
class InductiveDataset[source]

Bases: object

Contains transductive train and inductive inference/validation/test datasets.

Attributes Summary


All datasets should take care of inverse triple creation


A factory wrapping the validation triples, that share indices with the INDUCTIVE INFERENCE triples

Methods Summary

summarize([title, show_examples, file])

Print a summary of the dataset.

summary_str([title, show_examples, end])

Make a summary string of all of the factories.

Attributes Documentation

create_inverse_triples: bool = True

All datasets should take care of inverse triple creation

inductive_validation: CoreTriplesFactory | None = None

A factory wrapping the validation triples, that share indices with the INDUCTIVE INFERENCE triples

Methods Documentation

summarize(title: str | None = None, show_examples: int | None = 5, file=None) None[source]

Print a summary of the dataset.

  • title (str | None)

  • show_examples (int | None)

Return type:


summary_str(title: str | None = None, show_examples: int | None = 5, end='\n') str[source]

Make a summary string of all of the factories.

  • title (str | None)

  • show_examples (int | None)

Return type:
