scores(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
Process scores from LCWA training loop.
:param predictions: shape: (batch_size, num_entities)
The scores.
:param labels: shape: (batch_size, num_entities)
The labels.
:param label_smoothing:
An optional label smoothing parameter.
:param num_entities:
The number of entities (required for label-smoothing).
A scalar loss value.
# TODO: Do label smoothing only once
labels = apply_label_smoothing(
return self(predictions, labels)
class PointwiseLoss(Loss):
"""Pointwise loss functions compute an independent loss term for each triple-label pair."""
def validate_labels(labels: FloatTensor) -> bool:
"""Check whether labels are in [0, 1]."""
return labels.min() >= 0 and labels.max() <= 1
class PairwiseLoss(Loss):
"""Pairwise loss functions compare the scores of a positive triple and a negative triple."""
class SetwiseLoss(Loss):
"""Setwise loss functions compare the scores of several triples."""
class BCEWithLogitsLoss(PointwiseLoss):
r"""The binary cross entropy loss.
For label function :math:`l:\mathcal{E} \times \mathcal{R} \times \mathcal{E} \rightarrow \{0,1\}` and interaction
function :math:`f:\mathcal{E} \times \mathcal{R} \times \mathcal{E} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}`,
the binary cross entropy loss is defined as:
.. math::
L(h, r, t) = -(l(h,r,t) \cdot \log(\sigma(f(h,r,t))) + (1 - l(h,r,t)) \cdot \log(1 - \sigma(f(h,r,t))))
where represents the logistic sigmoid function
.. math::
\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x)}
.. note::
The softplus activation function $h_{\text{softplus}}(x) = -\log(\sigma(x))$.
Thus, the problem is framed as a binary classification problem of triples, where the interaction functions' outputs
are regarded as logits.
.. warning::
This loss is not well-suited for translational distance models because these models produce
a negative distance as score and cannot produce positive model outputs.
.. note::
The related :mod:`torch` module is :class:`torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss`, but it can not be used
interchangeably in PyKEEN because of the extended functionality implemented in PyKEEN's loss functions.
name: Binary cross entropy (with logits)
synonyms = {"Negative Log Likelihood Loss"}
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def forward(
scores: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
return functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(scores, labels, reduction=self.reduction)
class MSELoss(PointwiseLoss):
"""The mean squared error loss.
.. note::
The related :mod:`torch` module is :class:`torch.nn.MSELoss`, but it can not be used
interchangeably in PyKEEN because of the extended functionality implemented in PyKEEN's loss functions.
name: Mean squared error
synonyms = {"Mean Square Error Loss", "Mean Squared Error Loss"}
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def forward(
scores: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
assert self.validate_labels(labels=labels)
return functional.mse_loss(scores, labels, reduction=self.reduction)
class MarginPairwiseLoss(PairwiseLoss):
r"""The generalized margin ranking loss.
.. math ::
L(k, \bar{k}) = g(f(\bar{k}) - f(k) + \lambda)
Where $k$ are the positive triples, $\bar{k}$ are the negative triples, $f$ is the interaction function (e.g.,
:class:`pykeen.models.TransE` has $f(h,r,t)=-||\mathbf{e}_h+\mathbf{e}_r-\mathbf{e}_t||_p$), $g(x)$ is an activation
function like the ReLU or softmax, and $\lambda$ is the margin.
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
def __init__(
margin: float = 1.0,
margin_activation: Hint[nn.Module] = None,
reduction: str = "mean",
r"""Initialize the margin loss instance.
:param margin:
The margin by which positive and negative scores should be apart.
:param margin_activation:
A margin activation. Defaults to ``'relu'``, i.e. $h(\Delta) = max(0, \Delta + \lambda)$, which is the
default "margin loss". Using ``'softplus'`` leads to a "soft-margin" formulation as discussed in
:param reduction:
The name of the reduction operation to aggregate the individual loss values from a batch to a scalar loss
value. From {'mean', 'sum'}.
self.margin = margin
self.margin_activation = margin_activation_resolver.make(margin_activation)
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_slcwa_scores(
positive_scores: FloatTensor,
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
batch_filter: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
raise UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(self)
if batch_filter is not None:
# negative_scores have already been filtered in the sampler!
num_neg_per_pos = batch_filter.shape[1]
positive_scores = positive_scores.repeat(1, num_neg_per_pos)[batch_filter]
# shape: (nnz,)
return self(pos_scores=positive_scores, neg_scores=negative_scores)
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_lcwa_scores(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
raise UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(self)
# for LCWA scores, we consider all pairs of positive and negative scores for a single batch element.
# note: this leads to non-uniform memory requirements for different batches, depending on the total number of
# positive entries in the labels tensor.
# This shows how often one row has to be repeated,
# shape: (batch_num_positives,), if row i has k positive entries, this tensor will have k entries with i
repeat_rows = (labels == 1).nonzero(as_tuple=False)[:, 0]
# Create boolean indices for negative labels in the repeated rows, shape: (batch_num_positives, num_entities)
labels_negative = labels[repeat_rows] == 0
# Repeat the predictions and filter for negative labels, shape: (batch_num_pos_neg_pairs,)
negative_scores = predictions[repeat_rows][labels_negative]
# This tells us how often each true label should be repeated
repeat_true_labels = (labels[repeat_rows] == 0).nonzero(as_tuple=False)[:, 0]
# First filter the predictions for true labels and then repeat them based on the repeat vector
positive_scores = predictions[labels == 1][repeat_true_labels]
return self(pos_scores=positive_scores, neg_scores=negative_scores)
def forward(
pos_scores: FloatTensor,
neg_scores: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor:
Compute the margin loss.
The scores have to be in broadcastable shape.
:param pos_scores:
The positive scores.
:param neg_scores:
The negative scores.
A scalar loss term.
return self._reduction_method(
neg_scores - pos_scores + self.margin,
class MarginRankingLoss(MarginPairwiseLoss):
r"""The pairwise hinge loss (i.e., margin ranking loss).
.. math ::
L(k, \bar{k}) = \max(0, f(\bar{k}) - f(k) + \lambda)
Where $k$ are the positive triples, $\bar{k}$ are the negative triples, $f$ is the interaction function (e.g.,
TransE has $f(h,r,t)=-||\mathbf{e}_h+\mathbf{e}_r-\mathbf{e}_t||_p$), $g(x)=\max(0,x)$ is the ReLU
activation function, and $\lambda$ is the margin.
.. seealso::
MRL is closely related to :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftMarginRankingLoss`, only differing in that this loss
uses the ReLU activation and :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftMarginRankingLoss` uses the softmax activation. MRL
is also related to the :class:`pykeen.losses.PairwiseLogisticLoss` as this is a special case of the
:class:`pykeen.losses.SoftMarginRankingLoss` with no margin.
.. note::
The related :mod:`torch` module is :class:`torch.nn.MarginRankingLoss`, but it can not be used
interchangeably in PyKEEN because of the extended functionality implemented in PyKEEN's loss functions.
name: Margin ranking
synonyms = {"Pairwise Hinge Loss"}
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
def __init__(self, margin: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean"):
r"""Initialize the margin loss instance.
:param margin:
The margin by which positive and negative scores should be apart.
:param reduction:
The name of the reduction operation to aggregate the individual loss values from a batch to a scalar loss
value. From {'mean', 'sum'}.
super().__init__(margin=margin, margin_activation="relu", reduction=reduction)
class SoftMarginRankingLoss(MarginPairwiseLoss):
r"""The soft pairwise hinge loss (i.e., soft margin ranking loss).
.. math ::
L(k, \bar{k}) = \log(1 + \exp(f(\bar{k}) - f(k) + \lambda))
Where $k$ are the positive triples, $\bar{k}$ are the negative triples, $f$ is the interaction function (e.g.,
:class:`pykeen.models.TransE` has $f(h,r,t)=-||\mathbf{e}_h+\mathbf{e}_r-\mathbf{e}_t||_p$),
$g(x)=\log(1 + \exp(x))$ is the softmax activation function, and $\lambda$ is the margin.
.. seealso::
When choosing `margin=0``, this loss becomes equivalent to :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftMarginRankingLoss`.
It is also closely related to :class:`pykeen.losses.MarginRankingLoss`, only differing in that this loss
uses the softmax activation and :class:`pykeen.losses.MarginRankingLoss` uses the ReLU activation.
name: Soft margin ranking
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
def __init__(self, margin: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean"):
Initialize the loss.
:param margin:
the margin, cf. :meth:`MarginPairwiseLoss.__init__`
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :meth:`MarginPairwiseLoss.__init__`
super().__init__(margin=margin, margin_activation="softplus", reduction=reduction)
class PairwiseLogisticLoss(SoftMarginRankingLoss):
r"""The pairwise logistic loss.
.. math ::
L(k, \bar{k}) = \log(1 + \exp(f(\bar{k}) - f(k)))
Where $k$ are the positive triples, $\bar{k}$ are the negative triples, $f$ is the interaction function (e.g.,
:class:`pykeen.models.TransE` has $f(h,r,t)=-||\mathbf{e}_h+\mathbf{e}_r-\mathbf{e}_t||_p$),
$g(x)=\log(1 + \exp(x))$ is the softmax activation function.
.. seealso::
This loss is equivalent to :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftMarginRankingLoss` where ``margin=0``. It is also
closely related to :class:`pykeen.losses.MarginRankingLoss` based on the choice of activation function.
name: Pairwise logistic
# Ensures that for this class incompatible hyper-parameter "margin" of superclass is not used
# within the ablation pipeline.
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict()
def __init__(self, reduction: str = "mean"):
Initialize the loss.
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :meth:`SoftMarginRankingLoss.__init__`
super().__init__(margin=0.0, reduction=reduction)
class DoubleMarginLoss(PointwiseLoss):
r"""A limit-based scoring loss, with separate margins for positive and negative elements from [sun2018]_.
Despite its similarity to the margin-based loss, this loss is quite different to it, since it uses absolute margins
for positive/negative scores, rather than comparing the difference. Hence, it has a natural decision boundary
(somewhere between the positive and negative margin), while still resulting in sparse losses with no gradients for
sufficiently correct examples.
.. math ::
L(k, \bar{k}) = g(\bar{\lambda} + \bar{k}) + h(\lambda - k)
Where $k$ is positive scores, $\bar{k}$ is negative scores, $\lambda$ is the positive margin, $\bar{\lambda}$ is
the negative margin, and $g$ is an activation function, like the ReLU or softmax.
name: Double Margin
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
positive_margin=dict(type=float, low=-1, high=1),
offset=dict(type=float, low=0, high=1),
positive_negative_balance=dict(type=float, low=1.0e-03, high=1.0 - 1.0e-03),
def resolve_margin(
positive_margin: Optional[float],
negative_margin: Optional[float],
offset: Optional[float],
) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Resolve margins from multiple methods how to specify them.
The method supports three combinations:
- positive_margin & negative_margin.
This returns the values as-is.
- negative_margin & offset
This sets positive_margin = negative_margin + offset
- positive_margin & offset
This sets negative_margin = positive_margin - offset
.. note ::
Notice that this method does not apply a precedence between the three methods, but requires the remaining
parameter to be None. This is done to fail fast on ambiguous input rather than delay a failure to a later
point in time where it might be harder to find its cause.
:param positive_margin:
The (absolute) margin for the positive scores. Should be larger than the negative one.
:param negative_margin:
The (absolute) margin for the negative scores. Should be smaller than the positive one.
:param offset:
The offset between positive and negative margin. Must be non-negative.
A pair of the positive and negative margin. Guaranteed to fulfil positive_margin >= negative_margin.
:raises ValueError:
In case of an invalid combination.
# 0. default
if all(p is None for p in (positive_margin, negative_margin, offset)):
return 1.0, 0.0
# 1. positive & negative margin
if positive_margin is not None and negative_margin is not None and offset is None:
if negative_margin > positive_margin:
raise ValueError(
f"Positive margin ({positive_margin}) must not be smaller than the negative one "
return positive_margin, negative_margin
# 2. negative margin & offset
if negative_margin is not None and offset is not None and positive_margin is None:
if offset < 0:
raise ValueError(f"The offset must not be negative, but it is: {offset}")
return negative_margin + offset, negative_margin
# 3. positive margin & offset
if positive_margin is not None and offset is not None and negative_margin is None:
if offset < 0:
raise ValueError(f"The offset must not be negative, but it is: {offset}")
return positive_margin, positive_margin - offset
raise ValueError(
Invalid combination of margins and offset:
Supported are:
1. positive & negative margin
2. negative margin & offset
3. positive margin & offset
def __init__(
positive_margin: Optional[float] = None,
negative_margin: Optional[float] = None,
offset: Optional[float] = None,
positive_negative_balance: float = 0.5,
margin_activation: Hint[nn.Module] = "relu",
reduction: str = "mean",
r"""Initialize the double margin loss.
.. note ::
There are multiple variants to set the pair of margins. A full documentation is provided in
:param positive_margin:
The (absolute) margin for the positive scores. Should be larger than the negative one.
:param negative_margin:
The (absolute) margin for the negative scores. Should be smaller than the positive one.
:param offset:
The offset between positive and negative margin. Must be non-negative.
:param positive_negative_balance:
The balance between positive and negative term. Must be in (0, 1).
:param margin_activation:
A margin activation. Defaults to ``'relu'``, i.e. $h(\Delta) = max(0, \Delta + \lambda)$, which is the
default "margin loss". Using ``'softplus'`` leads to a "soft-margin" formulation as discussed in
:param reduction:
The name of the reduction operation to aggregate the individual loss values from a batch to a scalar loss
value. From {'mean', 'sum'}.
:raises ValueError: If the positive/negative balance is not within the right range
if not (0 <= positive_negative_balance <= 1):
raise ValueError(
f"The positive-negative balance weight must be in (0, 1), but is {positive_negative_balance}",
self.positive_margin, self.negative_margin = self.resolve_margin(
self.negative_weight = 1.0 - positive_negative_balance
self.positive_weight = positive_negative_balance
self.margin_activation = margin_activation_resolver.make(margin_activation)
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_slcwa_scores(
positive_scores: FloatTensor,
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
batch_filter: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
raise UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(self)
# positive term
if batch_filter is None:
# implicitly repeat positive scores
positive_loss = self.margin_activation(self.positive_margin - positive_scores)
positive_loss = self._reduction_method(positive_loss)
if self.reduction == "sum":
positive_loss = positive_loss * negative_scores.shape[1]
elif self.reduction != "mean":
raise NotImplementedError(
f"There is not implementation for reduction={self.reduction} and filtered negatives",
num_neg_per_pos = batch_filter.shape[1]
positive_scores = positive_scores.repeat(1, num_neg_per_pos)[batch_filter]
# shape: (nnz,)
positive_loss = self._reduction_method(self.margin_activation(self.positive_margin - positive_scores))
# negative term
# negative_scores have already been filtered in the sampler!
negative_loss = self._reduction_method(self.margin_activation(self.negative_margin + negative_scores))
return self.positive_weight * positive_loss + self.negative_weight * negative_loss
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_lcwa_scores(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
labels = apply_label_smoothing(
return self(predictions=predictions, labels=labels)
def forward(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor:
Compute the double margin loss.
The scores have to be in broadcastable shape.
:param predictions:
The predicted scores.
:param labels:
The labels.
A scalar loss term.
return self.positive_weight * self._reduction_method(
labels * self.margin_activation(self.positive_margin - predictions),
) + self.negative_weight * self._reduction_method(
(1.0 - labels) * self.margin_activation(self.negative_margin + predictions),
class DeltaPointwiseLoss(PointwiseLoss):
r"""A generic class for delta-pointwise losses.
============================= ========== ====================== ======================================================== =============================================
Pointwise Loss Activation Margin Formulation Implementation
============================= ========== ====================== ======================================================== =============================================
Pointwise Hinge ReLU $\lambda \neq 0$ $g(s, l) = \max(0, \lambda -\hat{l}*s)$ :class:`pykeen.losses.PointwiseHingeLoss`
Soft Pointwise Hinge softplus $\lambda \neq 0$ $g(s, l) = \log(1+\exp(\lambda -\hat{l}*s))$ :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftPointwiseHingeLoss`
Pointwise Logistic (softplus) softplus $\lambda = 0$ $g(s, l) = \log(1+\exp(-\hat{l}*s))$ :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftplusLoss`
============================= ========== ====================== ======================================================== =============================================
""" # noqa:E501
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
def __init__(
margin: Optional[float] = 0.0,
margin_activation: Hint[nn.Module] = "softplus",
reduction: str = "mean",
) -> None:
Initialize the loss.
:param margin:
the margin, cf. :meth:`PointwiseLoss.__init__`
:param margin_activation:
the margin activation, or a hint thereof, cf. `margin_activation_resolver`.
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :meth:`PointwiseLoss.__init__`
self.margin = margin
self.margin_activation = margin_activation_resolver.make(margin_activation)
def forward(
logits: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor:
"""Calculate the loss for the given scores and labels."""
assert 0.0 <= labels.min() and labels.max() <= 1.0
# scale labels from [0, 1] to [-1, 1]
labels = 2 * labels - 1
loss = self.margin_activation(self.margin - labels * logits)
loss = self._reduction_method(loss)
return loss
class PointwiseHingeLoss(DeltaPointwiseLoss):
The pointwise hinge loss.
.. math ::
g(s,l) = \max(0, \lambda -\hat{l}*s)
with scores $s$ and labels $l$ that have been rescaled to $\hat{l} \in \{-1, 1\}$.
name: Pointwise Hinge
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
def __init__(self, margin: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean") -> None:
Initialize the loss.
:param margin:
the margin, cf. :meth:`DeltaPointwiseLoss.__init__`
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :meth:`DeltaPointwiseLoss.__init__`
super().__init__(margin=margin, margin_activation="relu", reduction=reduction)
class SoftPointwiseHingeLoss(DeltaPointwiseLoss):
r"""The soft pointwise hinge loss.
This loss is appropriate for interaction functions which do not include a bias term,
and have a limited value range, e.g., distance-based ones like TransE.
.. seealso::
When choosing ``margin=0``, this loss becomes equivalent to :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftplusLoss`.
It is also closely related to :class:`pykeen.losses.PointwiseHingeLoss`, only differing in that this loss
uses the softmax activation and :class:`pykeen.losses.PointwiseHingeLoss` uses the ReLU activation.
name: Soft Pointwise Hinge
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
def __init__(self, margin: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean") -> None:
Initialize the loss.
:param margin:
the margin, cf. :meth:`DeltaPointwiseLoss.__init__`
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :meth:`DeltaPointwiseLoss.__init__`
super().__init__(margin=margin, margin_activation="softplus", reduction=reduction)
class SoftplusLoss(SoftPointwiseHingeLoss):
r"""The pointwise logistic loss (i.e., softplus loss).
.. math ::
g(s, l) = \log(1 + \exp(-\hat{l} \cdot s))
with scores $s$ and labels $l$ that have been rescaled to $\hat{l} \in \{-1, 1\}$.
.. seealso::
This class is a special case of :class:`pykeen.losses.SoftPointwiseHingeLoss` where the margin
is set to ``margin=0``.
name: Softplus
# Ensures that for this class incompatible hyper-parameter "margin" of superclass is not used
# within the ablation pipeline.
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict()
def __init__(self, reduction: str = "mean") -> None:
Initialize the loss.
:param reduction:
the reduction, cf. :meth:`SoftPointwiseHingeLoss.__init__`
super().__init__(margin=0.0, reduction=reduction)
class BCEAfterSigmoidLoss(PointwiseLoss):
"""The numerically unstable version of explicit Sigmoid + BCE loss.
.. note::
The related :mod:`torch` module is :class:`torch.nn.BCELoss`, but it can not be used
interchangeably in PyKEEN because of the extended functionality implemented in PyKEEN's loss functions.
name: Binary cross entropy (after sigmoid)
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def forward(
logits: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
return functional.binary_cross_entropy(logits.sigmoid(), labels, **kwargs)
def prepare_negative_scores_for_softmax(
batch_filter: Optional[LongTensor],
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
no_inf_rows: bool,
) -> FloatTensor:
Prepare negative scores for softmax.
To compute a softmax over negative scores, we may need to invert the filtering procedure
to get a dense regularly shaped tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_negatives)`.
:param negative_scores: shape: (batch_size, num_negatives) | (num_batch_negatives,)
the negative scores, which may have been filtered
:param batch_filter: shape: (batch_size, num_negatives)
the binary mask of corresponding to the non-filtered negative scores. If None, no
filtering did take place, and nothing has to be done.
:param no_inf_rows:
whether to avoid `-inf` rows (if a complete row has been filtered)
:return: shape: (batch_size, num_negatives)
a dense view of the negative scores, where previously filtered scores have been
re-filled as -inf.
if batch_filter is None:
return negative_scores
# negative_scores have already been filtered in the sampler!
# (dense) softmax requires unfiltered scores / masking
negative_scores_ = torch.zeros_like(batch_filter, dtype=negative_scores.dtype)
negative_scores_[batch_filter] = negative_scores
# we need to fill the scores with -inf for all filtered negative examples
# EXCEPT if all negative samples are filtered (since softmax over only -inf yields nan)
fill_mask = ~batch_filter
if no_inf_rows:
fill_mask = fill_mask & ~(fill_mask.all(dim=1, keepdim=True))
negative_scores_[fill_mask] = float("-inf")
# use filled negatives scores
return negative_scores_
class CrossEntropyLoss(SetwiseLoss):
"""The cross entropy loss that evaluates the cross entropy after softmax output.
.. note::
The related :mod:`torch` module is :class:`torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss`, but it can not be used
interchangeably in PyKEEN because of the extended functionality implemented in PyKEEN's loss functions.
name: Cross entropy
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_slcwa_scores(
positive_scores: FloatTensor,
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
batch_filter: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# we need dense negative scores => unfilter if necessary
negative_scores = prepare_negative_scores_for_softmax(
# we may have inf rows, since there will be one additional finite positive score per row
# combine scores: shape: (batch_size, num_negatives + 1)
scores = torch.cat(
# use sparse version of cross entropy
true_indices = positive_scores.new_zeros(size=positive_scores.shape[:-1], dtype=torch.long)
# calculate cross entropy loss
return functional.cross_entropy(
label_smoothing=label_smoothing or 0.0,
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_lcwa_scores(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# make sure labels form a proper probability distribution
labels = functional.normalize(labels, p=1, dim=-1)
# calculate cross entropy loss
return functional.cross_entropy(
label_smoothing=label_smoothing or 0.0,
class InfoNCELoss(CrossEntropyLoss):
r"""The InfoNCE loss with additive margin proposed by [wang2022]_.
This loss is equivalent to :class:`CrossEntropyLoss`, where the scores have been transformed:
- positive scores are subtracted by the margin `\gamma` and then divided by the temperature `\tau`
.. math::
f'(k) = \frac{f(k) - \gamma}{\tau}
- negative scores are only divided by the temperature `\tau`
.. math::
f'(k^-) = \frac{f(k^-)}{\tau}
name: InfoNCE loss with additive margin
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
margin=dict(type=float, low=0.01, high=0.10),
log_adversarial_temperature=dict(type=float, low=-3.0, high=3.0),
DEFAULT_LOG_ADVERSARIAL_TEMPERATURE: ClassVar[float] = math.log(0.05)
def __init__(
margin: float = 0.02,
log_adversarial_temperature: float = DEFAULT_LOG_ADVERSARIAL_TEMPERATURE,
reduction: str = "mean",
) -> None:
r"""Initialize the loss.
:param margin:
The loss's margin (also written as $\gamma$ in the reference paper)
.. note ::
In the official implementation, the margin parameter only seems to be used during *training*.
:param log_adversarial_temperature:
The logarithm of the negative sampling temperature (also written as $\tau$ in the reference paper).
We follow the suggested parametrization which ensures positive temperatures for all hyperparameter values.
.. note ::
The adversarial temperature is the inverse of the softmax temperature used when computing the weights!
Its name is only kept for consistency with the nomenclature of [wang2022]_.
.. note ::
In the official implementation, the temperature is a *trainable* parameter, cf.
:param reduction:
The name of the reduction operation to aggregate the individual loss values from a batch to a scalar loss
value. From {'mean', 'sum'}.
:raises ValueError:
if the margin is negative
if margin < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot have a negative margin: {margin}")
self.inverse_softmax_temperature = math.exp(log_adversarial_temperature)
self.margin = margin
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_lcwa_scores(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# determine positive; do not check with == since the labels are floats
pos_mask = labels > 0.5
# subtract margin from positive scores
predictions = predictions - pos_mask.type_as(predictions) * self.margin
# divide by temperature
predictions = predictions / self.inverse_softmax_temperature
return super().process_lcwa_scores(
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_slcwa_scores(
positive_scores: FloatTensor,
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
batch_filter: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# subtract margin from positive scores
positive_scores = positive_scores - self.margin
# normalize positive score shape
if positive_scores.ndim < negative_scores.ndim:
positive_scores = positive_scores.unsqueeze(dim=-1)
# divide by temperature
positive_scores = positive_scores / self.inverse_softmax_temperature
negative_scores = negative_scores / self.inverse_softmax_temperature
return super().process_slcwa_scores(
class AdversarialLoss(SetwiseLoss):
"""A loss with adversarial weighting of negative samples."""
def __init__(self, inverse_softmax_temperature: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean") -> None:
"""Initialize the adversarial loss.
:param inverse_softmax_temperature:
the inverse of the softmax temperature
:param reduction:
the name of the reduction operation, cf. :meth:`Loss.__init__`
self.inverse_softmax_temperature = inverse_softmax_temperature
self.factor = 0.5 if self._reduction_method is torch.mean else 1.0
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_lcwa_scores(
predictions: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# determine positive; do not check with == since the labels are floats
pos_mask = labels > 0.5
# compute negative weights (without gradient tracking)
# clone is necessary since we modify in-place
weights = predictions.detach().clone()
weights[pos_mask] = float("-inf")
weights = weights.mul(self.inverse_softmax_temperature).softmax(dim=1)
# Split positive and negative scores
positive_scores = predictions[pos_mask]
# we pass *all* scores as negatives, but set the weight of positives to zero
# this allows keeping a dense shape
return self(
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def process_slcwa_scores(
positive_scores: FloatTensor,
negative_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
batch_filter: Optional[BoolTensor] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
raise UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(self)
negative_scores = prepare_negative_scores_for_softmax(
# we do not allow full -inf rows, since we compute the softmax over this tensor
# compute weights (without gradient tracking)
assert negative_scores.ndimension() == 2
weights = negative_scores.detach().mul(self.inverse_softmax_temperature).softmax(dim=-1)
# fill negative scores with some finite value, e.g., 0 (they will get masked out anyway)
negative_scores = torch.masked_fill(negative_scores, mask=~torch.isfinite(negative_scores), value=0.0)
return self(
def positive_loss_term(
pos_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
Calculate the loss for the positive scores.
:param pos_scores: any shape
the positive scores
:param label_smoothing:
the label smoothing parameter
:param num_entities:
the number of entities (required for label-smoothing)
:return: scalar
the reduced loss term for positive scores
raise NotImplementedError
def negative_loss_term_unreduced(
neg_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
Calculate the loss for the negative scores *without* reduction.
:param neg_scores: any shape
the negative scores
:param label_smoothing:
the label smoothing parameter
:param num_entities:
the number of entities (required for label-smoothing)
:return: scalar
the unreduced loss term for negative scores
raise NotImplementedError
def forward(
pos_scores: FloatTensor,
neg_scores: FloatTensor,
neg_weights: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
"""Calculate the loss for the given scores.
:param pos_scores: shape: s_p
a tensor of positive scores
:param neg_scores: shape: s_n
a tensor of negative scores
:param neg_weights: shape: s_n
the adversarial weights of the negative scores
:param label_smoothing:
An optional label smoothing parameter.
:param num_entities:
The number of entities (required for label-smoothing).
a scalar loss value
neg_loss = self.negative_loss_term_unreduced(
neg_scores=neg_scores, label_smoothing=label_smoothing, num_entities=num_entities
# note: this is a reduction along the softmax dim; since the weights are already normalized
# to sum to one, we want a sum reduction here, instead of using the self._reduction
neg_loss = (neg_weights * neg_loss).sum(dim=-1)
neg_loss = self._reduction_method(neg_loss)
pos_loss = self.positive_loss_term(
pos_scores=pos_scores, label_smoothing=label_smoothing, num_entities=num_entities
return self.factor * (pos_loss + neg_loss)
class NSSALoss(AdversarialLoss):
"""The self-adversarial negative sampling loss function proposed by [sun2019]_.
.. seealso:: https://github.com/DeepGraphLearning/KnowledgeGraphEmbedding/blob/master/codes/model.py
name: Self-adversarial negative sampling
synonyms = {"Self-Adversarial Negative Sampling Loss", "Negative Sampling Self-Adversarial Loss"}
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
margin=dict(type=int, low=3, high=30, q=3),
adversarial_temperature=dict(type=float, low=0.5, high=1.0),
def __init__(self, margin: float = 9.0, adversarial_temperature: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean") -> None:
"""Initialize the NSSA loss.
:param margin: The loss's margin (also written as gamma in the reference paper)
:param adversarial_temperature: The negative sampling temperature (also written as alpha in the reference paper)
.. note ::
The adversarial temperature is the inverse of the softmax temperature used when computing the weights!
Its name is only kept for consistency with the nomenclature of [sun2019]_.
:param reduction:
The name of the reduction operation to aggregate the individual loss values from a batch to a scalar loss
value. From {'mean', 'sum'}.
.. note:: The default hyperparameters are based on the experiments for FB15k-237 in [sun2019]_.
super().__init__(reduction=reduction, inverse_softmax_temperature=adversarial_temperature)
self.margin = margin
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def positive_loss_term(
pos_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
raise UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(self)
return -self._reduction_method(functional.logsigmoid(self.margin + pos_scores))
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def negative_loss_term_unreduced(
neg_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
# Sanity check
if label_smoothing:
raise UnsupportedLabelSmoothingError(self)
# negative loss part
# -w * log sigma(-(m + n)) - log sigma (m + p)
# p >> -m => m + p >> 0 => sigma(m + p) ~= 1 => log sigma(m + p) ~= 0 => -log sigma(m + p) ~= 0
# p << -m => m + p << 0 => sigma(m + p) ~= 0 => log sigma(m + p) << 0 => -log sigma(m + p) >> 0
return -functional.logsigmoid(-neg_scores - self.margin)
class AdversarialBCEWithLogitsLoss(AdversarialLoss):
An adversarially weighted BCE loss.
.. seealso::
name: Adversarially weighted binary cross entropy (with logits)
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def positive_loss_term(
pos_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
return functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
# TODO: maybe we can make this more efficient?
apply_label_smoothing(torch.ones_like(pos_scores), epsilon=label_smoothing, num_classes=num_entities),
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def negative_loss_term_unreduced(
neg_scores: FloatTensor,
label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None,
num_entities: Optional[int] = None,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
return functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
# TODO: maybe we can make this more efficient?
apply_label_smoothing(torch.zeros_like(neg_scores), epsilon=label_smoothing, num_classes=num_entities),
class FocalLoss(PointwiseLoss):
r"""The focal loss proposed by [lin2018]_.
It is an adaptation of the (binary) cross entropy loss, which deals better with imbalanced data.
The implementation is strongly inspired by the implementation in
:func:`torchvision.ops.sigmoid_focal_loss`, except it is using
a module rather than the functional form.
The loss is given as
.. math ::
FL(p_t) = -(1 - p_t)^\gamma \log (p_t)
with :math:`p_t = y \cdot p + (1 - y) \cdot (1 - p)`, where :math:`p` refers to the predicted probability, and `y`
to the ground truth label in :math:`{0, 1}`.
Focal loss has some other nice properties, e.g., better calibrated predicted probabilities. See
name: Focal
def __init__(
gamma: float = 2.0,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
Initialize the loss module.
:param gamma: >= 0
Exponent of the modulating factor (1 - p_t) to balance easy vs hard examples. Setting gamma > 0 reduces the
relative loss for well-classified examples.
The default value of 2 is taken from [lin2018]_, which report this setting to work best for their
experiments. However, these experiments where conducted on the task of object classification in images, so
take it with a grain of salt.
:param alpha:
Weighting factor in range (0, 1) to balance positive vs negative examples. alpha is the weight for the
positive class, i.e., increasing it will let the loss focus more on this class. The weight for the negative
class is obtained as 1 - alpha.
[lin2018]_ recommends to either set this to the inverse class frequency, or treat it as a hyper-parameter.
:param kwargs:
Additional keyword-based arguments passed to :class:`pykeen.losses.PointwiseLoss`.
:raises ValueError:
If alpha is in the wrong range
if gamma < 0:
raise ValueError(f"gamma must be non-negative, but is {gamma}")
if alpha is not None and not (0 < alpha < 1):
raise ValueError(f"If alpha is provided, it must be from (0, 1), i.e. the open interval, but it is {alpha}")
self.alpha = alpha
self.gamma = gamma
# docstr-coverage: inherited
def forward(
prediction: FloatTensor,
labels: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor: # noqa: D102
p = prediction.sigmoid()
ce_loss = functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(prediction, labels, reduction="none")
p_t = p * labels + (1 - p) * (1 - labels)
loss = ce_loss * ((1 - p_t) ** self.gamma)
if self.alpha is not None:
alpha_t = self.alpha * labels + (1 - self.alpha) * (1 - labels)
loss = alpha_t * loss
return self._reduction_method(loss)
#: A resolver for loss modules
loss_resolver: ClassResolver[Loss] = ClassResolver.from_subclasses(
for _name, _cls in loss_resolver.lookup_dict.items():
for _synonym in _cls.synonyms or []:
loss_resolver.synonyms[_synonym] = _cls