"""Type hints for PyKEEN."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Collection, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Callable, Literal, NamedTuple, TypeVar, Union, cast
import numpy as np
import torch
from class_resolver import Hint, HintOrType, HintType
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias # Python <=3.10
__all__ = [
# General types
# Triples
# Others
# Tensor Functions
# Tensors
# Dataclasses
# prediction targets
# modes
# entity alignment sides
# utils
X = TypeVar("X")
# some PyTorch functions to not properly propagate types (e.g., float() does not return FloatTensor but Tensor)
# however it is still useful to distinguish float tensors from long ones
# to make the switch easier once PyTorch improves typing, we use a global type alias inside PyKEEN.
BoolTensor: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor # replace by torch.BoolTensor
FloatTensor: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor # replace by torch.FloatTensor
LongTensor: TypeAlias = torch.Tensor # replace by torch.LongTensor
#: A function that mutates the input and returns a new object of the same type as output
Mutation = Callable[[X], X]
OneOrSequence = Union[X, Sequence[X]]
LabeledTriples = np.ndarray
MappedTriples = LongTensor
EntityMapping = Mapping[str, int]
RelationMapping = Mapping[str, int]
#: A function that can be applied to a tensor to initialize it
Initializer = Mutation[FloatTensor]
#: A function that can be applied to a tensor to normalize it
Normalizer = Mutation[FloatTensor]
#: A function that can be applied to a tensor to constrain it
Constrainer = Mutation[FloatTensor]
def cast_constrainer(f) -> Constrainer:
"""Cast a constrainer function with :func:`typing.cast`."""
return cast(Constrainer, f)
#: A hint for a :class:`torch.device`
DeviceHint = Hint[torch.device]
#: A hint for a :class:`torch.Generator`
TorchRandomHint = Union[None, int, torch.Generator]
Representation = TypeVar("Representation", bound=OneOrSequence[FloatTensor])
#: A type variable for head representations used in :class:`pykeen.models.Model`,
#: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction`, etc.
HeadRepresentation = TypeVar("HeadRepresentation", bound=OneOrSequence[FloatTensor])
#: A type variable for relation representations used in :class:`pykeen.models.Model`,
#: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction`, etc.
RelationRepresentation = TypeVar("RelationRepresentation", bound=OneOrSequence[FloatTensor])
#: A type variable for tail representations used in :class:`pykeen.models.Model`,
#: :class:`pykeen.nn.modules.Interaction`, etc.
TailRepresentation = TypeVar("TailRepresentation", bound=OneOrSequence[FloatTensor])
class GaussianDistribution(NamedTuple):
"""A gaussian distribution with diagonal covariance matrix."""
mean: FloatTensor
diagonal_covariance: FloatTensor
Sign = Literal[-1, 1]
#: the inductive prediction and training mode
InductiveMode = Literal["training", "validation", "testing"]
TRAINING: InductiveMode = "training"
VALIDATION: InductiveMode = "validation"
TESTING: InductiveMode = "testing"
#: the prediction target
Target = Literal["head", "relation", "tail"]
LABEL_HEAD: Target = "head"
LABEL_RELATION: Target = "relation"
LABEL_TAIL: Target = "tail"
#: the prediction target index
TargetColumn = Literal[0, 1, 2]
COLUMN_HEAD: TargetColumn = 0
COLUMN_RELATION: TargetColumn = 1
COLUMN_TAIL: TargetColumn = 2
#: the rank types
RankType = Literal["optimistic", "realistic", "pessimistic"]
RANK_OPTIMISTIC: RankType = "optimistic"
RANK_REALISTIC: RankType = "realistic"
RANK_PESSIMISTIC: RankType = "pessimistic"
# RANK_TYPES: Tuple[RankType, ...] = typing.get_args(RankType) # Python >= 3.8
RANK_TYPE_SYNONYMS: Mapping[str, RankType] = {
"average": RANK_REALISTIC,
def normalize_rank_type(rank: str | None) -> RankType:
"""Normalize a rank type."""
if rank is None:
rank = rank.lower()
rank = RANK_TYPE_SYNONYMS.get(rank, rank)
if rank not in RANK_TYPES:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid target={rank}. Possible values: {RANK_TYPES}")
return cast(RankType, rank)
TargetBoth = Literal["both"]
SIDE_BOTH: TargetBoth = "both"
ExtendedTarget = Union[Target, TargetBoth]
SIDES: Collection[ExtendedTarget] = {LABEL_HEAD, LABEL_TAIL, SIDE_BOTH}
def normalize_target(target: str | None) -> ExtendedTarget:
"""Normalize a prediction target side."""
if target is None:
return SIDE_BOTH
if target not in SIDES:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid target={target}. Possible values: {SIDES}")
return cast(ExtendedTarget, target)
# entity alignment
EASide = Literal["left", "right"]
EA_SIDE_LEFT: EASide = "left"
EA_SIDE_RIGHT: EASide = "right"