
class NTNInteraction(activation: str | Module | type[Module] | None = None, activation_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None)[source]

Bases: FunctionalInteraction[Tensor, tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]

A stateful module for the NTN interaction function.

Initialize NTN with the given non-linear activation function.

  • activation (HintOrType[nn.Module]) – A non-linear activation function. Defaults to the hyperbolic tangent torch.nn.Tanh if None, otherwise uses the pykeen.utils.activation_resolver for lookup.

  • activation_kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – If the activation is passed as a class, these keyword arguments are used during its instantiation.

Attributes Summary


The symbolic shapes for relation representations

Methods Summary

func(t, w, vh, vt, b, u, activation)

Evaluate the NTN interaction function.

Attributes Documentation

relation_shape: Sequence[str] = ('kdd', 'kd', 'kd', 'k', 'k')

The symbolic shapes for relation representations

Methods Documentation

func(t: Tensor, w: Tensor, vh: Tensor, vt: Tensor, b: Tensor, u: Tensor, activation: Module) Tensor

Evaluate the NTN interaction function.

\[f(h,r,t) = u_r^T act(h W_r t + V_r h + V_r' t + b_r)\]
  • h (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, dim) The head representations.

  • w (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, k, dim, dim) The relation specific transformation matrix W_r.

  • vh (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, k, dim) The head transformation matrix V_h.

  • vt (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, k, dim) The tail transformation matrix V_h.

  • b (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, k) The relation specific offset b_r.

  • u (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, k) The relation specific final linear transformation b_r.

  • t (Tensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, dim) The tail representations.

  • activation (Module) – The activation function.


shape: batch_dims The scores.

Return type:
