Source code for pykeen.datasets.ogb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Load the OGB datasets.

Run with ``python -m pykeen.datasets.ogb``
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import logging
import pathlib
import typing
from typing import ClassVar, Generic, Literal, Optional, Sequence, TypedDict, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload

import click
import numpy
import pandas
import torch
from docdata import parse_docdata
from more_click import verbose_option

from .base import LazyDataset
from ..triples import TriplesFactory
from ..typing import EntityMapping, RelationMapping

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ogb.linkproppred import LinkPropPredDataset

__all__ = [

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Type annotation for split types
TrainKey = Literal["train"]
EvalKey = Literal["valid", "test"]
SplitKey = Union[TrainKey, EvalKey]

# type variables for dictionaries of preprocessed data loaded through torch.load
PreprocessedTrainDictType = TypeVar("PreprocessedTrainDictType")
PreprocessedEvalDictType = TypeVar("PreprocessedEvalDictType")

class OGBLoader(LazyDataset, Generic[PreprocessedTrainDictType, PreprocessedEvalDictType]):
    """Load from the Open Graph Benchmark (OGB)."""

    #: The name of the dataset to download
    name: ClassVar[str]

    def __init__(self, cache_root: Optional[str] = None, create_inverse_triples: bool = False):
        """Initialize the OGB loader.

        :param cache_root: An optional override for where data should be cached.
            If not specified, uses default PyKEEN location with :mod:`pystow`.
        :param create_inverse_triples: Should inverse triples be created? Defaults to false.
        self.cache_root = self._help_cache(cache_root)
        self._create_inverse_triples = create_inverse_triples

    # docstr-coverage: inherited
    def _load(self) -> None:  # noqa: D102
        dataset = self._load_ogb_dataset()
        # label mapping is in dataset.root/mapping
        entity_to_id, relation_to_id = self._load_mappings(pathlib.Path(dataset.root).joinpath("mapping"))
        self._training = TriplesFactory(
            mapped_triples=self._compose_mapped_triples(data_dict=self._load_data_dict_for_split(dataset, "train")),
        self._testing = TriplesFactory(
            mapped_triples=self._compose_mapped_triples(data_dict=self._load_data_dict_for_split(dataset, "test")),

    # docstr-coverage: inherited
    def _load_validation(self) -> None:  # noqa: D102
        dataset = self._load_ogb_dataset()
        self._validation = TriplesFactory(
            mapped_triples=self._compose_mapped_triples(data_dict=self._load_data_dict_for_split(dataset, "valid")),

    def _load_ogb_dataset(self) -> "LinkPropPredDataset":
        Load the OGB dataset (lazily).

        Also handles error message if OGB package is not yet installed.

            the OGB dataset instance.

        :raises ModuleNotFoundError:
            if the OGB package is not installed
            from ogb.linkproppred import LinkPropPredDataset
        except ImportError as e:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                f"Need to `pip install ogb` to use pykeen.datasets.{self.__class__.__name__}.",
            ) from e
        return LinkPropPredDataset(, root=self.cache_root)

    def _load_data_dict_for_split(  # noqa: E704
        self, dataset: "LinkPropPredDataset", which: TrainKey
    ) -> PreprocessedTrainDictType: ...

    def _load_data_dict_for_split(  # noqa: E704
        self, dataset: "LinkPropPredDataset", which: EvalKey
    ) -> PreprocessedEvalDictType: ...

    def _load_data_dict_for_split(self, dataset, which):
        """Load the dictionary of preprocessed data for the given key."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _load_mappings(self, mapping_root: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[EntityMapping, RelationMapping]:
        """Load entity and relation labels from the mapping root."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _compose_mapped_triples(self, data_dict: PreprocessedTrainDictType | PreprocessedEvalDictType) -> numpy.ndarray:
        """Compose the mapped triples tensor for the given dataset and split."""
        raise NotImplementedError

class WikiKG2TrainDict(TypedDict):
    """A type hint for dictionaries of OGB preprocessed training triples for WikiKG2."""

    # note: we do not use the built-in constants here, since those refer to OGB nomenclature
    #       (which happens to coincide with ours)

    # dtype: numpy.int64, shape: (m,)
    head: numpy.ndarray
    relation: numpy.ndarray
    tail: numpy.ndarray

class WikiKG2EvalDict(WikiKG2TrainDict):
    """A type hint for dictionaries of OGB preprocessed evaluation triples for WikiKG2."""

    # dtype: numpy.int64, shape: (n, k)
    head_neg: numpy.ndarray
    tail_neg: numpy.ndarray

[docs]@parse_docdata class OGBWikiKG2(OGBLoader[WikiKG2TrainDict, WikiKG2EvalDict]): """The OGB WikiKG2 dataset. .. seealso:: --- name: OGB WikiKG2 citation: author: Hu year: 2020 link: github: snap-stanford/ogb statistics: entities: 2500604 relations: 535 training: 16109182 testing: 598543 validation: 429456 triples: 17137181 """ name = "ogbl-wikikg2" # docstr-coverage: inherited def _load_mappings(self, mapping_root: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[EntityMapping, RelationMapping]: # noqa: D102 df_ent = pandas.read_csv(mapping_root.joinpath("nodeidx2entityid.csv.gz")) entity_to_id = dict(zip(df_ent["entity id"].tolist(), df_ent["node idx"].tolist())) df_rel = pandas.read_csv(mapping_root.joinpath("reltype2relid.csv.gz")) relation_to_id = dict(zip(df_rel["rel id"].tolist(), df_rel["reltype"].tolist())) return entity_to_id, relation_to_id # docstr-coverage: inherited def _load_data_dict_for_split(self, dataset, which): # noqa: D102 data_dict = torch.load( pathlib.Path(dataset.root).joinpath("split", dataset.meta_info["split"], which).with_suffix(".pt") ) if which == "train": data_dict = cast(WikiKG2TrainDict, data_dict) else: data_dict = cast(WikiKG2EvalDict, data_dict) return data_dict # docstr-coverage: inherited def _compose_mapped_triples(self, data_dict: WikiKG2TrainDict | WikiKG2EvalDict) -> numpy.ndarray: # noqa: D102 return numpy.stack([data_dict["head"], data_dict["relation"], data_dict["tail"]], axis=-1)
#: the node types OGBBioKGNodeType = Literal["disease", "drug", "function", "protein", "sideeffect"] NODE_TYPES = typing.get_args(OGBBioKGNodeType) class BioKGTrainDict(WikiKG2TrainDict): """A type hint for dictionaries of OGB preprocessed training triples for BioKG.""" # shape: (n,) head_type: Sequence[OGBBioKGNodeType] tail_type: Sequence[OGBBioKGNodeType] class BioKGEvalDict(BioKGTrainDict): """A type hint for dictionaries of OGB preprocessed evaluation triples for BioKG.""" # dtype: numpy.int64, shape: (n, k) head_neg: numpy.ndarray tail_neg: numpy.ndarray def load_partial_entity_mapping(mapping_root: pathlib.Path, node_type: OGBBioKGNodeType) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Load a partial entity mapping for a single node type.""" # disease: UMLS CUI ( # drug: STITCH ID ( # function: Gene Ontology ID ( # protein: Proteins: Entrez Gene ID ( # side effects: UMLS CUI ( # todo(@cthoyt): proper prefixing? df = pandas.read_csv(mapping_root.joinpath(f"{node_type}_entidx2name.csv.gz")) df = df.rename(columns={"ent name": "entity_name", "ent idx": "local_entity_id"}) df["entity_type"] = node_type return df
[docs]@parse_docdata class OGBBioKG(OGBLoader[BioKGTrainDict, BioKGEvalDict]): """The OGB BioKG dataset. .. seealso:: --- name: OGB BioKG citation: author: Hu year: 2020 link: statistics: entities: 93773 relations: 51 training: 4762677 testing: 162870 validation: 162886 triples: 5088434 """ name = "ogbl-biokg" # docstr-coverage: inherited def _load_mappings(self, mapping_root: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[EntityMapping, RelationMapping]: # noqa: D102 df_rel = pandas.read_csv(mapping_root.joinpath("relidx2relname.csv.gz"))"Loaded relation mapping for {len(df_rel)} relations.") relation_to_id = dict(zip(df_rel["rel name"].tolist(), df_rel["rel idx"].tolist())) # entity mappings are separate for each node type -> combine entity_mapping_df = pandas.concat( [load_partial_entity_mapping(mapping_root=mapping_root, node_type=node_type) for node_type in NODE_TYPES], ignore_index=True, ).sort_values(by=["entity_type", "entity_name"]) entity_mapping_df["name"] = entity_mapping_df["entity_type"] + ":" + entity_mapping_df["entity_name"] # convert entity_name to categorical for fast joins entity_mapping_df["entity_type"] = entity_mapping_df["entity_type"].astype("category") entity_mapping_df = entity_mapping_df.reset_index(drop=False)"Merged entity labels for {len(entity_mapping_df)} entities across {len(NODE_TYPES)} node types.") # we need the entity dataframe for fast re-mapping later on self.df_ent = entity_mapping_df[["index", "local_entity_id", "entity_type"]] entity_to_id = dict(zip(entity_mapping_df["name"].tolist(), entity_mapping_df["index"].tolist())) return entity_to_id, relation_to_id # docstr-coverage: inherited def _compose_mapped_triples(self, data_dict: BioKGTrainDict | BioKGEvalDict) -> numpy.ndarray: return numpy.stack( [ self._map_entity_column(local_entity_id=data_dict["head"], entity_type=data_dict["head_type"]), data_dict["relation"], self._map_entity_column(local_entity_id=data_dict["tail"], entity_type=data_dict["tail_type"]), ], axis=-1, ) # docstr-coverage: inherited def _load_data_dict_for_split(self, dataset, which): # noqa: D102 data_dict = torch.load( pathlib.Path(dataset.root).joinpath("split", dataset.meta_info["split"], which).with_suffix(".pt") ) if which == "train": data_dict = cast(BioKGTrainDict, data_dict) else: data_dict = cast(BioKGEvalDict, data_dict) return data_dict def _map_entity_column( self, local_entity_id: numpy.ndarray, entity_type: Sequence[OGBBioKGNodeType] ) -> numpy.ndarray: """Convert node-type local entity IDs with their types to globally unique IDs.""" # compose temporary df df = pandas.DataFrame({"local_entity_id": local_entity_id, "entity_type": entity_type}) # add extra column with old index to revert sort order change by merge = "old_index" df = df.reset_index(drop=False) # convert to categorical dtype df["entity_type"] = df["entity_type"].astype(self.df_ent["entity_type"].dtype) # join with entity mapping df = pandas.merge(df, self.df_ent, on=["local_entity_id", "entity_type"]) assert len(df) == len(local_entity_id) # revert change in order df = df.sort_values(by="old_index") # select global ID return df["index"].values
@click.command() @verbose_option def _main(): for _cls in [OGBBioKG, OGBWikiKG2]: _cls().summarize() if __name__ == "__main__": _main()