Source code for pykeen.contrib.lightning

"""PyTorch Lightning integration.

PyTorch Lightning poses an alternative way to implement a training
loop and evaluation loop for knowledge graph embedding models that
has some nice features:

- mixed precision training
- multi-gpu training

.. code-block:: python

    model = LitLCWAModule(
        model_kwargs=dict(embedding_dim=128, loss="bcewithlogits"),
    trainer = pytorch_lightning.Trainer(
        accelerator="auto",  # automatically choose accelerator
        logger=False,  # defaults to TensorBoard; explicitly disabled here
        precision=16,  # mixed precision training


from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional

import click
import pytorch_lightning
import torch
from class_resolver import ClassResolver, HintOrType, OptionalKwargs

from pykeen.datasets import dataset_resolver, get_dataset
from pykeen.datasets.base import Dataset
from pykeen.losses import Loss, loss_resolver
from pykeen.models import Model, model_resolver
from pykeen.models.cli import options
from pykeen.optimizers import optimizer_resolver
from pykeen.sampling import NegativeSampler
from import LCWATrainingLoop, SLCWATrainingLoop
from import create_lcwa_instances
from import create_slcwa_instances
from pykeen.triples.triples_factory import CoreTriplesFactory
from pykeen.typing import FloatTensor, InductiveMode, LongTensor, OneOrSequence

__all__ = [

[docs] class LitModule(pytorch_lightning.LightningModule): """ A base module for training models with PyTorch Lightning. .. seealso:: :class:`` """ def __init__( self, # dataset dataset: HintOrType[Dataset] = "nations", dataset_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, mode: Optional[InductiveMode] = None, # model model: HintOrType[Model] = "distmult", model_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, # stored outside of the training loop / optimizer to give access to auto-tuning from Lightning batch_size: int = 32, learning_rate: float = 1.0e-03, label_smoothing: float = 0.0, # optimizer optimizer: HintOrType[torch.optim.Optimizer] = None, optimizer_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, ): """ Create the lightning module. :param dataset: the dataset, or a hint thereof :param dataset_kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters passed to the dataset :param mode: the inductive mode; defaults to transductive training :param model: the model, or a hint thereof :param model_kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters passed to the model :param batch_size: the training batch size :param learning_rate: the learning rate :param label_smoothing: the label smoothing :param optimizer: the optimizer, or a hint thereof :param optimizer_kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters passed to the optimizer. should not contain `lr`, or `params`. """ super().__init__() self.dataset = get_dataset(dataset=dataset, dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs) self.model = model_resolver.make(model, model_kwargs, self.loss = self.model.loss self.optimizer = optimizer self.optimizer_kwargs = optimizer_kwargs self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.batch_size = batch_size self.mode = mode self.label_smoothing = label_smoothing
[docs] def forward(self, hr_batch: LongTensor) -> FloatTensor: """ Perform the prediction or inference step by wrapping :meth:`pykeen.models.ERModel.predict_t`. :param hr_batch: shape: (batch_size, 2), dtype: long The indices of (head, relation) pairs. :return: shape: (batch_size, num_entities), dtype: float For each h-r pair, the scores for all possible tails. .. note:: in lightning, forward defines the prediction/inference actions """ return self.model.predict_t(hr_batch)
@abstractmethod def _step(self, batch, prefix: str): """Perform a step and log with the given prefix.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """Perform a training step.""" return self._step(batch, prefix="train")
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, *args, **kwargs): """Perform a validation step.""" return self._step(batch, prefix="val")
@abstractmethod def _dataloader(self, triples_factory: CoreTriplesFactory, shuffle: bool = False) -> """Create a data loader.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def train_dataloader(self) -> """Create the training data loader.""" return self._dataloader(, shuffle=True)
[docs] def val_dataloader(self) -> OneOrSequence[]: """Create the validation data loader.""" # TODO: In sLCWA, we still want to calculate validation *metrics* in LCWA if self.dataset.validation is None: return [] return self._dataloader(triples_factory=self.dataset.validation, shuffle=False)
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): """Configure the optimizers.""" return optimizer_resolver.make( self.optimizer, self.optimizer_kwargs, params=self.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate )
# docstr-coverage: inherited
[docs] def on_before_zero_grad(self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer) -> None: # noqa: D102 # call post_parameter_update self.model.post_parameter_update()
[docs] class SLCWALitModule(LitModule): """A PyTorch Lightning module for training a model with sLCWA training loop.""" def __init__( self, *, negative_sampler: HintOrType[NegativeSampler] = None, negative_sampler_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize the lightning module. :param negative_sampler: the negative sampler, cf. :meth:`pykeen.triples.CoreTriplesFactory.create_slcwa_instances` :param negative_sampler_kwargs: keyword-based parameters passed to the negative sampler, cf. :meth:`pykeen.triples.CoreTriplesFactory.create_slcwa_instances` :param kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters passed to :meth:`LitModule.__init__` """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.negative_sampler = negative_sampler self.negative_sampler_kwargs = negative_sampler_kwargs # docstr-coverage: inherited def _step(self, batch, prefix: str): # noqa: D102 loss = SLCWATrainingLoop._process_batch_static( model=self.model, loss=self.loss, mode=self.mode, batch=batch, label_smoothing=self.label_smoothing, # TODO: sub-batching / slicing slice_size=None, start=None, stop=None, ) self.log(f"{prefix}_loss", loss) return loss # docstr-coverage: inherited def _dataloader(self, triples_factory: CoreTriplesFactory, shuffle: bool = False) -> # noqa: D102 return dataset=create_slcwa_instances( triples_factory, batch_size=self.batch_size, # TODO: # shuffle=shuffle, # drop_last=drop_last, negative_sampler=self.negative_sampler, negative_sampler_kwargs=self.negative_sampler_kwargs, # sampler=sampler, ), # shuffle=shuffle, # disable automatic batching in data loader sampler=None, batch_size=None, )
[docs] class LCWALitModule(LitModule): """A PyTorch Lightning module for training a model with LCWA training loop. .. seealso:: """ # docstr-coverage: inherited def _step(self, batch, prefix: str): # noqa: D102 loss = LCWATrainingLoop._process_batch_static( model=self.model, score_method=self.model.score_t, loss=self.loss, num_targets=self.model.num_entities, mode=self.mode, batch=batch, label_smoothing=self.label_smoothing, # TODO: sub-batching / slicing start=None, stop=None, slice_size=None, ) self.log(f"{prefix}_loss", loss) return loss # docstr-coverage: inherited def _dataloader(self, triples_factory: CoreTriplesFactory, shuffle: bool = False) -> # noqa: D102 return dataset=create_lcwa_instances(triples_factory), batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, )
#: A resolver for PyTorch Lightning training modules lit_module_resolver: ClassResolver[LitModule] = ClassResolver.from_subclasses( base=LitModule, default=SLCWALitModule, # note: since this file is executed via __main__, its module name is replaced by __name__ # hence, the two classes' fully qualified names start with "_" and are considered private # cf. exclude_private=False, ) def lit_pipeline( training_loop: HintOrType[LitModule] = None, training_loop_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, trainer_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, ) -> None: """ Create a :class:`LitModule` and run :class:`pytorch_lightning.Trainer` with it. .. note:: this method modifies the model's parameters in-place. :param training_loop: the training loop or a hint thereof :param training_loop_kwargs: keyword-based parameters passed to the respective :class:`LitModule` subclass upon instantiation. :param trainer_kwargs: keyword-based parameters passed to :class:`pytorch_lightning.Trainer` """ pytorch_lightning.Trainer(**(trainer_kwargs or {})).fit( model=lit_module_resolver.make(training_loop, pos_kwargs=training_loop_kwargs) ) @click.command() @lit_module_resolver.get_option("-tl", "--training-loop") @dataset_resolver.get_option("--dataset", default="nations") @options.inverse_triples_option @model_resolver.get_option("-m", "--model", default="mure") @loss_resolver.get_option("-l", "--loss", default="bcewithlogits") @options.batch_size_option @click.option("--embedding-dim", type=int, default=128) @click.option("-b", "--batch-size", type=int, default=128) @click.option("--mixed-precision", is_flag=True) @options.number_epochs_option def _main( training_loop: HintOrType[LitModule], dataset: HintOrType[Dataset], create_inverse_triples: bool, model: HintOrType[Model], loss: HintOrType[Loss], batch_size: int, embedding_dim: int, mixed_precision: bool, number_epochs: int, ): """Run PyTorch lightning model.""" lit_pipeline( training_loop=training_loop, training_loop_kwargs=dict( dataset=dataset, dataset_kwargs=dict(create_inverse_triples=create_inverse_triples), model=model, model_kwargs=dict(embedding_dim=embedding_dim, loss=loss), batch_size=batch_size, ), trainer_kwargs=dict( # automatically choose accelerator accelerator="auto", # defaults to TensorBoard; explicitly disabled here logger=False, # disable checkpointing enable_checkpointing=False, # mixed precision training precision=16 if mixed_precision else 32, max_epochs=number_epochs, ), ) if __name__ == "__main__": _main()