
class OpenEA(*, graph_pair: str = 'D_W', size: Literal['15K', '100K'] = '15K', version: Literal['V1', 'V2'] = 'V1', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: EADataset

The OpenEA dataset family.

Initialize the dataset.

  • graph_pair (str) – The graph-pair within the dataset family (cf. GRAPH_PAIRS).

  • size (Literal['15K', '100K']) – The size of the graphs (either “15K” or “100K”).

  • version (Literal['V1', 'V2']) – The version of the pairing (either “V1” or “V2). “V1” has lower connectivity in the graph than “V2”.

  • kwargs – additional keyword-based parameters passed to EABase.__init__()


ValueError – If the graph pair, size or version is invalid.

Attributes Summary


The link to the zip file


The hex digest for the zip file

Attributes Documentation

The link to the zip file

SHA512: str = 'c1589f185f86e05c497de147b4d6c243c66775cb4b50c6b41ecc71b36cfafb4c9f86fbee94e1e78a7ee056dd69df1ce3fc210ae07dc64955ad2bfda7450545ef'

The hex digest for the zip file