Source code for pykeen.hpo.hpo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Hyper-parameter optimiziation in PyKEEN."""

import dataclasses
import ftplib
import json
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Type, Union

import torch
from optuna import Study, Trial, create_study
from optuna.pruners import BasePruner
from optuna.samplers import BaseSampler
from optuna.storages import BaseStorage

from .pruners import pruner_resolver
from .samplers import sampler_resolver
from ..constants import USER_DEFINED_CODE
from ..datasets import get_dataset, has_dataset
from ..datasets.base import Dataset
from ..evaluation import Evaluator, evaluator_resolver
from ..losses import Loss, loss_resolver
from ..models import Model, model_resolver
from ..optimizers import Optimizer, optimizer_resolver, optimizers_hpo_defaults
from ..pipeline import pipeline, replicate_pipeline_from_config
from ..regularizers import Regularizer, regularizer_resolver
from ..sampling import NegativeSampler, negative_sampler_resolver
from ..stoppers import EarlyStopper, Stopper, stopper_resolver
from ..trackers import ResultTracker, tracker_resolver
from import SLCWATrainingLoop, TrainingLoop, training_loop_resolver
from ..triples import TriplesFactory
from ..typing import Hint, HintType
from ..utils import Result, ensure_ftp_directory, fix_dataclass_init_docs, get_df_io, get_json_bytes_io
from ..version import get_git_hash, get_version

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

STOPPED_EPOCH_KEY = 'stopped_epoch'

class Objective:
    """A dataclass containing all of the information to make an objective function."""

    dataset: Union[None, str, Dataset, Type[Dataset]]  # 1.
    model: Type[Model]  # 2.
    loss: Type[Loss]  # 3.
    regularizer: Type[Regularizer]  # 4.
    optimizer: Type[Optimizer]  # 5.
    training_loop: Type[TrainingLoop]  # 6.
    stopper: Type[Stopper]  # 7.
    evaluator: Type[Evaluator]  # 8.
    result_tracker: Type[ResultTracker]  # 9.
    metric: str

    # 1. Dataset
    dataset_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    training: Hint[TriplesFactory] = None
    testing: Hint[TriplesFactory] = None
    validation: Hint[TriplesFactory] = None
    evaluation_entity_whitelist: Optional[Collection[str]] = None
    evaluation_relation_whitelist: Optional[Collection[str]] = None
    # 2. Model
    model_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    model_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 3. Loss
    loss_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    loss_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 4. Regularizer
    regularizer_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    regularizer_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 5. Optimizer
    optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    optimizer_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 6. Training Loop
    negative_sampler: Optional[Type[NegativeSampler]] = None
    negative_sampler_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    negative_sampler_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 7. Training
    training_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    training_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    stopper_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 8. Evaluation
    evaluator_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    evaluation_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # 9. Trackers
    result_tracker_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    # Misc.
    device: Union[None, str, torch.device] = None
    save_model_directory: Optional[str] = None

    def _update_stopper_callbacks(stopper_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], trial: Trial) -> None:
        """Make a subclass of the EarlyStopper that reports to the trial."""

        def _result_callback(_early_stopper: EarlyStopper, result: Union[float, int], epoch: int) -> None:
  , step=epoch)

        def _stopped_callback(_early_stopper: EarlyStopper, _result: Union[float, int], epoch: int) -> None:
            trial.set_user_attr(STOPPED_EPOCH_KEY, epoch)

        for key, callback in zip(('result_callbacks', 'stopped_callbacks'), (_result_callback, _stopped_callback)):
            stopper_kwargs.setdefault(key, []).append(callback)

    def __call__(self, trial: Trial) -> Optional[float]:
        """Suggest parameters then train the model."""
        if self.model_kwargs is not None:
            problems = [
                for x in ('loss', 'regularizer', 'optimizer', 'training', 'negative_sampler', 'stopper')
                if x in self.model_kwargs
            if problems:
                raise ValueError(f'model_kwargs should not have: {problems}. {self}')

        # 2. Model
        _model_kwargs = _get_kwargs(

            loss_default_kwargs_ranges = self.loss.hpo_default
        except AttributeError:
            logger.warning('using a loss function with no hpo_default field: %s', self.loss)
            loss_default_kwargs_ranges = {}

        # 3. Loss
        _loss_kwargs = _get_kwargs(
        # 4. Regularizer
        _regularizer_kwargs = _get_kwargs(
        # 5. Optimizer
        _optimizer_kwargs = _get_kwargs(

        _negative_sampler_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]
        if self.training_loop is not SLCWATrainingLoop:
            _negative_sampler_kwargs = {}
            _negative_sampler_kwargs = _get_kwargs(
                default_kwargs_ranges={} if self.negative_sampler is None else self.negative_sampler.hpo_default,

        _training_kwargs = _get_kwargs(

        _stopper_kwargs = dict(self.stopper_kwargs or {})
        if self.stopper is not None and issubclass(self.stopper, EarlyStopper):
            self._update_stopper_callbacks(_stopper_kwargs, trial)

            result = pipeline(
                # 1. Dataset
                # 2. Model
                # 3. Loss
                # 4. Regularizer
                # 5. Optimizer
                # 6. Training Loop
                # 7. Training
                # 8. Evaluation
                # 9. Tracker
                # Misc.
                use_testing_data=False,  # use validation set during HPO!
        except (MemoryError, RuntimeError) as e:
            trial.set_user_attr('failure', str(e))
            # Will trigger Optuna to set the state of the trial as failed
            return None
            if self.save_model_directory:
                model_directory = os.path.join(self.save_model_directory, str(trial.number))
                os.makedirs(model_directory, exist_ok=True)

            trial.set_user_attr('random_seed', result.random_seed)

            for k, v in result.metric_results.to_flat_dict().items():
                trial.set_user_attr(k, v)

            return result.metric_results.get_metric(self.metric)

[docs]@fix_dataclass_init_docs @dataclass class HpoPipelineResult(Result): """A container for the results of the HPO pipeline.""" #: The :mod:`optuna` study object study: Study #: The objective class, containing information on preset hyper-parameters and those to optimize objective: Objective def _get_best_study_config(self): metadata = { 'best_trial_number':, 'best_trial_evaluation':, } pipeline_config = dict() for k, v in if k.startswith('pykeen_'): metadata[k[len('pykeen_'):]] = v elif k in {'metric'}: continue else: pipeline_config[k] = v for field in dataclasses.fields(self.objective): field_value = getattr(self.objective, if not field_value: continue if'_kwargs'): logger.debug(f'saving pre-specified field in pipeline config: {}={field_value}') pipeline_config[] = field_value elif in {'training', 'testing', 'validation'}: pipeline_config[] = field_value if isinstance(field_value, str) else USER_DEFINED_CODE for k, v in sk, ssk = k.split('.') sk = f'{sk}_kwargs' if sk not in pipeline_config: pipeline_config[sk] = {} logger.debug(f'saving optimized field in pipeline config: {sk}.{ssk}={v}') pipeline_config[sk][ssk] = v for k in ('stopper', 'stopper_kwargs'): if k in pipeline_config: v = pipeline_config.pop(k) metadata[f'_{k}_removed_comment'] = f'{k} config removed after HPO: {v}' stopped_epoch = if stopped_epoch is not None: old_num_epochs = pipeline_config['training_kwargs']['num_epochs'] metadata['_stopper_comment'] = ( f'While the original config had {old_num_epochs},' f' early stopping will now switch it to {int(stopped_epoch)}' ) pipeline_config['training_kwargs']['num_epochs'] = int(stopped_epoch) return dict(metadata=metadata, pipeline=pipeline_config)
[docs] def save_to_directory(self, directory: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Dump the results of a study to the given directory.""" os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) # Output study information with open(os.path.join(directory, 'study.json'), 'w') as file: json.dump(, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True) # Output all trials df = df.to_csv(os.path.join(directory, 'trials.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False) best_pipeline_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'best_pipeline') os.makedirs(best_pipeline_directory, exist_ok=True) # Output best trial as pipeline configuration file with open(os.path.join(best_pipeline_directory, 'pipeline_config.json'), 'w') as file: json.dump(self._get_best_study_config(), file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def save_to_ftp(self, directory: str, ftp: ftplib.FTP): """Save the results to the directory in an FTP server. :param directory: The directory in the FTP server to save to :param ftp: A connection to the FTP server """ ensure_ftp_directory(ftp=ftp, directory=directory) study_path = os.path.join(directory, 'study.json') ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {study_path}', get_json_bytes_io( trials_path = os.path.join(directory, 'trials.tsv') ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {trials_path}', get_df_io( best_pipeline_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'best_pipeline') ensure_ftp_directory(ftp=ftp, directory=best_pipeline_directory) best_config_path = os.path.join(best_pipeline_directory, 'pipeline_config.json') ftp.storbinary(f'STOR {best_config_path}', get_json_bytes_io(self._get_best_study_config()))
[docs] def save_to_s3(self, directory: str, bucket: str, s3=None) -> None: """Save all artifacts to the given directory in an S3 Bucket. :param directory: The directory in the S3 bucket :param bucket: The name of the S3 bucket :param s3: A client from :func:`boto3.client`, if already instantiated """ if s3 is None: import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3') study_path = os.path.join(directory, 'study.json') s3.upload_fileobj(get_json_bytes_io(, bucket, study_path) trials_path = os.path.join(directory, 'trials.tsv') s3.upload_fileobj(get_df_io(, bucket, trials_path) best_config_path = os.path.join(directory, 'best_pipeline', 'pipeline_config.json') s3.upload_fileobj(get_json_bytes_io(self._get_best_study_config()), bucket, best_config_path)
[docs] def replicate_best_pipeline( self, *, directory: str, replicates: int, move_to_cpu: bool = False, save_replicates: bool = True, ) -> None: """Run the pipeline on the best configuration, but this time on the "test" set instead of "evaluation" set. :param directory: Output directory :param replicates: The number of times to retrain the model :param move_to_cpu: Should the model be moved back to the CPU? Only relevant if training on GPU. :param save_replicates: Should the artifacts of the replicates be saved? """ config = self._get_best_study_config() if 'use_testing_data' in config: raise ValueError('use_testing_data not be set in the configuration at at all!') replicate_pipeline_from_config( config=config, directory=directory, replicates=replicates, use_testing_data=True, move_to_cpu=move_to_cpu, save_replicates=save_replicates, )
[docs]def hpo_pipeline_from_path(path: str, **kwargs) -> HpoPipelineResult: """Run a HPO study from the configuration at the given path.""" with open(path) as file: config = json.load(file) return hpo_pipeline_from_config(config, **kwargs)
[docs]def hpo_pipeline_from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs) -> HpoPipelineResult: """Run the HPO pipeline using a properly formatted configuration dictionary.""" return hpo_pipeline( **config['pipeline'], **config['optuna'], **kwargs, )
[docs]def hpo_pipeline( *, # 1. Dataset dataset: Union[None, str, Dataset, Type[Dataset]] = None, dataset_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, training: Hint[TriplesFactory] = None, testing: Hint[TriplesFactory] = None, validation: Hint[TriplesFactory] = None, evaluation_entity_whitelist: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, evaluation_relation_whitelist: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, # 2. Model model: Union[str, Type[Model]], model_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, model_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 3. Loss loss: HintType[Loss] = None, loss_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, loss_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 4. Regularizer regularizer: HintType[Regularizer] = None, regularizer_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, regularizer_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 5. Optimizer optimizer: HintType[Optimizer] = None, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, optimizer_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 6. Training Loop training_loop: HintType[TrainingLoop] = None, negative_sampler: HintType[NegativeSampler] = None, negative_sampler_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, negative_sampler_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 7. Training training_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, training_kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, stopper: HintType[Stopper] = None, stopper_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 8. Evaluation evaluator: HintType[Evaluator] = None, evaluator_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, evaluation_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, metric: Optional[str] = None, # 9. Tracking result_tracker: HintType[ResultTracker] = None, result_tracker_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, # 6. Misc device: Hint[torch.device] = None, # Optuna Study Settings storage: Hint[BaseStorage] = None, sampler: HintType[BaseSampler] = None, sampler_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, pruner: HintType[BasePruner] = None, pruner_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, study_name: Optional[str] = None, direction: Optional[str] = None, load_if_exists: bool = False, # Optuna Optimization Settings n_trials: Optional[int] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, save_model_directory: Optional[str] = None, ) -> HpoPipelineResult: """Train a model on the given dataset. :param dataset: The name of the dataset (a key from :data:`pykeen.datasets.datasets`) or the :class:`pykeen.datasets.Dataset` instance. Alternatively, the training triples factory (``training``), testing triples factory (``testing``), and validation triples factory (``validation``; optional) can be specified. :param dataset_kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to the dataset upon instantiation :param training: A triples factory with training instances or path to the training file if a a dataset was not specified :param testing: A triples factory with test instances or path to the test file if a dataset was not specified :param validation: A triples factory with validation instances or path to the validation file if a dataset was not specified :param evaluation_entity_whitelist: Optional restriction of evaluation to triples containing *only* these entities. Useful if the downstream task is only interested in certain entities, but the relational patterns with other entities improve the entity embedding quality. Passed to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline`. :param evaluation_relation_whitelist: Optional restriction of evaluation to triples containing *only* these relations. Useful if the downstream task is only interested in certain relation, but the relational patterns with other relations improve the entity embedding quality. Passed to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline`. :param model: The name of the model or the model class to pass to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline` :param model_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the model class on instantiation :param model_kwargs_ranges: Strategies for optimizing the models' hyper-parameters to override the defaults :param loss: The name of the loss or the loss class to pass to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline` :param loss_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the loss on instantiation :param loss_kwargs_ranges: Strategies for optimizing the losses' hyper-parameters to override the defaults :param regularizer: The name of the regularizer or the regularizer class to pass to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline` :param regularizer_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the regularizer on instantiation :param regularizer_kwargs_ranges: Strategies for optimizing the regularizers' hyper-parameters to override the defaults :param optimizer: The name of the optimizer or the optimizer class. Defaults to :class:`torch.optim.Adagrad`. :param optimizer_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer on instantiation :param optimizer_kwargs_ranges: Strategies for optimizing the optimizers' hyper-parameters to override the defaults :param training_loop: The name of the training approach (``'slcwa'`` or ``'lcwa'``) or the training loop class to pass to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline` :param negative_sampler: The name of the negative sampler (``'basic'`` or ``'bernoulli'``) or the negative sampler class to pass to :func:`pykeen.pipeline.pipeline`. Only allowed when training with sLCWA. :param negative_sampler_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the negative sampler class on instantiation :param negative_sampler_kwargs_ranges: Strategies for optimizing the negative samplers' hyper-parameters to override the defaults :param training_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the training loop's train function on call :param training_kwargs_ranges: Strategies for optimizing the training loops' hyper-parameters to override the defaults. Can not specify ranges for batch size if early stopping is enabled. :param stopper: What kind of stopping to use. Default to no stopping, can be set to 'early'. :param stopper_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the stopper upon instantiation. :param evaluator: The name of the evaluator or an evaluator class. Defaults to :class:`pykeen.evaluation.RankBasedEvaluator`. :param evaluator_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the evaluator on instantiation :param evaluation_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the evaluator's evaluate function on call :param result_tracker: The ResultsTracker class or name :param result_tracker_kwargs: The keyword arguments passed to the results tracker on instantiation :param metric: The metric to optimize over. Defaults to ``adjusted_mean_rank``. :param direction: The direction of optimization. Because the default metric is ``adjusted_mean_rank``, the default direction is ``minimize``. :param n_jobs: The number of parallel jobs. If this argument is set to :obj:`-1`, the number is set to CPU counts. If none, defaults to 1. .. note:: The remaining parameters are passed to :func:`` or :meth:``. """ if direction is None: direction = 'minimize' study = create_study( storage=storage, sampler=sampler_resolver.make(sampler, sampler_kwargs), pruner=pruner_resolver.make(pruner, pruner_kwargs), study_name=study_name, direction=direction, load_if_exists=load_if_exists, ) # 0. Metadata/Provenance study.set_user_attr('pykeen_version', get_version()) study.set_user_attr('pykeen_git_hash', get_git_hash()) # 1. Dataset _set_study_dataset( study=study, dataset=dataset, dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs, training=training, testing=testing, validation=validation, ) # 2. Model model_cls: Type[Model] = model_resolver.lookup(model) study.set_user_attr('model', model_resolver.normalize_cls(model_cls))'Using model: {model_cls}') # 3. Loss loss_cls: Type[Loss] = model_cls.loss_default if loss is None else loss_resolver.lookup(loss) study.set_user_attr('loss', loss_resolver.normalize_cls(loss_cls))'Using loss: {loss_cls}') # 4. Regularizer regularizer_cls: Type[Regularizer] = ( model_cls.regularizer_default if regularizer is None else regularizer_resolver.lookup(regularizer) ) study.set_user_attr('regularizer', regularizer_cls.get_normalized_name())'Using regularizer: {regularizer_cls}') # 5. Optimizer optimizer_cls: Type[Optimizer] = optimizer_resolver.lookup(optimizer) study.set_user_attr('optimizer', optimizer_resolver.normalize_cls(optimizer_cls))'Using optimizer: {optimizer_cls}') # 6. Training Loop training_loop_cls: Type[TrainingLoop] = training_loop_resolver.lookup(training_loop) study.set_user_attr('training_loop', training_loop_cls.get_normalized_name())'Using training loop: {training_loop_cls}') negative_sampler_cls: Optional[Type[NegativeSampler]] if training_loop_cls is SLCWATrainingLoop: negative_sampler_cls = negative_sampler_resolver.lookup(negative_sampler) assert negative_sampler_cls is not None study.set_user_attr('negative_sampler', negative_sampler_cls.get_normalized_name())'Using negative sampler: {negative_sampler_cls}') else: negative_sampler_cls = None # 7. Training stopper_cls: Type[Stopper] = stopper_resolver.lookup(stopper) if stopper_cls is EarlyStopper and training_kwargs_ranges and 'epochs' in training_kwargs_ranges: raise ValueError('can not use early stopping while optimizing epochs') # 8. Evaluation evaluator_cls: Type[Evaluator] = evaluator_resolver.lookup(evaluator) study.set_user_attr('evaluator', evaluator_cls.get_normalized_name())'Using evaluator: {evaluator_cls}') if metric is None: metric = 'adjusted_mean_rank' study.set_user_attr('metric', metric)'Attempting to {direction} {metric}') # 9. Tracking result_tracker_cls: Type[ResultTracker] = tracker_resolver.lookup(result_tracker) objective = Objective( # 1. Dataset dataset=dataset, dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs, training=training, testing=testing, validation=validation, evaluation_entity_whitelist=evaluation_entity_whitelist, evaluation_relation_whitelist=evaluation_relation_whitelist, # 2. Model model=model_cls, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, model_kwargs_ranges=model_kwargs_ranges, # 3. Loss loss=loss_cls, loss_kwargs=loss_kwargs, loss_kwargs_ranges=loss_kwargs_ranges, # 4. Regularizer regularizer=regularizer_cls, regularizer_kwargs=regularizer_kwargs, regularizer_kwargs_ranges=regularizer_kwargs_ranges, # 5. Optimizer optimizer=optimizer_cls, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, optimizer_kwargs_ranges=optimizer_kwargs_ranges, # 6. Training Loop training_loop=training_loop_cls, negative_sampler=negative_sampler_cls, negative_sampler_kwargs=negative_sampler_kwargs, negative_sampler_kwargs_ranges=negative_sampler_kwargs_ranges, # 7. Training training_kwargs=training_kwargs, training_kwargs_ranges=training_kwargs_ranges, stopper=stopper_cls, stopper_kwargs=stopper_kwargs, # 8. Evaluation evaluator=evaluator_cls, evaluator_kwargs=evaluator_kwargs, evaluation_kwargs=evaluation_kwargs, # 9. Tracker result_tracker=result_tracker_cls, result_tracker_kwargs=result_tracker_kwargs, # Optuna Misc. metric=metric, save_model_directory=save_model_directory, # Pipeline Misc. device=device, ) # Invoke optimization of the objective function. study.optimize( objective, n_trials=n_trials, timeout=timeout, n_jobs=n_jobs or 1, ) return HpoPipelineResult( study=study, objective=objective, )
def _get_kwargs( trial: Trial, prefix: str, *, default_kwargs_ranges: Mapping[str, Any], kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, kwargs_ranges: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: _kwargs_ranges = dict(default_kwargs_ranges) if kwargs_ranges is not None: _kwargs_ranges.update(kwargs_ranges) return suggest_kwargs( trial=trial, prefix=prefix, kwargs_ranges=_kwargs_ranges, kwargs=kwargs, ) def suggest_kwargs( trial: Trial, prefix: str, kwargs_ranges: Mapping[str, Any], kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: _kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} if kwargs: _kwargs.update(kwargs) for name, info in kwargs_ranges.items(): if name in _kwargs: continue # has been set by default, won't be suggested prefixed_name = f'{prefix}.{name}' dtype, low, high = info['type'], info.get('low'), info.get('high') if dtype in {int, 'int'}: q, scale = info.get('q'), info.get('scale') if scale == 'power_two': _kwargs[name] = suggest_discrete_power_two_int( trial=trial, name=prefixed_name, low=low, high=high, ) elif q is not None: _kwargs[name] = suggest_discrete_uniform_int( trial=trial, name=prefixed_name, low=low, high=high, q=q, ) else: _kwargs[name] = trial.suggest_int(name=prefixed_name, low=low, high=high) elif dtype in {float, 'float'}: if info.get('scale') == 'log': _kwargs[name] = trial.suggest_loguniform(name=prefixed_name, low=low, high=high) else: _kwargs[name] = trial.suggest_uniform(name=prefixed_name, low=low, high=high) elif dtype == 'categorical': choices = info['choices'] _kwargs[name] = trial.suggest_categorical(name=prefixed_name, choices=choices) elif dtype in {bool, 'bool'}: _kwargs[name] = trial.suggest_categorical(name=prefixed_name, choices=[True, False]) else: logger.warning(f'Unhandled data type ({dtype}) for parameter {name}') return _kwargs def suggest_discrete_uniform_int(trial: Trial, name, low, high, q) -> int: """Suggest an integer in the given range [low, high] inclusive with step size q.""" if (high - low) % q: logger.warning(f'bad range given: range({low}, {high}, {q}) - not divisible by q') choices = list(range(low, high + 1, q)) return trial.suggest_categorical(name=name, choices=choices) def suggest_discrete_power_two_int(trial: Trial, name, low, high) -> int: """Suggest an integer in the given range [2^low, 2^high].""" if high <= low: raise Exception(f"Upper bound {high} is not greater than lower bound {low}.") choices = [2 ** i for i in range(low, high + 1)] return trial.suggest_categorical(name=name, choices=choices) def _set_study_dataset( study: Study, *, dataset: Union[None, str, Dataset, Type[Dataset]] = None, dataset_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, training: Union[None, str, TriplesFactory] = None, testing: Union[None, str, TriplesFactory] = None, validation: Union[None, str, TriplesFactory] = None, ): if ( (isinstance(dataset, str) and has_dataset(dataset)) or isinstance(dataset, Dataset) or (isinstance(dataset, type) and issubclass(dataset, Dataset)) ): dataset_name = get_dataset(dataset=dataset).get_normalized_name() study.set_user_attr('dataset', dataset_name) else: study.set_user_attr('dataset', USER_DEFINED_CODE) study.set_user_attr('training', training if isinstance(training, str) else USER_DEFINED_CODE) study.set_user_attr('testing', testing if isinstance(testing, str) else USER_DEFINED_CODE) study.set_user_attr('validation', validation if isinstance(validation, str) else USER_DEFINED_CODE)