Source code for pykeen.nn.init

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Embedding weight initialization routines."""

import math

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn
import torch.nn.init
from torch.nn import functional

from ..utils import compose

__all__ = [

[docs]def xavier_uniform_(tensor, gain: float = 1.): r"""Initialize weights of the tensor similarly to Glorot/Xavier initialization. Proceed as if it was a linear layer with fan_in of zero and Xavier uniform initialization is used, i.e. fill the weight of input `embedding` with values values sampled from :math:`\mathcal{U}(-a, a)` where .. math:: a = \text{gain} \times \sqrt{\frac{6}{\text{embedding_dim}}} :param tensor: A tensor :param gain: An optional scaling factor, defaults to 1.0. :return: Embedding with weights by the Xavier uniform initializer. """ bound = gain * 6 / math.sqrt(tensor.shape[-1]) torch.nn.init.uniform_(tensor, -bound, bound) return tensor
[docs]def xavier_normal_(tensor: torch.Tensor, gain: float = 1.0) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Initialize weights of the tensor similarly to Glorot/Xavier initialization. Proceed as if it was a linear layer with fan_in of zero and Xavier normal initialization is used. Fill the weight of input `embedding` with values values sampled from :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, a^2)` where .. math:: a = \text{gain} \times \sqrt{\frac{2}{\text{embedding_dim}}} :param tensor: A tensor :param gain: An optional scaling factor, defaults to 1.0. :return: Embedding with weights by the Xavier normal initializer. """ std = gain * 2 / math.sqrt(tensor.shape[-1]) torch.nn.init.normal_(tensor, mean=0., std=std) return tensor
[docs]def init_phases(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Generate random phases between 0 and :math:`2\pi`.""" phases = 2 * np.pi * torch.rand_like(x[..., :x.shape[-1] // 2]) return[torch.cos(phases), torch.sin(phases)], dim=-1).detach()
xavier_uniform_norm_ = compose( torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_, functional.normalize, ) xavier_normal_norm_ = compose( torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_, functional.normalize, ) uniform_norm_ = compose( torch.nn.init.uniform_, functional.normalize, ) normal_norm_ = compose( torch.nn.init.normal_, functional.normalize, ) def init_quaternions( x: torch.FloatTensor, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """Initialize quaternion.""" num_elements, dim = x.shape if dim % 4 != 0: raise ValueError("Quaternions have four components, but dimension {dim} is not divisible by four.") dim //= 4 # scaling factor s = 1. / math.sqrt(2 * num_elements) # modulus ~ Uniform[-s, s] modulus = 2 * s * torch.rand(num_elements, dim) - s # phase ~ Uniform[0, 2*pi] phase = 2 * math.pi * torch.rand(num_elements, dim) # real part real = (modulus * phase.cos()).unsqueeze(dim=-1) # purely imaginary quaternions unitary imag = torch.rand(num_elements, dim, 3) imag = functional.normalize(imag, p=2, dim=-1) imag = imag * (modulus * phase.sin()).unsqueeze(dim=-1) x =[real, imag], dim=-1) return x.view(num_elements, 4 * dim)