"""Implementation of DistMult."""
from collections.abc import Mapping
from typing import Any, ClassVar
from class_resolver import HintOrType, OptionalKwargs, ResolverKey, update_docstring_with_resolver_keys
from torch.nn import functional
from ..nbase import ERModel
from ...nn.init import xavier_normal_norm_, xavier_uniform_
from ...nn.modules import DistMultInteraction
from ...regularizers import LpRegularizer, Regularizer
from ...typing import Constrainer, FloatTensor, Hint, Initializer
__all__ = [
class DistMult(ERModel[FloatTensor, FloatTensor, FloatTensor]):
r"""An implementation of DistMult from [yang2014]_.
In this work, both entities and relations are represented by $d$-dimensional vectors stored in an
:class:`~pykeen.nn.representation.Embedding` matrix.
The entity representation vectors are further constrained to have unit $L_2$ norm.
For the relation representations, a (soft) regularization term on the vector $L_2$ norm is used instead.
The representations are then passed to the :class:`~pykeen.nn.modules.DistMultInteraction` function to obtain
This DistMult model can be seen as a simplification of the :class:`~pykeen.models.RESCAL` model,
where the relation matrices are restricted to diagonal matrices:
Because of its restriction to diagonal matrices, :class:`~pykeen.models.DistMult` is computationally cheaper than
:class:`~pykeen.models.RESCAL`, but at the same time it is less expressive. For example, it is not able to
model anti-symmetric relations.
.. seealso::
- OpenKE `implementation of DistMult <https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE/blob/master/models/DistMult.py>`_
author: Yang
year: 2014
link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6575
#: The default strategy for optimizing the model's hyper-parameters
hpo_default: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
#: The regularizer used by [yang2014]_ for DistMult
#: In the paper, they use weight of 0.0001, mini-batch-size of 10, and dimensionality of vector 100
#: Thus, when we use normalized regularization weight, the normalization factor is 10*sqrt(100) = 100, which is
#: why the weight has to be increased by a factor of 100 to have the same configuration as in the paper.
regularizer_default: ClassVar[type[Regularizer]] = LpRegularizer
#: The LP settings used by [yang2014]_ for DistMult
regularizer_default_kwargs: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Any]] = dict(
ResolverKey(name="regularizer", resolver="pykeen.regularizers.regularizer_resolver")
def __init__(
embedding_dim: int = 50,
entity_initializer: Hint[Initializer] = xavier_uniform_,
entity_constrainer: Hint[Constrainer] = functional.normalize,
relation_initializer: Hint[Initializer] = xavier_normal_norm_,
regularizer: HintOrType[Regularizer] = LpRegularizer,
regularizer_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None,
entity_representations_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None,
relation_representations_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None,
) -> None:
r"""Initialize DistMult.
:param embedding_dim:
The entity embedding dimension $d$. Is usually $d \in [50, 300]$.
:param entity_initializer:
The method used to initialize the entity embedding. Defaults to Xavier/Glorot uniform, c.f.
`OpenKE <https://github.com/thunlp/OpenKE/blob/adeed2c0d2bef939807ed4f69c1ea4db35fd149b/models/DistMult.py#L16-L17>`_
:param entity_constrainer:
The constrainer for entity embeddings. Defaults to unit L2 norm.
:param relation_initializer:
The method used to initialize the relation embedding. Defaults to using Xavier/Glorot uniform first and
then normalizing te unit L2 length.
:param regularizer:
The *relation* representation regularizer.
:param regularizer_kwargs:
Additional keyword-based parameters. Defaults to :attr:`DistMult.regularizer_default_kwargs` for the
default regularizer.
:param entity_representations_kwargs:
Additional parameters to ``entity_representations_kwargs`` passed to :class:`pykeen.models.ERModel`.
Note that those take precedence of those which are filled in by this class.
:param relation_representations_kwargs:
Additional parameters to ``relation_representations_kwargs`` passed to :class:`pykeen.models.ERModel`.
Note that those take precedence of those which are filled in by this class.
:param kwargs:
Remaining keyword arguments to forward to :class:`pykeen.models.ERModel`
if regularizer is LpRegularizer and regularizer_kwargs is None:
regularizer_kwargs = DistMult.regularizer_default_kwargs
resolved_entity_representations_kwargs = dict(
# note: DistMult only regularizes the relation embeddings;
# entity embeddings are hard constrained instead
resolved_entity_representations_kwargs.update(entity_representations_kwargs or {})
resolved_relation_representations_kwargs = dict(
resolved_relation_representations_kwargs.update(relation_representations_kwargs or {})