Source code for pykeen.typing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Type hints for PyKEEN."""

from typing import Callable, Mapping, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import torch
from class_resolver import Hint, HintOrType, HintType

__all__ = [
    # General types
    # Triples
    # Others
    # Tensor Functions
    # Tensors
    # Dataclasses

X = TypeVar('X')

#: A function that mutates the input and returns a new object of the same type as output
Mutation = Callable[[X], X]
OneOrSequence = Union[X, Sequence[X]]

LabeledTriples = np.ndarray
MappedTriples = torch.LongTensor
EntityMapping = Mapping[str, int]
RelationMapping = Mapping[str, int]

#: A function that can be applied to a tensor to initialize it
Initializer = Mutation[torch.FloatTensor]
#: A function that can be applied to a tensor to normalize it
Normalizer = Mutation[torch.FloatTensor]
#: A function that can be applied to a tensor to constrain it
Constrainer = Mutation[torch.FloatTensor]

[docs]def cast_constrainer(f) -> Constrainer: """Cast a constrainer function with :func:`typing.cast`.""" return cast(Constrainer, f)
#: A hint for a :class:`torch.device` DeviceHint = Hint[torch.device] #: A hint for a :class:`torch.Generator` TorchRandomHint = Union[None, int, torch.Generator] #: A type variable for head representations used in :class:`pykeen.models.Model`, #: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction`, etc. HeadRepresentation = TypeVar("HeadRepresentation", bound=OneOrSequence[torch.FloatTensor]) #: A type variable for relation representations used in :class:`pykeen.models.Model`, #: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction`, etc. RelationRepresentation = TypeVar("RelationRepresentation", bound=OneOrSequence[torch.FloatTensor]) #: A type variable for tail representations used in :class:`pykeen.models.Model`, #: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction`, etc. TailRepresentation = TypeVar("TailRepresentation", bound=OneOrSequence[torch.FloatTensor])
[docs]class GaussianDistribution(NamedTuple): """A gaussian distribution with diagonal covariance matrix.""" mean: torch.FloatTensor diagonal_covariance: torch.FloatTensor
[docs]class ScorePack(NamedTuple): """A pair of result triples and scores.""" result: torch.LongTensor scores: torch.FloatTensor