Normalizer, Constrainer & Regularizer

Sometimes we want to impose constraints on parameters such as the embedding vector. This can be motivated by geometric importance of individual parameters (e.g., acting as a normal vector), indicating a preference for one solution over many otherwise equivalent solutions, or acting as a general regularization term to reduce the risk of overfitting.

There are several ways to impose these constraints. To better differentiate between them, PyKEEN distinguishes between normalizers, constrainers, and regularizers.


A normalizer is essentially a re-parameterization: For instance, to normalize vector \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^d\) to unit norm, we introduce a new variable \(\overline{\mathbf{x}} = \frac{1}{\|\mathbf{x}\|}\mathbf{x}\), and use this variable instead of \(\mathbf{x}\).

This normalization is applied within the computational graph, so gradients for \(\mathbf{x}\) will include the effect of the normalization constant, effectively canceling out any contribution that would not change the direction of the gradient, but rather re-scale its length.

Normalizers are strict, i.e. the normalized variable is guaranteed to satisfy the constraint.

Since normalizers are part of the computational graph, they are usually implemented directly as part of a module, e.g., in pykeen.nn.representation.Embedding.


A constrainer applies the same strict normalization, but outside of the computational graph. So we do the gradient computation without respecting the constraint, and only after applying the optimization update, e.g., we do a renormalization.

This method can be seen as a relaxation of the constrained problem that ignores the constraints and projects the (approximate) solution of the unconstrained problem back into the constraint set.

Constrainers guarantee the constraint after each gradient step, but may violate the constaints in between.

Constrainers are applied in pykeen.nn.representation.Representation.post_parameter_update().


If you use PyKEEN modules outside of PyKEEN’s training methods, you need to make sure to call pykeen.nn.representation.Representation.post_parameter_update() yourself after each parameter update.


A regularizer does not impose strict normalization, but rather adds a term to the loss function that penalizes violation of the constraint. This allows constraints to be (severely) violated in the early stages of the optimization, when the original loss term is still high and thus the relative contribution of the regularization term is small. However, once the optimization has found a sufficiently good solution for the original loss term, it can only further improve the total loss by also respecting the regularization term.

You can find implementations of regularizers by looking at subclasses of pykeen.regularizers.Regularizer.

See also