Source code for pykeen.models.unimodal.trans_r

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Implementation of TransR."""

from typing import Optional

import torch
import torch.autograd
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional

from ..base import EntityRelationEmbeddingModel
from ..init import embedding_xavier_uniform_
from ...losses import Loss
from ...regularizers import Regularizer
from ...triples import TriplesFactory
from ...utils import clamp_norm, get_embedding

__all__ = [

[docs]class TransR(EntityRelationEmbeddingModel): r"""An implementation of TransR from [lin2015]_. TransR is an extension of :class:`pykeen.models.TransH` that explicitly considers entities and relations as different objects and therefore represents them in different vector spaces. For a triple $(h,r,t) \in \mathbb{K}$, the entity embeddings, $\textbf{e}_h, \textbf{e}_t \in \mathbb{R}^d$, are first projected into the relation space by means of a relation-specific projection matrix $\textbf{M}_{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times d}$. With relation embedding $\textbf{r}_r \in \mathbb{R}^k$, the interaction model is defined similarly to TransE with: .. math:: f(h,r,t) = -\|\textbf{M}_{r}\textbf{e}_h + \textbf{r}_r - \textbf{M}_{r}\textbf{e}_t\|_{p}^2 The following constraints are applied: * $\|\textbf{e}_h\|_2 \leq 1$ * $\|\textbf{r}_r\|_2 \leq 1$ * $\|\textbf{e}_t\|_2 \leq 1$ * $\|\textbf{M}_{r}\textbf{e}_h\|_2 \leq 1$ * $\|\textbf{M}_{r}\textbf{e}_t\|_2 \leq 1$ .. seealso:: - OpenKE `TensorFlow implementation of TransR <>`_ - OpenKE `PyTorch implementation of TransR <>`_ """ #: The default strategy for optimizing the model's hyper-parameters hpo_default = dict( embedding_dim=dict(type=int, low=20, high=300, q=50), relation_dim=dict(type=int, low=20, high=300, q=50), scoring_fct_norm=dict(type=int, low=1, high=2), ) def __init__( self, triples_factory: TriplesFactory, embedding_dim: int = 50, automatic_memory_optimization: Optional[bool] = None, relation_dim: int = 30, scoring_fct_norm: int = 1, loss: Optional[Loss] = None, preferred_device: Optional[str] = None, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, regularizer: Optional[Regularizer] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the model.""" super().__init__( triples_factory=triples_factory, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, relation_dim=relation_dim, automatic_memory_optimization=automatic_memory_optimization, loss=loss, preferred_device=preferred_device, random_seed=random_seed, regularizer=regularizer, ) self.scoring_fct_norm = scoring_fct_norm # embeddings self.relation_projections = get_embedding( num_embeddings=triples_factory.num_relations, embedding_dim=relation_dim * embedding_dim, device=self.device, ) # Finalize initialization self.reset_parameters_()
[docs] def post_parameter_update(self) -> None: # noqa: D102 # Make sure to call super first super().post_parameter_update() # Normalize entity embeddings = clamp_norm(, maxnorm=1., p=2, dim=-1) = clamp_norm(, maxnorm=1., p=2, dim=-1, )
def _reset_parameters_(self): # noqa: D102 # TODO: Initialize from TransE embedding_xavier_uniform_(self.entity_embeddings) embedding_xavier_uniform_(self.relation_embeddings) # Initialise relation embeddings to unit length functional.normalize(, nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.relation_projections.weight.view( self.num_relations, self.embedding_dim, self.relation_dim, ))
[docs] @staticmethod def interaction_function( h: torch.FloatTensor, r: torch.FloatTensor, t: torch.FloatTensor, m_r: torch.FloatTensor, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """Evaluate the interaction function for given embeddings. The embeddings have to be in a broadcastable shape. :param h: shape: (batch_size, num_entities, d_e) Head embeddings. :param r: shape: (batch_size, num_entities, d_r) Relation embeddings. :param t: shape: (batch_size, num_entities, d_e) Tail embeddings. :param m_r: shape: (batch_size, num_entities, d_e, d_r) The relation specific linear transformations. :return: shape: (batch_size, num_entities) The scores. """ # project to relation specific subspace, shape: (b, e, d_r) h_bot = h @ m_r t_bot = t @ m_r # ensure constraints h_bot = clamp_norm(h_bot, p=2, dim=-1, maxnorm=1.) t_bot = clamp_norm(t_bot, p=2, dim=-1, maxnorm=1.) # evaluate score function, shape: (b, e) return -torch.norm(h_bot + r - t_bot, dim=-1) ** 2
[docs] def score_hrt(self, hrt_batch: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # noqa: D102 # Get embeddings h = self.entity_embeddings(hrt_batch[:, 0]).unsqueeze(dim=1) r = self.relation_embeddings(hrt_batch[:, 1]).unsqueeze(dim=1) t = self.entity_embeddings(hrt_batch[:, 2]).unsqueeze(dim=1) m_r = self.relation_projections(hrt_batch[:, 1]).view(-1, self.embedding_dim, self.relation_dim) return self.interaction_function(h=h, r=r, t=t, m_r=m_r).view(-1, 1)
[docs] def score_t(self, hr_batch: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # noqa: D102 # Get embeddings h = self.entity_embeddings(hr_batch[:, 0]).unsqueeze(dim=1) r = self.relation_embeddings(hr_batch[:, 1]).unsqueeze(dim=1) t = self.entity_embeddings.weight.unsqueeze(dim=0) m_r = self.relation_projections(hr_batch[:, 1]).view(-1, self.embedding_dim, self.relation_dim) return self.interaction_function(h=h, r=r, t=t, m_r=m_r)
[docs] def score_h(self, rt_batch: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # noqa: D102 # Get embeddings h = self.entity_embeddings.weight.unsqueeze(dim=0) r = self.relation_embeddings(rt_batch[:, 0]).unsqueeze(dim=1) t = self.entity_embeddings(rt_batch[:, 1]).unsqueeze(dim=1) m_r = self.relation_projections(rt_batch[:, 0]).view(-1, self.embedding_dim, self.relation_dim) return self.interaction_function(h=h, r=r, t=t, m_r=m_r)