Source code for pykeen.version

"""Version information for PyKEEN."""

import os
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output  # noqa: S404
from typing import Optional

__all__ = [

VERSION = "1.11.1-dev"

[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=2) def get_git_hash(terse: bool = True) -> str: """Get the PyKEEN git hash. :param terse: Should the hash be clipped to 8 characters? :return: The git hash, equals 'UNHASHED' if encountered CalledProcessError, signifying that the code is not installed in development mode. """ rv = _run("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD") if rv is None: return "UNHASHED" if terse: return rv[:8] return rv
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_git_branch() -> Optional[str]: """Get the PyKEEN branch, if installed from git in editable mode. :return: Returns the name of the current branch, or None if not installed in development mode. """ return _run("git", "branch", "--show-current")
def _run(*args: str) -> Optional[str]: with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: try: ret = check_output( # noqa: S603,S607 args, # noqa:S603 cwd=os.path.dirname(__file__), stderr=devnull, ) except (CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): return None else: return ret.strip().decode("utf-8")
[docs] def get_version(with_git_hash: bool = False) -> str: """Get the PyKEEN version string, including a git hash. :param with_git_hash: If set to True, the git hash will be appended to the version. :return: The PyKEEN version as well as the git hash, if the parameter with_git_hash was set to true. """ return f"{VERSION}-{get_git_hash(terse=True)}" if with_git_hash else VERSION
def env_table(tablefmt: str = "github", headers: tuple[str, str] = ("Key", "Value")) -> str: """Generate a table describing the environment in which PyKEEN is being run.""" import platform import time import torch from tabulate import tabulate rows = [ ("OS",, ("Platform", platform.system()), ("Release", platform.release()), ("Time", str(time.asctime())), ("Python", f"{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}.{sys.version_info[2]}"), ("PyKEEN", get_version()), ("PyKEEN Hash", get_git_hash()), ("PyKEEN Branch", get_git_branch()), ("PyTorch", torch.__version__), ("CUDA Available?", str(torch.cuda.is_available()).lower()), ("CUDA Version", torch.version.cuda or "N/A"), ("cuDNN Version", torch.backends.cudnn.version() or "N/A"), ] return tabulate(rows, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=headers) def env_html(): """Output the environment table as HTML for usage in Jupyter.""" from IPython.display import HTML return HTML(env_table(tablefmt="html"))
[docs] def env(file=None): """Print the env or output as HTML if in Jupyter. :param file: The file to print to if not in a Jupyter setting. Defaults to sys.stdout :returns: A :class:`IPython.display.HTML` if in a Jupyter notebook setting, otherwise none. """ if _in_jupyter(): return env_html() else: print(env_table(), file=file) # noqa:T201
def _in_jupyter() -> bool: try: get_ipython = sys.modules["IPython"].get_ipython # type: ignore if "IPKernelApp" not in get_ipython().config: raise ImportError("console") if "VSCODE_PID" in os.environ: raise ImportError("vscode") except Exception: return False else: return True if __name__ == "__main__": print(get_version(with_git_hash=True)) # noqa:T201