Source code for pykeen.nn.functional

"""Functional forms of interaction methods.

These implementations allow for an arbitrary number of batch dimensions,
as well as broadcasting and thus naturally support slicing and 1:n scoring.

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from torch import broadcast_tensors, nn

from .compute_kernel import batched_dot
from ..typing import FloatTensor
from ..utils import (

__all__ = [

def _apply_optional_bn_to_tensor(
    x: FloatTensor,
    output_dropout: nn.Dropout,
    batch_norm: nn.BatchNorm1d | None = None,
) -> FloatTensor:
    """Apply optional batch normalization and dropout layer. Supports multiple batch dimensions."""
    if batch_norm is not None:
        shape = x.shape
        x = x.reshape(-1, shape[-1])
        x = batch_norm(x)
        x = x.view(*shape)
    return output_dropout(x)

def circular_correlation(
    a: FloatTensor,
    b: FloatTensor,
) -> FloatTensor:
    Compute the circular correlation between to vectors.

    .. note ::
        The implementation uses FFT.

    :param a: shape: s_1
        The tensor with the first vectors.
    :param b:
        The tensor with the second vectors.

        The circular correlation between the vectors.
    # Circular correlation of entity embeddings
    a_fft = torch.fft.rfft(a, dim=-1)
    b_fft = torch.fft.rfft(b, dim=-1)
    # complex conjugate
    a_fft = torch.conj(a_fft)
    # Hadamard product in frequency domain
    p_fft = a_fft * b_fft
    # inverse real FFT
    return torch.fft.irfft(p_fft, n=a.shape[-1], dim=-1)

[docs] def ntn_interaction( h: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, w: FloatTensor, vh: FloatTensor, vt: FloatTensor, b: FloatTensor, u: FloatTensor, activation: nn.Module, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the NTN interaction function. .. math:: f(h,r,t) = u_r^T act(h W_r t + V_r h + V_r' t + b_r) :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param w: shape: (`*batch_dims`, k, dim, dim) The relation specific transformation matrix W_r. :param vh: shape: (`*batch_dims`, k, dim) The head transformation matrix V_h. :param vt: shape: (`*batch_dims`, k, dim) The tail transformation matrix V_h. :param b: shape: (`*batch_dims`, k) The relation specific offset b_r. :param u: shape: (`*batch_dims`, k) The relation specific final linear transformation b_r. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param activation: The activation function. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return ( u * activation( tensor_sum( einsum("...d,...kde,...e->...k", h, w, t), # shape: (*batch_dims, k) einsum("...d, ...kd->...k", h, vh), einsum("...d, ...kd->...k", t, vt), b, ) ) ).sum(dim=-1)
[docs] def proje_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, d_e: FloatTensor, d_r: FloatTensor, b_c: FloatTensor, b_p: FloatTensor, activation: nn.Module, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the ProjE interaction function. .. math:: f(h, r, t) = g(t z(D_e h + D_r r + b_c) + b_p) :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param d_e: shape: (dim,) Global entity projection. :param d_r: shape: (dim,) Global relation projection. :param b_c: shape: (dim,) Global combination bias. :param b_p: shape: scalar Final score bias :param activation: The activation function. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ # global projections h = einsum("...d, d -> ...d", h, d_e) r = einsum("...d, d -> ...d", r, d_r) # combination, shape: (*batch_dims, d) x = activation(tensor_sum(h, r, b_c)) # dot product with t return einsum("...d, ...d -> ...", x, t) + b_p
[docs] def rescal_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the RESCAL interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return einsum("...d,,...e->...", h, r, t)
[docs] def simple_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, h_inv: FloatTensor, r_inv: FloatTensor, t_inv: FloatTensor, clamp: tuple[float, float] | None = None, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the SimplE interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param h_inv: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The inverse head representations. :param r_inv: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim, dim) The relation representations. :param t_inv: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param clamp: Clamp the scores to the given range. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ scores = 0.5 * (tensor_product(h, r, t).sum(dim=-1) + tensor_product(h_inv, r_inv, t_inv).sum(dim=-1)) # Note: In the code in their repository, the score is clamped to [-20, 20]. # That is not mentioned in the paper, so it is made optional here. if clamp: min_, max_ = clamp scores = scores.clamp(min=min_, max=max_) return scores
[docs] def se_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r_h: FloatTensor, r_t: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, p: int, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the Structured Embedding interaction function. .. math :: f(h, r, t) = -\|R_h h - R_t t\| :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r_h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rel_dim, dim) The relation-specific head projection. :param r_t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rel_dim, dim) The relation-specific tail projection. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param p: The p for the norm. cf. :func:`torch.linalg.vector_norm`. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return negative_norm( einsum("...rd,...d->...r", r_h, h) - einsum("...rd,...d->...r", r_t, t), p=p, power_norm=power_norm, )
def toruse_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, p: int | str = 2, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the TorusE interaction function from [ebisu2018]. .. note :: This only implements the two L_p norm based variants. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param p: The p for the norm. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ d = tensor_sum(h, r, -t) d = d - torch.floor(d) d = torch.minimum(d, 1.0 - d) return negative_norm(d, p=p, power_norm=power_norm)
[docs] def transd_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, h_p: FloatTensor, r_p: FloatTensor, t_p: FloatTensor, p: int, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the TransD interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_r) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The tail representations. :param h_p: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The head projections. :param r_p: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_r) The relation projections. :param t_p: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The tail projections. :param p: The parameter p for selecting the norm. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm instead. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ # Project entities h_bot = project_entity( e=h, e_p=h_p, r_p=r_p, ) t_bot = project_entity( e=t, e_p=t_p, r_p=r_p, ) return negative_norm_of_sum(h_bot, r, -t_bot, p=p, power_norm=power_norm)
[docs] def transe_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, p: int | str = 2, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the TransE interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param p: The p for the norm. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return negative_norm_of_sum(h, r, -t, p=p, power_norm=power_norm)
[docs] def transf_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the TransF interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return batched_dot(h + r, t) + batched_dot(h, t - r)
[docs] def transh_interaction( h: FloatTensor, w_r: FloatTensor, d_r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, p: int, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the DistMult interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param w_r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation normal vector representations. :param d_r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation difference vector representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param p: The p for the norm. cf. :func:`torch.linalg.vector_norm`. :param power_norm: Whether to return $|x-y|_p^p$. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return negative_norm_of_sum( # h projection to hyperplane h, -einsum("...i, ...i, ...j -> ...j", h, w_r, w_r), # r d_r, # -t projection to hyperplane -t, einsum("...i, ...i, ...j -> ...j", t, w_r, w_r), p=p, power_norm=power_norm, )
[docs] def transr_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, m_r: FloatTensor, p: int, power_norm: bool = True, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the TransR interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) Head embeddings. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_r) Relation embeddings. :param m_r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e, d_r) The relation specific linear transformations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) Tail embeddings. :param p: The parameter p for selecting the norm. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm instead. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ # project to relation specific subspace h_bot = einsum("...e, -> ...r", h, m_r) t_bot = einsum("...e, -> ...r", t, m_r) # ensure constraints h_bot = clamp_norm(h_bot, p=2, dim=-1, maxnorm=1.0) t_bot = clamp_norm(t_bot, p=2, dim=-1, maxnorm=1.0) return negative_norm_of_sum(h_bot, r, -t_bot, p=p, power_norm=power_norm)
[docs] def tucker_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, core_tensor: FloatTensor, do_h: nn.Dropout, do_r: nn.Dropout, do_hr: nn.Dropout, bn_h: nn.BatchNorm1d | None, bn_hr: nn.BatchNorm1d | None, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the TuckEr interaction function. Compute scoring function W x_1 h x_2 r x_3 t as in the official implementation, i.e. as .. math :: DO_{hr}(BN_{hr}(DO_h(BN_h(h)) x_1 DO_r(W x_2 r))) x_3 t where BN denotes BatchNorm and DO denotes Dropout :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_r) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The tail representations. :param core_tensor: shape: (d_e, d_r, d_e) The core tensor. :param do_h: The dropout layer for the head representations. :param do_r: The first hidden dropout. :param do_hr: The second hidden dropout. :param bn_h: The first batch normalization layer. :param bn_hr: The second batch normalization layer. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return ( _apply_optional_bn_to_tensor( x=einsum( # x_1 contraction "...ik,...i->...k", _apply_optional_bn_to_tensor( x=einsum( # x_2 contraction "ijk,...j->...ik", core_tensor, r, ), output_dropout=do_r, ), _apply_optional_bn_to_tensor( x=h, batch_norm=bn_h, output_dropout=do_h, ), ), batch_norm=bn_hr, output_dropout=do_hr, ) * t ).sum(dim=-1)
[docs] def mure_interaction( h: FloatTensor, b_h: FloatTensor, r_vec: FloatTensor, r_mat: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, b_t: FloatTensor, p: int | float | str = 2, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the MuRE interaction function from [balazevic2019b]_. .. math :: -\|Rh + r - t\| + b_h + b_t :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param b_h: shape: batch_dims The head entity bias. :param r_vec: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation vector. :param r_mat: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim,) The diagonal relation matrix. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param b_t: shape: batch_dims The tail entity bias. :param p: The parameter p for selecting the norm, cf. :func:`torch.linalg.vector_norm`. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm instead. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return ( negative_norm_of_sum( h * r_mat, r_vec, -t, p=p, power_norm=power_norm, ) + b_h + b_t )
[docs] def um_interaction( h: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, p: int, power_norm: bool = True, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the SimplE interaction function. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param p: The parameter p for selecting the norm. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm instead. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return negative_norm(h - t, p=p, power_norm=power_norm)
[docs] def pair_re_interaction( h: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, r_h: FloatTensor, r_t: FloatTensor, p: int | str = 2, power_norm: bool = True, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the PairRE interaction function. .. math :: -\|h \odot r_h - t \odot r_t \| :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param r_h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head part of the relation representations. :param r_t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail part of the relation representations. :param p: The parameter p for selecting the norm. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm instead. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return negative_norm_of_sum( h * r_h, -t * r_t, p=p, power_norm=power_norm, )
def quat_e_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, table: FloatTensor, ): """Evaluate the interaction function of QuatE for given embeddings. The embeddings have to be in a broadcastable shape. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim, 4) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim, 4) The head representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim, 4) The tail representations. :param table: the quaternion multiplication table. :return: shape: (...) The scores. """ # TODO: this sign is in the official code, too, but why do we need it? return -einsum("...di,,, ijk -> ...", h, r, t, table)
[docs] def triple_re_interaction( # head h: FloatTensor, # relation r_head: FloatTensor, r_mid: FloatTensor, r_tail: FloatTensor, # tail t: FloatTensor, # version 2: relation factor offset u: float | None = None, # extension: negative (power) norm p: int = 2, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the TripleRE interaction function. .. seealso :: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.TripleREInteraction` for the stateful interaction module :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The head representations. :param r_head: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The relation-specific head multiplicator representations. :param r_mid: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The relation representations. :param r_tail: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The relation-specific tail multiplicator representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The tail representations. :param u: the relation factor offset. If u is not None or 0, this corresponds to TripleREv2. :param p: The p for the norm. cf. :func:`torch.linalg.vector_norm`. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ # note: normalization should be done from the representations # cf. # noqa: E501 # version 2 if u is not None: # r_head = r_head + u * torch.ones_like(r_head) # r_tail = r_tail + u * torch.ones_like(r_tail) r_head = r_head + u r_tail = r_tail + u return negative_norm_of_sum( h * r_head, -t * r_tail, r_mid, p=p, power_norm=power_norm, )
[docs] def transformer_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, transformer: nn.TransformerEncoder, position_embeddings: FloatTensor, final: nn.Module, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the Transformer interaction function, as described in [galkin2020]_.. .. math :: \textit{score}(h, r, t) = \textit{Linear}(\textit{SumPooling}(\textit{Transformer}([h + pe[0]; r + pe[1]])))^T t :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, dim) The tail representations. :param transformer: the transformer encoder :param position_embeddings: shape: (2, dim) the positional embeddings, one for head and one for relation :param final: the final (linear) transformation :return: The scores. """ # stack h & r (+ broadcast) => shape: (2, *batch_dims, dim) x = torch.stack(broadcast_tensors(h, r), dim=0) # remember shape for output, but reshape for transformer hr_shape = x.shape x = x.view(2, -1, hr_shape[-1]) # get position embeddings, shape: (seq_len, dim) # Now we are position-dependent w.r.t qualifier pairs. x = x + position_embeddings.unsqueeze(dim=1) # seq_length, batch_size, dim x = transformer(src=x) # Pool output x = x.sum(dim=0) # output shape: (batch_size, dim) x = final(x) # reshape x = x.view(*hr_shape[1:-1], x.shape[-1]) return (x * t).sum(dim=-1)
[docs] def multilinear_tucker_interaction( h: FloatTensor, r: FloatTensor, t: FloatTensor, core_tensor: FloatTensor, ) -> FloatTensor: r"""Evaluate the (original) multi-linear TuckEr interaction function. .. math :: score(h, r, t) = \sum W_{ijk} h_i r_j t_k :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The head representations. :param r: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_r) The relation representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, d_e) The tail representations. :param core_tensor: shape: (d_h, d_r, d_t) The core tensor. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return einsum("ijk,...i,...j,...k->...", core_tensor, h, r, t)
[docs] def linea_re_interaction( # head h: FloatTensor, # relation r_head: FloatTensor, r_mid: FloatTensor, r_tail: FloatTensor, # tail t: FloatTensor, # extension: negative (power) norm p: int = 2, power_norm: bool = False, ) -> FloatTensor: """Evaluate the LineaRE interaction function. .. note :: the interaction is equivalent to TripleRE interaction without the `u` term. :param h: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The head representations. :param r_head: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The relation-specific head multiplicator representations. :param r_mid: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The relation representations. :param r_tail: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The relation-specific tail multiplicator representations. :param t: shape: (`*batch_dims`, rank, dim) The tail representations. :param p: The p for the norm. cf. :func:`negative_norm_of_sum`. :param power_norm: Whether to return the powered norm. cf. :func:`negative_norm_of_sum`. :return: shape: batch_dims The scores. """ return triple_re_interaction( h=h, r_head=r_head, r_mid=r_mid, r_tail=r_tail, t=t, u=None, p=p, power_norm=power_norm )