Using Resolvers
As PyKEEN is a heavily modular and extensible library, we make use of the class_resolver
to allow simple configuration of components. In this part of the tutorial, we explain how to use
these configuration options, and how to figure out what values you can pass here.
We use the initialization method of the base model class pykeen.models.base.Model()
and its handling of
loss functions as an example. Its signature is given as
def __init__(
loss: HintOrType[Loss] = None,
loss_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None,
) -> None:
Notice the two related parameters loss: HintOrType[Loss] = None and loss_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None. The loss_kwargs thus takes a values of type OptionalKwargs as input, which is an abbreviation of Union[None, Mapping[str, Any]]. Hence, we can either pass a mapping of string keys to some values, or Ǹone. In the latter case of passing None, this is interpreted as an empty dictionary.
The loss parameter takes inputs of type HintOrType[Loss]. HintOrType[Loss] is a abbreviation of Union[None, str, Type[Loss], Loss]. Thus, we can either pass
an instance of the
, e.g.,pykeen.losses.MarginRankingLoss(margin=2.0)
. If an instance ofpykeen.losses.Loss
is passed, it is used without modification. In this case, loss_kwargs will be ignored.a subclass of
, e.g.,pykeen.losses.MarginRankingLoss
In this case, the class is instantiated with the given loss_kwargs as (keyword-based) parameters. For instance,loss = MarginRankingLoss loss_kwargs = None # equivalent to {}
translates to MarginRankingLoss(). We can also choose different instantiation parameters by
loss = MarginRankingLoss loss_kwargs = dict(margin=2) # or {"margin": 2}
which translates to MarginRankingLoss(margin=2)
a string. This string is used to search for a matching class using the class-resolver’s lookup function. The lookup function performs some string normalization and compares the resulting key to the normalized names of classes it is associated with. The found class is then used to instantiate the object as if we passed this class instead of the string. For instance, we can obtain instances MarginRankingLoss by passing “MarginRankingLoss”, “marginrankingloss”, “marginranking”, “margin-ranking”, or “MRL”.
None. In this case, we use the default class set in the class-resolver, which happens to be
for the loss_resolver. If no default is set, an exception will be raised.
Determining Allowed Inputs
To keep PyKEEN easily extensible and maintainable, we often use None for the choice, e.g., loss, and the keyword-based parameters. This can sometimes make it hard to read what default values are used, what valid choices are available, and what parameters are allowed with these different choices. In the following, we describe a few ways how to find this information.
First, you should take a look at the type annotation. HintOrType[X] = None tells you that you can pass any
subclass of X. Moreover, you can always pass the string of the class name instead, which often is easier to
setup for you result tracking, command line arguments, or hyperparameter search. All resolvers for classes used
in PyKEEN are instantiated using the ClassResolver.from_subclasses factory function, which automatically
registers all subclasses for a given base class as valid choices. Moreover, it will allow you to pass class names
without the base class’ name as suffix, e.g., loss_resolver accepts MarginRanking instead of MarginRankingLoss,
since the base class’ name Loss is removed as suffix during the normalization. To utilize this feature, we
try to follow an appropriate naming scheme for all configurable parts, e.g.,
, or pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction
The allowed parameters for …_kwargs: OptionalKwargs are a bit harder to determine, since they vary with
your choice of the component! For instance, MarginRankingLoss
has a margin parameter, while
does not provide such. Hence, you should investigate the documentation
of the individual classes to inform yourself about available parameters and allowed values.