
class ERModel(*, triples_factory: KGInfo, interaction: str | Interaction[HeadRepresentation, RelationRepresentation, TailRepresentation] | type[Interaction[HeadRepresentation, RelationRepresentation, TailRepresentation]] | None, interaction_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, entity_representations: str | Representation | type[Representation] | None | Sequence[str | Representation | type[Representation] | None] = None, entity_representations_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None | Sequence[Mapping[str, Any] | None] = None, relation_representations: str | Representation | type[Representation] | None | Sequence[str | Representation | type[Representation] | None] = None, relation_representations_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None | Sequence[Mapping[str, Any] | None] = None, skip_checks: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Generic[HeadRepresentation, RelationRepresentation, TailRepresentation], _NewAbstractModel

A commonly useful base for KGEMs using embeddings and interaction modules.

This model does not use post-init hooks to automatically initialize all of its parameters. Rather, the call to Model.reset_parameters_() happens at the end of ERModel.__init__. This is possible because all trainable parameters should necessarily be passed through the super().__init__() in subclasses of ERModel.

Other code can still be put after the call to super().__init__() in subclasses, such as registering regularizers (as done in pykeen.models.ConvKB and pykeen.models.TransH).

Initialize the module.

  • triples_factory (KGInfo) – The triples factory facilitates access to the dataset.

  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction module (e.g., TransE)

  • interaction_kwargs (OptionalKwargs) – Additional key-word based parameters given to the interaction module’s constructor, if not already instantiated.

  • entity_representations (Sequence[Representation]) – The entity representation or sequence of representations

  • entity_representations_kwargs (OneOrManyOptionalKwargs) – additional keyword-based parameters for instantiation of entity representations

  • relation_representations (Sequence[Representation]) – The relation representation or sequence of representations

  • relation_representations_kwargs (OneOrManyOptionalKwargs) – additional keyword-based parameters for instantiation of relation representations

  • skip_checks (bool) – whether to skip entity representation checks.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to the base model

Methods Summary

append_weight_regularizer(parameter, regularizer)

Add a model weight to a regularizer's weight list, and register the regularizer with the model.

forward(h_indices, r_indices, t_indices[, ...])

Forward pass.

score_h(rt_batch, *[, slice_size, mode, heads])

Forward pass using left side (head) prediction.

score_hrt(hrt_batch, *[, mode])

Forward pass.

score_r(ht_batch, *[, slice_size, mode, ...])

Forward pass using middle (relation) prediction.

score_t(hr_batch, *[, slice_size, mode, tails])

Forward pass using right side (tail) prediction.

Methods Documentation

append_weight_regularizer(parameter: str | Parameter | Iterable[str | Parameter], regularizer: str | Regularizer | type[Regularizer] | None, regularizer_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, default_regularizer: str | Regularizer | type[Regularizer] | None = None, default_regularizer_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None) None[source]

Add a model weight to a regularizer’s weight list, and register the regularizer with the model.

  • parameter (str | Parameter | Iterable[str | Parameter]) –

    The parameter, either as name, or as nn.Parameter object. A list of available parameter names is shown by


  • regularizer (str | Regularizer | type[Regularizer] | None) – the regularizer or a hint thereof

  • regularizer_kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – additional keyword-based parameters for the regularizer’s instantiation

  • default_regularizer (str | Regularizer | type[Regularizer] | None) – the default regularizer; if None, use regularizer_default

  • default_regularizer_kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – the default regularizer kwargs; if None, use regularizer_default_kwargs


KeyError – If an invalid parameter name was given

Return type:


forward(h_indices: Tensor, r_indices: Tensor, t_indices: Tensor, slice_size: int | None = None, slice_dim: int = 0, *, mode: Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None) Tensor[source]

Forward pass.

This method takes head, relation and tail indices and calculates the corresponding scores. It supports broadcasting.

  • h_indices (Tensor) – The head indices.

  • r_indices (Tensor) – The relation indices.

  • t_indices (Tensor) – The tail indices.

  • slice_size (int | None) – The slice size.

  • slice_dim (int) – The dimension along which to slice

  • mode (Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None) – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.


The scores


NotImplementedError – if score repetition becomes necessary

Return type:


score_h(rt_batch: Tensor, *, slice_size: int | None = None, mode: Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None = None, heads: Tensor | None = None) Tensor[source]

Forward pass using left side (head) prediction.

This method calculates the score for all possible heads for each (relation, tail) pair.

  • rt_batch (Tensor) – shape: (batch_size, 2), dtype: long The indices of (relation, tail) pairs.

  • slice_size (int | None) – >0 The divisor for the scoring function when using slicing.

  • mode (Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None) – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.

  • heads (Tensor | None) – shape: (num_heads,) | (batch_size, num_heads) head entity indices to score against. If None, scores against all entities (from the given mode).


shape: (batch_size, num_heads), dtype: float For each r-t pair, the scores for all possible heads.

Return type:


score_hrt(hrt_batch: Tensor, *, mode: Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None = None) Tensor[source]

Forward pass.

This method takes head, relation and tail of each triple and calculates the corresponding score.

  • hrt_batch (Tensor) – shape: (batch_size, 3), dtype: long The indices of (head, relation, tail) triples.

  • mode (Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None) – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.


shape: (batch_size, 1), dtype: float The score for each triple.

Return type:


score_r(ht_batch: Tensor, *, slice_size: int | None = None, mode: Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None = None, relations: Tensor | None = None) Tensor[source]

Forward pass using middle (relation) prediction.

This method calculates the score for all possible relations for each (head, tail) pair.

  • ht_batch (Tensor) – shape: (batch_size, 2), dtype: long The indices of (head, tail) pairs.

  • slice_size (int | None) – >0 The divisor for the scoring function when using slicing.

  • mode (Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None) – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.

  • relations (Tensor | None) – shape: (num_relations,) | (batch_size, num_relations) relation indices to score against. If None, scores against all relations (from the given mode).


shape: (batch_size, num_real_relations), dtype: float For each h-t pair, the scores for all possible relations.

Return type:


score_t(hr_batch: Tensor, *, slice_size: int | None = None, mode: Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None = None, tails: Tensor | None = None) Tensor[source]

Forward pass using right side (tail) prediction.

This method calculates the score for all possible tails for each (head, relation) pair.

  • hr_batch (Tensor) – shape: (batch_size, 2), dtype: long The indices of (head, relation) pairs.

  • slice_size (int | None) – >0 The divisor for the scoring function when using slicing.

  • mode (Literal['training', 'validation', 'testing'] | None) – The pass mode, which is None in the transductive setting and one of “training”, “validation”, or “testing” in the inductive setting.

  • tails (Tensor | None) – shape: (num_tails,) | (batch_size, num_tails) tail entity indices to score against. If None, scores against all entities (from the given mode).


shape: (batch_size, num_tails), dtype: float For each h-r pair, the scores for all possible tails.

Return type:
