
class BoxEInteraction(tanh_map=True, p=2, power_norm=False)[source]

Bases: NormBasedInteraction[Tuple[FloatTensor, FloatTensor], Tuple[FloatTensor, FloatTensor, FloatTensor, FloatTensor, FloatTensor, FloatTensor], Tuple[FloatTensor, FloatTensor]]

The BoxE interaction from [abboud2020].

Entities are represented by two \(d\)-dimensional vectors describing the base position as well as the translational bump, which translates all the entities co-occuring in a fact with this entity from their base positions to their final embeddings, called “bumping”.

Relations are represented as a fixed number of hyper-rectangles corresponding to the relation’s arity. Since we are only considering single-hop link predition here, the arity is always two, i.e., one box for the head position and another one for the tail position. There are different possibilities to parametrize a hyper-rectangle, where the most common may be its description as the coordinate of to opposing vertices. BoxE suggests a different parametrization:

  • each box has a base position given by its center

  • each box has an extent in each dimension. This size is further factored in

    • a scalar global scaling factor

    • a normalized extent in each dimension, i.e., the extents sum to one

Instantiate the interaction module.

  • tanh_map (bool) – Should the hyperbolic tangent be applied to all representations prior to model scoring?

  • p (int) – the order of the norm

  • power_norm (bool) – whether to use the p-th power of the norm instead

Attributes Summary


The symbolic shapes for entity representations


The symbolic shapes for relation representations

Methods Summary

boxe_kg_arity_position_score(entity_pos, ...)

Perform the BoxE computation at a single arity position.

compute_box(base, delta, size)

Compute the lower and upper corners of a resulting box.

func(h_pos, h_bump, rh_base, rh_delta, ...)

Evaluate the BoxE interaction function from [abboud2020].

point_to_box_distance(points, box_lows, ...)

Compute the point to box distance function proposed by [abboud2020] in an element-wise fashion.

product_normalize(x[, dim])

Normalize a tensor along a given dimension so that the geometric mean is 1.0.

Attributes Documentation

entity_shape: Sequence[str] = ('d', 'd')

The symbolic shapes for entity representations

relation_shape: Sequence[str] = ('d', 'd', 's', 'd', 'd', 's')

The symbolic shapes for relation representations

Methods Documentation

classmethod boxe_kg_arity_position_score(entity_pos, other_entity_bump, relation_box, tanh_map, p, power_norm)[source]

Perform the BoxE computation at a single arity position.


this computation is parallelizable across all positions


entity_pos, other_entity_bump, relation_box_low and relation_box_high have to be in broadcastable shape.

  • entity_pos (FloatTensor) – shape: (*s_p, d) This is the base entity position of the entity appearing in the target position. For example, for a fact \(r(h, t)\) and the head arity position, entity_pos is the base position of \(h\).

  • other_entity_bump (FloatTensor) – shape: (*s_b, d) This is the bump of the entity at the other position in the fact. For example, given a fact \(r(h, t)\) and the head arity position, other_entity_bump is the bump of \(t\).

  • relation_box (Tuple[FloatTensor, FloatTensor]) – shape: (*s_r, d) The lower/upper corner of the relation box at the target arity position.

  • tanh_map (bool) – whether to apply the tanh map regularizer

  • p (int) – The norm order to apply across dimensions to compute overall position score.

  • power_norm (bool) – whether to use the powered norm instead

Return type:



shape: *s Arity-position score for the entity relative to the target relation box. Larger is better. The shape is the broadcasted shape from position, bump and box, where the last dimension has been removed.

classmethod compute_box(base, delta, size)[source]

Compute the lower and upper corners of a resulting box.

  • base (FloatTensor) – shape: (*, d) the base position (box center) of the input relation embeddings

  • delta (FloatTensor) – shape: (*, d) the base shape of the input relation embeddings

  • size (FloatTensor) – shape: (*, d) the size scalar vectors of the input relation embeddings

Return type:

Tuple[FloatTensor, FloatTensor]


shape: (*, d) each lower and upper bounds of the box whose embeddings are provided as input.

static func(h_pos, h_bump, rh_base, rh_delta, rh_size, rt_base, rt_delta, rt_size, t_pos, t_bump, tanh_map=True, p=2, power_norm=False)[source]

Evaluate the BoxE interaction function from [abboud2020].

  • h_pos (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the head entity position

  • h_bump (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the head entity bump

  • rh_base (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the relation-specific head box base position

  • rh_delta (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) # the relation-specific head box base shape (normalized to have a volume of 1):

  • rh_size (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, 1) the relation-specific head box size (a scalar)

  • rt_base (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the relation-specific tail box base position

  • rt_delta (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) # the relation-specific tail box base shape (normalized to have a volume of 1):

  • rt_size (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the relation-specific tail box size

  • t_pos (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the tail entity position

  • t_bump (FloatTensor) – shape: (*batch_dims, d) the tail entity bump

  • tanh_map (bool) – whether to apply the tanh mapping

  • p (int) – the order of the norm to apply

  • power_norm (bool) – whether to use the p-th power of the p-norm instead

Return type:



shape: batch_dims The scores.

static point_to_box_distance(points, box_lows, box_highs)[source]

Compute the point to box distance function proposed by [abboud2020] in an element-wise fashion.

  • points (FloatTensor) – shape: (*, d) the positions of the points being scored against boxes

  • box_lows (FloatTensor) – shape: (*, d) the lower corners of the boxes

  • box_highs (FloatTensor) – shape: (*, d) the upper corners of the boxes

Return type:



Element-wise distance function scores as per the definition above

Given points \(p\), box_lows \(l\), and box_highs \(h\), the following quantities are defined:

  • Width \(w\) is the difference between the upper and lower box bound: \(w = h - l\)

  • Box centers \(c\) are the mean of the box bounds: \(c = (h + l) / 2\)

Finally, the point to box distance \(dist(p,l,h)\) is defined as the following piecewise function:

\[\begin{split}dist(p,l,h) = \begin{cases} |p-c|/(w+1) & l <= p <+ h \\ |p-c|*(w+1) - 0.5*w*((w+1)-1/(w+1)) & otherwise \\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

static product_normalize(x, dim=-1)[source]

Normalize a tensor along a given dimension so that the geometric mean is 1.0.

  • x (FloatTensor) – shape: s An input tensor

  • dim (int) – the dimension along which to normalize the tensor

Return type:



shape: s An output tensor where the given dimension is normalized to have a geometric mean of 1.0.