Source code for pykeen.nn.sim

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Similarity functions."""

import itertools
import math

import torch

from .compute_kernel import batched_dot
from ..typing import GaussianDistribution
from ..utils import calculate_broadcasted_elementwise_result_shape, tensor_sum

__all__ = [

# TODO test
[docs]def expected_likelihood( h: GaussianDistribution, r: GaussianDistribution, t: GaussianDistribution, epsilon: float = 1.0e-10, exact: bool = True, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: r"""Compute the similarity based on expected likelihood. .. math:: D((\mu_e, \Sigma_e), (\mu_r, \Sigma_r))) = \frac{1}{2} \left( (\mu_e - \mu_r)^T(\Sigma_e + \Sigma_r)^{-1}(\mu_e - \mu_r) + \log \det (\Sigma_e + \Sigma_r) + d \log (2 \pi) \right) = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mu^T\Sigma^{-1}\mu + \log \det \Sigma + d \log (2 \pi) \right) with :math:`\mu_e = \mu_h - \mu_t` and :math:`\Sigma_e = \Sigma_h + \Sigma_t`. :param h: shape: (batch_size, num_heads, 1, 1, d) The head entity Gaussian distribution. :param r: shape: (batch_size, 1, num_relations, 1, d) The relation Gaussian distribution. :param t: shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_tails, d) The tail entity Gaussian distribution. :param epsilon: float (default=1.0) Small constant used to avoid numerical issues when dividing. :param exact: Whether to return the exact similarity, or leave out constant offsets. :return: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size, num_heads, num_relations, num_tails) The similarity. """ # subtract, shape: (batch_size, num_heads, num_relations, num_tails, dim) var = tensor_sum(*(d.diagonal_covariance for d in (h, r, t))) mean = tensor_sum(h.mean, -t.mean, -r.mean) #: a = \mu^T\Sigma^{-1}\mu safe_sigma = torch.clamp_min(var, min=epsilon) sim = batched_dot( a=safe_sigma.reciprocal(), b=(mean ** 2), ) #: b = \log \det \Sigma sim = sim + safe_sigma.log().sum(dim=-1) if exact: sim = sim + sim.shape[-1] * math.log(2. * math.pi) return sim
[docs]def kullback_leibler_similarity( h: GaussianDistribution, r: GaussianDistribution, t: GaussianDistribution, epsilon: float = 1.0e-10, exact: bool = True, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: r"""Compute the negative KL divergence. This is done between two Gaussian distributions given by mean `mu_*` and diagonal covariance matrix `sigma_*`. .. math:: D((\mu_0, \Sigma_0), (\mu_1, \Sigma_1)) = 0.5 * ( tr(\Sigma_1^-1 \Sigma_0) + (\mu_1 - \mu_0) * \Sigma_1^-1 (\mu_1 - \mu_0) - k + ln (det(\Sigma_1) / det(\Sigma_0)) ) with :math:`\mu_e = \mu_h - \mu_t` and :math:`\Sigma_e = \Sigma_h + \Sigma_t`. .. note :: This methods assumes diagonal covariance matrices :math:`\Sigma`. .. seealso :: :param h: shape: (batch_size, num_heads, 1, 1, d) The head entity Gaussian distribution. :param r: shape: (batch_size, 1, num_relations, 1, d) The relation Gaussian distribution. :param t: shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_tails, d) The tail entity Gaussian distribution. :param epsilon: float (default=1.0) Small constant used to avoid numerical issues when dividing. :param exact: Whether to return the exact similarity, or leave out constant offsets. :return: torch.Tensor, shape: (s_1, ..., s_k) The similarity. """ assert all((d.diagonal_covariance > 0).all() for d in (h, r, t)) return -_vectorized_kl_divergence( h=h, r=r, t=t, epsilon=epsilon, exact=exact, )
def _vectorized_kl_divergence( h: GaussianDistribution, r: GaussianDistribution, t: GaussianDistribution, epsilon: float = 1.0e-10, exact: bool = True, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: r"""Vectorized implementation of KL-divergence. Computes the divergence between :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu_e, \Sigma_e)` and :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu_r, \Sigma_r)` given by .. math :: \mu_e = \mu_h - \mu_t \Sigma_e = \Sigma_h + \Sigma_t where all covariance matrices are diagonal. Hence we can simplify .. math :: D(\mathcal{N}(\mu_e, \Sigma_e), \mathcal{N}(\mu_r, \Sigma_r)) = 0.5 * ( \trace(\Sigma_r^-1 \Sigma_e) + (\mu_r - \mu_e) * \Sigma_r^-1 (\mu_r - \mu_e) - k + \ln (\det(\Sigma_r) / \det(\Sigma_e)) ) = 0.5 * ( \sum_i \Sigma_e[i] / Sigma_r[i] + \sum_i \mu[i]^2 / \Sigma_r[i] + \sum_i \ln Sigma_r[i] - \sum_i \ln Sigma_e[i] - k ) where :math:`\mu = \mu_r - \mu_e = \mu_r - \mu_h + \mu_t` :param h: shape: (batch_size, num_heads, 1, 1, d) The head entity Gaussian distribution. :param r: shape: (batch_size, 1, num_relations, 1, d) The relation Gaussian distribution. :param t: shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_tails, d) The tail entity Gaussian distribution. :param epsilon: float (default=1.0) Small constant used to avoid numerical issues when dividing. :param exact: Whether to return the exact similarity, or leave out constant offsets. :return: torch.Tensor, shape: (s_1, ..., s_k) The KL-divergence. """ e_var = (h.diagonal_covariance + t.diagonal_covariance) r_var_safe = r.diagonal_covariance.clamp_min(min=epsilon) terms = [] # 1. Component # \sum_i \Sigma_e[i] / Sigma_r[i] r_var_safe_reciprocal = r_var_safe.reciprocal() terms.append(batched_dot(e_var, r_var_safe_reciprocal)) # 2. Component # (mu_1 - mu_0) * Sigma_1^-1 (mu_1 - mu_0) # with mu = (mu_1 - mu_0) # = mu * Sigma_1^-1 mu # since Sigma_1 is diagonal # = mu**2 / sigma_1 mu = tensor_sum(r.mean, -h.mean, t.mean) terms.append(batched_dot(mu.pow(2), r_var_safe_reciprocal)) # 3. Component if exact: terms.append(-torch.as_tensor(data=[h.mean.shape[-1]], device=mu.device)) # 4. Component # ln (det(\Sigma_1) / det(\Sigma_0)) # = ln det Sigma_1 - ln det Sigma_0 # since Sigma is diagonal, we have det Sigma = prod Sigma[ii] # = ln prod Sigma_1[ii] - ln prod Sigma_0[ii] # = sum ln Sigma_1[ii] - sum ln Sigma_0[ii] e_var_safe = e_var.clamp_min(min=epsilon) terms.extend(( r_var_safe.log().sum(dim=-1), -e_var_safe.log().sum(dim=-1), )) result = tensor_sum(*terms) if exact: result = 0.5 * result return result def _torch_kl_similarity( h: GaussianDistribution, r: GaussianDistribution, t: GaussianDistribution, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """Compute KL similarity using torch.distributions. .. note :: Do not use this method in production code. """ e_mean = h.mean - t.mean e_var = h.diagonal_covariance + t.diagonal_covariance # allocate result batch_size, num_heads, num_relations, num_tails = calculate_broadcasted_elementwise_result_shape( e_mean.shape, r.mean.shape, )[:-1] result = h.mean.new_empty(batch_size, num_heads, num_relations, num_tails) for bi, hi, ri, ti in itertools.product( range(batch_size), range(num_heads), range(num_relations), range(num_tails), ): # prepare distributions e_loc = e_mean[bi, hi, 0, ti, :] r_loc = r.mean[bi, 0, ri, 0, :] e_cov = torch.diag(e_var[bi, hi, 0, ti, :]) r_cov = torch.diag(r.diagonal_covariance[bi, 0, ri, 0, :]) p = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=e_loc, covariance_matrix=e_cov, ) q = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=r_loc, covariance_matrix=r_cov, ) result[bi, hi, ri, ti] = torch.distributions.kl_divergence(p=p, q=q).view(-1) return -result KG2E_SIMILARITIES = { 'KL': kullback_leibler_similarity, 'EL': expected_likelihood, }