# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Deterioration algorithm."""
import logging
import math
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import List, Union
import click
import more_click
import torch
from pykeen.triples import TriplesFactory
from pykeen.typing import TorchRandomHint
from pykeen.utils import ensure_torch_random_state
__all__ = [
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def deteriorate(
reference: TriplesFactory,
*others: TriplesFactory,
n: Union[int, float],
random_state: TorchRandomHint = None,
) -> List[TriplesFactory]:
"""Remove n triples from the reference set.
:param reference: The reference triples factory
:param others: Other triples factories to deteriorate
:param n: The ratio to deteriorate. If given as a float, should be between 0 and 1.
If an integer, deteriorates that many triples
:param random_state: The random state
:returns: A concatenated list of the processed reference and other triples factories
:raises NotImplementedError: if the reference triples factory has inverse triples
:raises ValueError: If a float is given for n that isn't between 0 and 1
# TODO: take care that triples aren't removed that are the only ones with any given entity
if reference.create_inverse_triples:
raise NotImplementedError
if isinstance(n, float):
if n < 0 or 1 <= n:
raise ValueError
n = int(n * reference.num_triples)
generator = ensure_torch_random_state(random_state)
logger.debug("random state %s", random_state)
logger.debug("generator %s %s", generator, generator.get_state())
idx = torch.randperm(reference.num_triples, generator=generator)
logger.debug("idx %s", idx)
reference_idx, deteriorated_idx = idx.split(split_size=[reference.num_triples - n, n], dim=0)
first = reference.clone_and_exchange_triples(
# distribute the deteriorated triples across the remaining factories
didxs = deteriorated_idx.split(math.ceil(n / len(others)), dim=0)
rest = [
torch.cat([tf.mapped_triples, reference.mapped_triples[didx]], dim=0)
if didx is not None
else tf.mapped_triples # maybe just give same tf? should it be copied?
for didx, tf in zip_longest(didxs, others)
return [first, *rest]
@click.option("--trials", type=int, default=15, show_default=True)
def _main(trials: int):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from tabulate import tabulate
from pykeen.constants import PYKEEN_EXPERIMENTS
from pykeen.datasets import get_dataset
n_comb = trials * (trials - 1) // 2
logger.info(f"Number of combinations: {trials} n Choose 2 = {n_comb}")
ns = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
rows = []
for dataset_name in [
# 'kinships',
# 'umls',
# 'codexsmall',
# 'wn18',
dataset_rows = []
reference_dataset = get_dataset(dataset=dataset_name)
for n in ns:
similarities = []
for trial in range(trials):
deteriorated_dataset = reference_dataset.deteriorate(n=n, random_state=trial)
sim = reference_dataset.similarity(deteriorated_dataset)
rows.append((dataset_name, n, trial, sim))
dataset_rows.append((n, np.mean(similarities), np.std(similarities)))
click.echo(tabulate(dataset_rows, headers=[f"{dataset_name} N", "Mean", "Std"]))
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=["name", "n", "trial", "sim"])
tsv_path = PYKEEN_EXPERIMENTS / "deteriorating.tsv"
png_path = PYKEEN_EXPERIMENTS / "deteriorating.png"
click.echo(f"writing to {tsv_path}")
df.to_csv(tsv_path, sep="\t", index=False)
sns.lineplot(data=df, x="n", y="sim", hue="name")
plt.savefig(png_path, dpi=300)
if __name__ == "__main__":