- class OpenEA(*, graph_pair: str = 'D_W', size: Literal['15K', '100K'] = '15K', version: Literal['V1', 'V2'] = 'V1', **kwargs)[source]
The OpenEA dataset family.
Initialize the dataset.
- Parameters:
graph_pair (str) – The graph-pair within the dataset family (cf. GRAPH_PAIRS).
size (Literal['15K', '100K']) – The size of the graphs (either “15K” or “100K”).
version (Literal['V1', 'V2']) – The version of the pairing (either “V1” or “V2). “V1” has lower connectivity in the graph than “V2”.
kwargs – additional keyword-based parameters passed to
- Raises:
ValueError – If the graph pair, size or version is invalid.
Attributes Summary
The link to the zip file
The hex digest for the zip file
Attributes Documentation